Saturday, January 23, 2010

Aunt Jeanine is coming!

Today Aunt Jeanine is coming and I'm so excited! Mommy has my outfit laid out and ready for me to wear! I haven't seen her in almost two months! I think Eddie and Deborah might come with her and I haven't seen them since my first week home! It's a big day! I think I'll relax this morning and maybe get a bath so I smell "new" baby fresh, then I'll just wait for them to get here so I can play all afternoon.
I didn't feel so well yesterday. Teething is the pits man. I can't seem to keep anything down very long and my gums hurt. Mom has been putting my pacifiers in the freezer but since I don't like them it really doesn't help. She bought me a new teether last night and I acted like I liked it (I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but I'm not too sure about it). Mom and Dad went to Granny and Harold's for dinner last night. They had BBQ and stew from Iron Horse in Villa Rica. Boy did it smell yummy. After dinner I took a nap at Granny and Harold's while mom and dad ran to Kohl's to look for daddy some running shoes. He's gotta run a mile and mom said when she was kid that new shoes always helped her run faster :) Hope it works for me when I get older. Dad bought me a Lorax (like from the Dr. Suess book) The Lorax is kind of a long story. Mom read it to me when I was still in her belly but we have yet to make it through it now that I'm here. I always get bored with it before we finish.
Mom and Dad are going running this morning so I will spend some of my morning with Granny and Harold then I will come home and get ready for my Nenabug. I think she's gonna be my favorite Great Aunt, which is only natural cause she is Mommy's favorite Aunt. So today it's Aunt Jeanine, Eddie, and Deborah visiting, and hopefully tomorrow we are going to meet my new best friend Brentlee. His dad was in mommy and daddy's wedding. I'm so excited to meet a baby that is smaller than me! Mom says that one day we will be buds. I can't wait to roll trucks in the dirt with him! Well I guess I'm gonna go. Hope everyone has a great weekend...I know I will :)

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