I Love FOOD! Any kind. Green beans, potatoes, cookies, lil' crunchers, juice, ice cream (only on special occasions), yogurt, you name it I love it. I take my food very seriously.

I love my Uncle D. And I love his guitar. Boy can he play it! He can play it so well he can put me to sleep. I enjoy getting to see him every weekday at lunch time. When he doesn't come for lunch I feel a little lost. :(

I love my Granny and Harold. I could spend a whole blog here telling you why I love them, but I'll sum it up. Harold tells me all kinds of stuff, like he's going to build me a truck stop, complete with a truck wash, a restaurant, lights, and all the trucks I can play with. He buys me watermelons and blueberry biscuits! He whispers in my ear about going to Wal-mart and getting ice cream. He's the coolest Grandpaw ever even though I'll never call him Grandpaw.
And my Granny...where do I begin. She plays with me. She holds me, she reads to me. She rocks me to sleep. She's kind of like a second mom. I love her so much. She is always ready to play when I get there and she is always ready to love on me :)
I love lots of other things too. I love all my family. My Grandpaw and Maw Maw Tweedell. My Grandmaw Barbara. And all of the other family that I have! I love to meet new people, I love being in a crowd. I love to be outside, I love my wagon, I love to swing. I love shopping with mommy and daddy. I love when mommy takes a bath and I get guy time with daddy. What do we do during guy time? I'll never tell.
I love lots of things and I'm a very happy little guy. So what do you love?
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