Friday, May 7, 2010

7 Month Update

So now that I'm 7 months old and we didn't do anything today worth posting I figured I would fill you in on what I'm doing in general. Let's see...I weigh 25 lbs. not sure how tall I am, mommy asked daddy to measure me but I'm sure he was too busy cutting grass or taking out trash, or any of the other things he does. I wear 12-18 month clothing and a size 4 diaper. I eat at least 3 jars of food a day, plus a snack, either yogurt, a teething biscuit (which I can bite chunks off of now), or fresh fruit. I love watermelon, cantaloupe, apples, and bananas. This week I've been testing my limits. I've taught myself how to spit. Mommy thought it was cute until I spit on her yesterday. (Ok she laughed but she said once I get older that won't be cute anymore!) I have begun splashing in the bath tub. Mommy thinks it's funny. And then tonight I surprised mommy by rolling over. I really don't like to be on my tummy for too long but it's fun to roll over. Mommy brought home a different walker the other day from Granny's and now I love to walk all over the living room. I don't like to take naps. Those are for babies and I'm growing up so I don't need them. Mommy doesn't get upset that I don't take naps as long as I stay happy. But when I get fussy she prays for nap time. I love to be outside and I adore being around people. A trip to Wal-mart will calm me down every time. I love to give kisses and to love on people. My favorite thing to do soon as I wake up is to grab my daddy and give him lots of kisses! I've started giving people Thumbs Up. And when mommy sings where is Thumbkin I know what she is saying and I'll give her the thumbs up. It's amazing the little stuff that will make her smile. Ok I think I've covered all the "new" stuff I can do. Mommy is having a huge yard sale next week so I think I'll go ahead and go to bed for tonight so she can price stuff. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Night night!

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