Sunday, January 17, 2010

My Daddy Rocks!

No seriously he's been playing Rock Band with mommy and Robert this weekend and he really rocks. It all started yesterday morning. Me and Mommy went to Mr. Steve and Mrs. Patsy's house to see the girls. Cierra even held me this time. My belly hurt the entire time we were there. When he first got there Mrs. Patsy had gone to the bank but soon as she got back and I saw her I smiled and even laughed a little. I recognized her, she always holds me and usually gets me to sleep. She even said I could call her Gran Gran. That's what her real great kids call her so I guess she thinks of me as one of hers. We spent about an hour there then we went to Granny and Harold's. We played over there for a little while then we went home to clean up because Robert was coming over Saturday night. When mommy and daddy got the house cleaned up she went and picked up Robert. He brought over lots of video games. They played a few then mommy cooked dinner. She made pork chops, potatoes, corn, mac and cheese, and garlic bread. Good grief it smelled yummy! I had cereal...not so yummy :( Then they played again after they ate dinner. We didn't take Robert home until almost midnight. Mommy was so tired. My belly was still hurting so I didn't sleep much last night.
Sunday morning I woke up and my belly wasn't any better; but while eating breakfast I got relief :) I filled up my diaper and then some! I sure do feel better. Me and mommy did our usual thing; we went to Granny's for a little while. I took my morning nap over there while mommy got to relax. We came back home around 1. My grandpaw Tweedell and grandmaw Becky came to see me today and they brought me batteries for my swing :) YAY! I can keep on rocking. Grandpaw Tweedell held me today for the first time. He is so afraid he will break me, so he didn't hold me long. I have become fascinated with his voice. Every time he would talk I would get really quiet so I could listen. After they left mom dressed me in my outfit from Maw Maw Marks then we made our way to the nursing home with Granny. I got so sleepy while we were there that I managed to sneak in a cat nap. When we got back home Daddy decided that we would go to Taco Bell for dinner. We got dinner for us and Robert then we stopped by Granny's to pick him up. Mommy, Daddy, and Robert played video games again tonight. I like watching the colors on the tv and I really liked watching Robert play the drums. I can't wait til I can play with them. They played Rock Band and their name was The Corbins :) Hey I think they might have named their band after me. Now I'm pooped from playing all day. Daddy is still rocking out on the drums. I'm gonna let him serenade me to sleep :) Rock on Daddy!

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