Sunday, May 16, 2010

My 1st Yard Sale

So for weeks mommy has been pulling stuff out of each room that I've never even seen. She put prices on all this stuff in the hopes that someone would buy it. Well yesterday we got up really early and set all of our stuff out in the grass and people came to our house to look through it. This is all very strange to me. Most of the time we go to stores to buy stuff why did these people come to our house? We sat outside ALL morning long and boy was it hot. Daddy did take me inside so I could nap. Napping in the cool house sure was nice. Mommy and daddy did pretty good at the yard sale and so did I. I sold lots of my clothes and a few other baby things that I can't use anymore. Mommy was excited that she got rid of most of her junk. She and daddy did so good that she let me stay with Aunt Sharon and Uncle D so she and daddy could go out and enjoy a nice quiet dinner. Aunt Sharon and Uncle D bought food for me to stay at their house so mommy doesn't have to pack so much each time I go down there. So all they had to do was pack up my diaper bag and drop me off. I had a great time with them. I showed them how I roll...over :) Uncle D bought me a new book and I had a great time playing with the dog, Buddy! I went to bed as soon as we got home but I didn't stay asleep long. I woke up and was ready to play. I'm teething again and it stinks. I've got 5 teeth now and my 6th one is trying to break through. I finally went to bed at midnight and slept til 4. At 8:30 me and mommy woke up this morning and got breakfast ready. We woke daddy up and ate. Then we started getting ready for church. We haven't been in a while and mommy was nervous about letting me sit with them through out the service. When people start getting loud I show them that I can get louder...well Preacher Chuck didn't know this and when he started shouting to make his point I felt the need to make my point too. I think I embarrassed mommy but daddy just smiled :) Preacher Chuck said I did great. Mommy enjoyed going to church and daddy said we would start going every other Sunday (daddy has to work every other Sunday). Today at lunch I tried celery...and it was ok. Not my favorite food, so far I love green beans and french fries. I haven't tried too much but I know I like those things. Tonight we went to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's to celebrate Robert's birthday! We had a great time. I had dinner and then we played. I missed playing with Buddy but we had a great time. Ok I think it's past my bed time I better head to bed and rest, because tomorrow is story time and I'm looking forward to it! So nighty night.

*The picture is me, mommy, and daddy at Robert's Birthday Dinner tonight :)

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