Friday, May 28, 2010

Show Us Your Life....

So it's Friday time for another Show Us Your's theme is Show Us What You Love/Makes You Happy. Here goes...

Even thought I've only met these people once or twice in my 8 months, they make me very happy and I love them very much.

I Love FOOD! Any kind. Green beans, potatoes, cookies, lil' crunchers, juice, ice cream (only on special occasions), yogurt, you name it I love it. I take my food very seriously.

My family. Not much to say here just that I have the best mom and dad ever :)

I love my Aunt Shellie and Devin. Aunt Shellie is silly and she makes me laugh every time I see her. And I watch Devin and wonder why I can't run around like he does.

I love my big cousin Robert because he makes me laugh. He's kind of like a big brother to me. :)

I love my Uncle D. And I love his guitar. Boy can he play it! He can play it so well he can put me to sleep. I enjoy getting to see him every weekday at lunch time. When he doesn't come for lunch I feel a little lost. :(

I love my Aunt Sharon. She's always showing me new stuff and dressing me up and taking pictures. She gives me yogurt and she buys me lots of books. She gets down in the floor with me and plays and I have my own stuff at her house just for me! She's the best!

I love my Granny and Harold. I could spend a whole blog here telling you why I love them, but I'll sum it up. Harold tells me all kinds of stuff, like he's going to build me a truck stop, complete with a truck wash, a restaurant, lights, and all the trucks I can play with. He buys me watermelons and blueberry biscuits! He whispers in my ear about going to Wal-mart and getting ice cream. He's the coolest Grandpaw ever even though I'll never call him Grandpaw.
And my Granny...where do I begin. She plays with me. She holds me, she reads to me. She rocks me to sleep. She's kind of like a second mom. I love her so much. She is always ready to play when I get there and she is always ready to love on me :)
I love lots of other things too. I love all my family. My Grandpaw and Maw Maw Tweedell. My Grandmaw Barbara. And all of the other family that I have! I love to meet new people, I love being in a crowd. I love to be outside, I love my wagon, I love to swing. I love shopping with mommy and daddy. I love when mommy takes a bath and I get guy time with daddy. What do we do during guy time? I'll never tell.
I love lots of things and I'm a very happy little guy. So what do you love?

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