Friday, May 21, 2010

Where I Live

Ok so I guess you can tell from the last post mommy hi-jacked my blog. :) Well while she was being nosy on blogger she came across this thing a lot of bloggers do. It's called Show Us Your Life...and each week they ask you something different about your life. Mommy said I should try this. You only have to participate on Fridays...and I'll only do them when I can relate to it. So here goes my 1st Show Us Your Life Post.

This weeks Show Us Your Life wants to know about your hometown. I live in Newnan, Georgia. I was born in Fayetteville, Georgia but I live in Newnan. Mommy's doctor was in Fayetteville which is why I was born there. So what is interesting about Newnan? Well mommy says Newnan's claim to fame is that Alan Jackson is from here. So maybe I will follow in his foot steps and become famous. Newnan has lots of fun things to do. We have a library, which is where we attend story time. We have 2 movie places, a bowling alley, and an indoor putt putt place. We have lots of restaurants. And our court square does lots of fun things throughout the year. Downtown Newnan has parades, market days, and sidewalk sales. Santa Claus comes to Newnan once a year to see all the good boys and girls. He must know when the parade is because mommy says he is the last one in the parade every year.

I am only 7 months old so I'm sure I will learn more about Newnan as I get older. Mommy says it's a nice place to live and she will probably never move away from here. Well that completes my first Show Us Your Life! Maybe next Friday will be something exciting!

Oh and one last thing that has nothing to do with this blog. My big cousin Robert got his learners licenses today! Way to go Robert, can't wait til you can take me riding!

1 comment:

  1. Mine too! Only the coolest people come from Newnan.... well and possibly ones born in Oklahoma too =0)
