Sunday, May 30, 2010

100th Post...and A HUGE TUB

Can you believe this is my 100th blog? Who knew a baby had so much to say?

So as you know daddy has been home since Friday...yep it's his long weekend. We are so lucky to have so much time with him. Mommy said most parents have to work 5 days every week. Let me fill you in on how our weekend went. Well let's start with Thursday. I was sick for the first real time ever. I had a fever and all. I slept a lot and I was all better by Friday. Thank goodness for Aunt Brandi because at 2:30 in the morning mommy was going crazy because my fever was at 101. and she didn't know what to do. What do you do when your baby sick? Apparently you call someone on the other side of the globe. Thank goodness she's smart. She told mommy what to do and not to worry. Thanks Aunt Brandi for being the sane one :) Friday we went to Sam's and Wal-mart with Granny, Harold, and Robert. We had a great time. I love to shop and look at lots of stuff. I got some new clothes and lots of food. Mommy has started giving me "finger foods". Yesterday (Saturday) we got up and went to Granny and Harold's. Daddy worked in backyard for a long time. We did a little shopping and mommy picked up a few things for my birthday party. Haven't you heard my party is only 4 months away? Then we came home and mommy cooked an awesome dinner while me and daddy napped. I had chicken and wagon wheel pasta, peas, and avocados! Mommy made these little chicken crescent rolls things for her and daddy. Theirs looked good but I'm sure mine was better! Then I wasn't ready to go to bed just yet so we played, played, and played. We even went downstairs to daddy's movie room and watched a movie. Well me and mommy watched, daddy napped :) We watched Toy Story. Boy that movie is funny. How do I know? Because my mommy laughed a lot. When we came back upstairs mommy laid our clothes out for Church this morning and then we went to bed. We woke up this morning at 10:30. We were supposed to be at church at 10:40! Needless to say we didn't make it to church this morning :( But we did make the most of the day. We went to Granny and Harold's and cooked lunch then mommy and daddy did something incredible. They put me in what has to be the biggest bath tub ever!!!! It sure was cold though. Ok I will let you in on my secret. Mommy says that it isn't a bath tub it's a swimming pool. Whatever it is, I'm sure if the water was warmer it would be awesome! Since it was so cold I didn't stay in it long. Granny took me inside and put me to bed. We had a great day outside! Tonight for dinner daddy made mommy some shrimp tacos (her new favorite food) and I had mac and cheese, peas and carrots, and then some yogurt bites! I love food! Ok that's all for now. I've gotta get some rest. Tomorrow is Memorial Day and apparently that means staying outside all day, eating by the pool, and swimming til our skin wrinkles.

1 comment:

  1. 100 post wowza!!
    Also never thought I'd be referred to as the sane one =0)
