Monday, January 4, 2010

Can't Seem to Keep Up

Yep so it's been a few days since I blogged. We've been keeping busy with stuff around the house. And I've been super hungry lately so that keeps mom busy. Mom has been talking all day about cereal and I'm kinda excited because I've seen daddy eating cereal and it looks delicious. Think I'll start with Apple Jacks...that seems to be daddy's favorite. Mom said she was gonna call the nurse in the morning and ask her about the cereal. Anyway I don't care who she talks to as long as I get some. Aunt Sharon is coming to get us tomorrow and take us to the health department to get weighed. I don't have a Dr. appointment this month but mom wants to know how much I weigh so Aunt Sharon volunteered to take me to the health department to "show me off" and to weigh me.
It's been really cold lately and mom bundles me up like an Eskimo. I hate clothes so this always makes me mad.
Nothing is really happening here lately. We pretty much do the same thing everyday. Wake up, eat, go to Granny and Harold's, come home, mom and dad play with me, they eat dinner, I get my bath (which I love now), they read me a book, then it's play time (ok it's really sleep time but that's when I love to play).
Well I guess that is all for today. Maybe tomorrow I will have something better to write some cereal. :)
*oh and sorry there is no picture today, mom left the camera in the car and she says it's too cold for me to go get it. i promise i will have a new picture for tomorrow's blog*

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