Saturday, May 1, 2010

Word of the Day: PARTY

Before I tell you about the word of the day let me just say yesterday was way too busy. We went and bought groceries, then we went to Subway, then when we got home we ate dinner. After dinner we had company. Mr. Steve and Mrs. Patsy brought Cierra and Becca over to see me. Those girls must have been eating ice cream all day because boy were they full of energy. I thought I was wild, but man I got tired just watching them play. I haven't quiet figured Mr. Steve out yet. I study him very closely. It still throws me off when people come to our house because I love to go to other people's house. I'm here all the time so it's nice to go visit. So people coming into my house is a little different but I love the attention!
Ok so last week mommy decided to start something new with me. We have a board on the fridge now that says "The word of the day is..." and each day the word changes. Sometimes it's a color and sometimes it's something like a book. Then all day long she points those things out to me. (I think mommy enjoys "looking" all day for the word of the day so she can point them out first) So this morning when I woke up I was waiting to see what the word of the day was and you know what the board said? PARTY! And she even drew balloons and crazy little things all around it! (I'm starting to think mommy has too much free time on her hands). I was excited because I thought we were going to a party but you know what? We had the party at our house. Mommy threw daddy a graduation party because he worked so hard! We had hot dogs, baked beans, slaw, chips, and cupcakes. Ok maybe I should rephrase that I had mixed veggies and cantaloupe, everyone else had all the yummy stuff! I had fun because there were lots of people to give me lots of attention! But after they left I crashed! Today also happened to be Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's anniversary! So I'll give them a quick shout out! Happy Anniversary Aunt Sharon and Uncle D! (I think I've been staying up too late watching tv with mom). After my nap mommy and daddy took me furniture shopping. Not even real shopping though because when you shop you buy stuff and we went in a bunch of stores and did they buy anything? NO! Mommy said it's called window shopping but HELLO they didn't even buy any of those! Mommy moved all of our furniture around in the living room and now she wants new stuff. Oh brother. Daddy says he will never figure women out, and I'm starting to see his point. Then later tonight mommy found a futon on the Internet for sale. She told daddy about it and the next thing I know I'm being shipped off to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's so mommy and daddy can go buy a futon bed. Yep they took me to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's on their anniversary. Some anniversary is your nephew Happy Anniversary! But I had a great time. I've been learning to wave lately so I just spent my time down their practicing my wave and making them laugh. Plus I got to see my new sippy cup from them. Aunt Sharon bought me a sippy cup for her house and lots of food! Now if I could just talk mommy into letting me spend the night hmmmm. So now we are back home and a futon must be something wonderful because it's all mommy has talked about. She is gonna make me a toy room and she says it's perfect for me to sit on and watch my cartoons! So I guess it's for me and daddy too. Ok I think I'm gonna call it a night and head for bed. Hopefully tomorrow we will just hang out around the house and relax. Two days of going going going has really wore me out! Happy Weekend Everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun weekend!! Corbin giving shout outs is too funny!! Wish I could've been at the par-tay!
