My title pretty much describes this blog. We were waiting at the door yesterday for daddy. It took him maybe 5 minutes to get home from work which mommy said was awesome. She said it used to take daddy an hour to get home so five minutes is a huge thing. Daddy smiled soon as he saw me. For a minute I acted like I didn't know him, that was just to throw him off though. I could never forget my daddy. Mommy had dinner waiting for him so I got to swing while they ate dinner. Then it was family time. Mommy had already given me my bath and had me ready for bed, so we just laid around and played. Daddy and I listened to mommy read a book then me and daddy played til bed time. I went to bed early last night. I fell asleep around 9. That is an hour or two earlier than usual. Mommy was so happy. She got her bath and went to bed with daddy. Early to bed early to rise right? Well I arose at midnight. Ready to play. I kept mommy up til 3 am. We couldn't stay in the bedroom because daddy had to get some sleep. He had to be at work at 5:30 am again. So we came to the living room and I played til I got sleepy. This morning we went to Granny and Harold's to play. I took two naps over there and now we are home waiting on daddy again. Thursday and Friday are our new weekends every other week. So tonight is like our Friday night. Yippie for Fridays!
Oh and about daddy's job. He loves it, but he says it's lots of work. And he is trying to learn a lot of new things. There are some parts that he could do without but it's good pay, close to home, insurance, and he only works 6 months of out the year. What can beat that? Daddy has to go to boot camp soon. Something me and mommy aren't looking forward too. That will depend on daddy keeping his job though, so he has to go. At the end, given that daddy passes, we will get to go see him receive his badge and certificate. Woo hoo...road trip!
Ok that's all for today gotta get ready to see daddy!
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