Sunday, January 31, 2010
What I'm Loving At the Moment...

Happy Birthday Daddy!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Our "Weekend"
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Happy Birthday Devin
Yesterday was daddy's second day at work and he loved it. We are very proud of daddy and all that he does. I hope that one day I can be as good of a husband and daddy as he is.
We went and saw Maw-Maw Marks tonight after we left Wal-mart. I haven't seen her in awhile and it was nice to go visit.
Well that's all for tonight. Gotta go spend time with my mommy and daddy, it's family time. Daddy is all ready for story time and then our playing on the bed time! I treasure the nights he's home with us now. I guess I got a little spoiled having him home every night since I was born. :)
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Daddy, Midnight, and Play and The New Weekend
Oh and about daddy's job. He loves it, but he says it's lots of work. And he is trying to learn a lot of new things. There are some parts that he could do without but it's good pay, close to home, insurance, and he only works 6 months of out the year. What can beat that? Daddy has to go to boot camp soon. Something me and mommy aren't looking forward too. That will depend on daddy keeping his job though, so he has to go. At the end, given that daddy passes, we will get to go see him receive his badge and certificate. Woo hoo...road trip!
Ok that's all for today gotta get ready to see daddy!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Where's Daddy?
Aunt Sharon came over today and played with me til nap time. While I napped mommy cleaned up the house and planned dinner. Now we are just counting down the hours til daddy gets home. Mommy seems kinda lonely so I've been trying to make her smile a lot today. Daddy has been here with mommy so long that she is not used to doing things by herself anymore. I'm sure with time we will adjust and get into a routine.
Well I better go before mommy gets too lonely. I can't wait to tell you all about daddy's day tomorrow. (Oh and my blogs will probably come during the early day now since we won't have much time to spend with daddy, he's working from 5:45 am to 6 pm. this week and he goes to bed around 9 so that only leaves us a few hours and I'm not gonna spend them on the computer I'm gonna spend them with my daddy)
Monday, January 25, 2010
Breaking News

Aunt Sharon and Uncle D have been found. Last night we went to Granny and Harold's for dinner and BAM there was Aunt Sharon and Uncle D. Despite the fact Aunt Sharon wasn't wearing the white shirt; I'm pretty sure it was her. They held me and played with me and even threatened mommy that they were gonna give me food. Not sure why mommy said no though. So thanks for those of you that might have searched for them. Thank goodness we found them and now all is happy in my little world.
So now to back track. Friday we didn't do anything special. Mommy and Daddy cleaned the house and got ready for company. Saturday morning we got up and started getting ready for Aunt Jeanine to get her. She got her around 1 and she brought me an outfit and a jacket and it's really warm. She brought mommy two bags of clothes and boy was mommy happy. She's been wearing "new" clothes ever since. And my cousin Angie even sent Devin some clothes. It was like Christmas morning all over again. Aunt Jeanine always has something up her sleeve. I just love this picture of me and her. Eddie and Deborah came with her this time. And I really like them. They all just hold me and play with me. I even cried when Deborah got up to go the bathroom! We had a great time with them and I can't wait til they come back to see us again. Mommy said that maybe in two months we can go visit Aunt Jeanine in Perry. When Daddy goes to Police Academy he will be close to Aunt Jeanine so mommy said that maybe one weekend we could just stay in Perry so daddy wouldn't have to drive so far. That sounds really fun. And I have two cousins in Perry, Taylor and Nick, and I've never met them.
Yesterday we didn't do much. It was rainy and yucky outside. We stayed inside all day. Me and Daddy napped while mommy got in some much needed "me time". Not sure why she wanted to spend time by herself, must be a girl thing. Then last night we went to Granny and Harold's for dinner. That pretty much sums up my weekend.
Now last night I didn't sleep much. I've got a belly ache which is nothing new but it was awful last night so I didn't sleep. I spent much of my night on mommy's chest wiggling around. This morning we all got up and got ready. Daddy had to go to the prison camp to get his paperwork so he could go have his physical. Well they clocked daddy in like he was working so we had to come back home and just wait. So that's what we are doing...waiting. He has to go have his physical then go back and order uniforms, then go to the Tag Office and fill out papers for his check. WOW...that is alot for him to do. We miss him being at home already but we understand. Me and mom will be fine. We are extremely proud of daddy for finding a job that he is going to love. We understand that right now it's just a trial period. He still has to prove that he can run the mile, do sit-ups, and push-ups but we are confident that he can do it. Way to go dad! You Rock! I've gotta take care of mommy now since I will be the Little Dude of the house while daddy is at work. I think we will adjust just fine. Mommy thinks we might be a bored though so she is trying to find fun things for us to do.
Well I guess I will go play with mommy now she's looking kinda lonely and bored. That's all for now :)
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Aunt Sharon and Uncle D MIA

<---------Have You Seen These People?
I haven't. I did happen to see a woman two minutes the other day that I thought might be her. But I've come to the conclusion that it was impostor because that women didn't hold me. I'm hoping that with your help I can find them. The last time I spotted them they were at Granny and Harold's house, and I've yet to see them again.
Here is some facts that might help you...
Aunt Sharon is about mommy's height whatever that is. She is usually wearing a white sweatshirt with a pink ribbon on it ( I remember this because I love to spit-up on it). She is probably carrying around a bag of things to make you wear so she can take your picture (she's been known for putting reindeer antlers on me, then trying to stuff me in a stocking). And I'm pretty sure if you see her she will have a coffee cup in her hand.
Uncle D is very tall. He can make you laugh. He can talk very deep, which is kinda funny too. Be very careful of him though. He carries around a guitar and if he plays it you will be mesmerized and you are very likely to fall asleep.
I hope this helps you in our search for Aunt Sharon and Uncle D. I hope they know I miss them.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Aunt Jeanine is coming!
I didn't feel so well yesterday. Teething is the pits man. I can't seem to keep anything down very long and my gums hurt. Mom has been putting my pacifiers in the freezer but since I don't like them it really doesn't help. She bought me a new teether last night and I acted like I liked it (I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but I'm not too sure about it). Mom and Dad went to Granny and Harold's for dinner last night. They had BBQ and stew from Iron Horse in Villa Rica. Boy did it smell yummy. After dinner I took a nap at Granny and Harold's while mom and dad ran to Kohl's to look for daddy some running shoes. He's gotta run a mile and mom said when she was kid that new shoes always helped her run faster :) Hope it works for me when I get older. Dad bought me a Lorax (like from the Dr. Suess book) The Lorax is kind of a long story. Mom read it to me when I was still in her belly but we have yet to make it through it now that I'm here. I always get bored with it before we finish.
Mom and Dad are going running this morning so I will spend some of my morning with Granny and Harold then I will come home and get ready for my Nenabug. I think she's gonna be my favorite Great Aunt, which is only natural cause she is Mommy's favorite Aunt. So today it's Aunt Jeanine, Eddie, and Deborah visiting, and hopefully tomorrow we are going to meet my new best friend Brentlee. His dad was in mommy and daddy's wedding. I'm so excited to meet a baby that is smaller than me! Mom says that one day we will be buds. I can't wait to roll trucks in the dirt with him! Well I guess I'm gonna go. Hope everyone has a great weekend...I know I will :)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Drum Roll Please....
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
My Big Day Out
Monday, January 18, 2010
Teething, TV, and Tummy Troubles
Sunday, January 17, 2010
My Daddy Rocks!
Sunday morning I woke up and my belly wasn't any better; but while eating breakfast I got relief :) I filled up my diaper and then some! I sure do feel better. Me and mommy did our usual thing; we went to Granny's for a little while. I took my morning nap over there while mommy got to relax. We came back home around 1. My grandpaw Tweedell and grandmaw Becky came to see me today and they brought me batteries for my swing :) YAY! I can keep on rocking. Grandpaw Tweedell held me today for the first time. He is so afraid he will break me, so he didn't hold me long. I have become fascinated with his voice. Every time he would talk I would get really quiet so I could listen. After they left mom dressed me in my outfit from Maw Maw Marks then we made our way to the nursing home with Granny. I got so sleepy while we were there that I managed to sneak in a cat nap. When we got back home Daddy decided that we would go to Taco Bell for dinner. We got dinner for us and Robert then we stopped by Granny's to pick him up. Mommy, Daddy, and Robert played video games again tonight. I like watching the colors on the tv and I really liked watching Robert play the drums. I can't wait til I can play with them. They played Rock Band and their name was The Corbins :) Hey I think they might have named their band after me. Now I'm pooped from playing all day. Daddy is still rocking out on the drums. I'm gonna let him serenade me to sleep :) Rock on Daddy!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Busy Day
Oh I almost forgot something very important. I made a new discovery today. Wanna know what it was? My FEET! Daddy sat me on his chest and there they were...all bare and ready for me to grab. I'm learning and finding new things everyday.
Well I guess I need to get some rest. Tomorrow is gonna be another busy day. Mom said she was gonna let daddy play video games while she makes my picture. Apparently you are supposed to have lots of pictures of your babies. And we are going to see Cierra and Becca in the morning while they are with Mr. Steve and Mrs. Patsy. Then tomorrow night Robert is coming over to play video games. Gosh I wish I could play with them. Maybe they will let me....nah probably not. Anyway I'm headed to bed. Night all.
Cereal, the band, and the weekend

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Howdy Partner...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
My Life In Numbers
My life in numbers so here goes:
- 3 (months that is) That's how old I am
- 3-6 (months) That's what size I'm in (although I can wear some 6 months clothes)
- 16 (lbs Oh and 12 oz.) That's what I weigh
- 25 (inches) That's how long I am
- 4 days til Aunt Jeanine comes to see me (hopefully)
- 1/2 Tbsp. of rice cereal
- 2 Tbsp. of milk
- 0 is what was left when I got done eating this morning :) (Yep I actually ate it all and cried for more)
- 19 days til my daddy's birthday (and I have him an awesome gift and so does mommy)
- 21 days til my next doctor's appointment (and at this appointment Dr. Whipple is gonna talk to mommy and daddy about letting me eat REAL FOOD, ok so mommy didn't want me upset again she has already showed me the container that my REAL FOOD is in and it looks mushed up but whatever it's better than just milk)
- 28 days til I go to the Health Department for my second round of shots (BOOOOO!!!!)
And the most important number of all
- One million that's the times that mommy and daddy tell me that they love me (usally in one day!)
Man it's good to be me :)
Monday, January 11, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Life is Cruel
I took a really good nap today at Granny's and I feel so much better. Just as I feel asleep the phone rang and it was daddy. He had called to tell mommy the great news...he got called in today for a second interview with the prison camp. Yippie! Mommy was very excited (I'm surprised she didn't wake me up she was so excited) She told Granny she was gonna come home and help daddy get ready. I guess mommy helps daddy with his clothes too :) I can't speak for mommy but I'm so proud of my daddy. I just hope he gets this job so I can play with his handcuffs. I can already see it now...he and I can play cops and robbers and I'll be the cop and he'll be the bad guy. Man that's gonna be fun. After the interview today daddy came and got me and mommy and we went to Wal-mart. Of course I slept while mommy and daddy got what they needed. Tonight when we got home mommy tried to give me some more of that "cereal" stuff. Daddy watched and didn't say anything to her. Doesn't he realize that's not cereal? Oh well I'll take what I can get.
I had a great time last night at Granny's but boy am I glad to be back home with Mommy and Daddy. I hope everyone has had a great day and I hope you all have a great night too.
And tonight when you go to sleep please say an extra prayer for my daddy that he gets his dream job :) Night night
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
A New Day...New Faces

Monday, January 4, 2010
Can't Seem to Keep Up
It's been really cold lately and mom bundles me up like an Eskimo. I hate clothes so this always makes me mad.
Nothing is really happening here lately. We pretty much do the same thing everyday. Wake up, eat, go to Granny and Harold's, come home, mom and dad play with me, they eat dinner, I get my bath (which I love now), they read me a book, then it's play time (ok it's really sleep time but that's when I love to play).
Well I guess that is all for today. Maybe tomorrow I will have something better to write about...like some cereal. :)
*oh and sorry there is no picture today, mom left the camera in the car and she says it's too cold for me to go get it. i promise i will have a new picture for tomorrow's blog*
Friday, January 1, 2010
3 Months Old