Yep that's me eating cereal. I've become quiet fond of the stuff. In fact I've found that it I fuss a little bit mom will speed up the feeding :) I get to eat it twice a day; and even though I enjoy it I'm counting down the days til I can start eating other foods.
Well yesterday was different. Mom woke up with me, fed me, then she wasn't feeling good so she woke daddy up. Daddy took me and we went to living room to give mommy time to rest and hopefully start feeling better. I love time with just daddy. He lets me watch cartoons and sit on the couch with him. We woke mommy up around 10:30 and she said she sure did enjoy the extra rest. After she got up daddy went and worked out then we headed to Granny and Harold's for lunch. Mommy and daddy ate while Granny and Harold played with me. Then like everyday this week I got to spend some time with Granny and Harold while mommy and daddy went walking. They are walking more than a mile each day now. I just can't wait til it warms up so I can go walking with them. Yesterday afternoon mommy had some things she had to do with Harold so Granny offered to keep me. YAY...I love afternoons with my Granny. Daddy went home to help with some of the household things. I don't know many dads yet but I just bet I have the best daddy of all. He loves me and mommy and he cooks, cleans, and manages to play with me everyday. When mommy got back we went home and Robert came with us. Daddy, Robert, and I watched tv and played. I can't wait til I get a little bit older; I know I will be following Robert around all the time. While Robert was here he got to see me eat cereal. Then once I was fed we headed to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's house. The band was practicing last night and mommy and daddy love to go listen. The basement was a little chilly last night so they didn't stay downstairs long (and mommy was a little worried I would be too fussy to leave with Aunt Sharon very long) Kudos to the drum player last night...he rocked. I love to sleep on the floor when he plays. The past couple of times we've gone to listen to the band practice he hasn't been there so it was exciting getting to hear him last night. Mommy, Aunt Sharon, and Daddy looked at pictures while the band finished up. I think my mommy could spend all night looking at pictures. We got home around 9 and dad fixed mommy and him a pizza. I went to bed around 10 and slept til 4:30 this morning. This sleep thing isn't so bad once you get used to it. Well I guess I am gonna end this blog now we've got a busy day. Robert has a Dr. appointment today to find out about his MRI he had done Sunday. I hope everything turns out good. Robert is a pretty cool cousin :) And I think I heard daddy say he wanted Robert to spend the night soon so they could play video games. Now I don't know what these video game things are but they sound really fun; I will report back later once I see if I like them. Well I hope everyone has a good day and an excellent weekend!
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