Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Ok so I can hardly type this fast enough. My mom has done the greatest thing EVER! She has given me FOOD! First off quick overview of the "weekend". No story time Monday :( Mommy did let me pick a book to take home from the library though :) Then we ran a few errands. Monday night daddy took mommy out on a date. They dropped me off at Granny and Harold's then they went to La Hacienda for dinner then did a little shopping at Walmart, but only to pick up a few things for Granny and Harold. When they picked me up I was ready to play, even though it was 9'o clock. Ok so on to Tuesday. Daddy vacuumed Granny and Harold's pool because he is determined that we go swimming this weekend. What they call a pool looks like a gigantic bath tub! Mommy let me put my feet in the water but that wasn't good enough. I kept kicking my feet and she got the idea. She put me in the water a little further while she was sitting on the side. Well apparently when you hold a 25 pound baby over for a little while it hurts your back. So mommy did what any other good mommy would do, she put on her bathing suit and got in the freezing cold pool just so I could splash her. I love the water and I didn't want to get out. Boy I sure did sleep good for my nap Tuesday too. Tuesday night we went to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's for dinner. Aunt Sharon made cube steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, and biscuits! Mommy took my high chair and I ate GREEN BEANS and POTATOES! YUMMY. Who needs this baby food? Not me. The other day mommy and daddy gave me a french fry but nothing since then. So I was worried that last night was just a fluke. This morning we went to Granny and Harold's to play and mommy broke out the jar of baby food and boy was I disappointed. I ate a little and then decided that it just wasn't good anymore. Then Harold went and bought them breakfast. He bought a blueberry biscuit and boy did that thing look good. Mommy had given me a bitter biscuit to eat but she felt sorry for me. So she dunked my cookie into the blueberry jam. Man was that good! I ate that stuff up! So to sum it up...I LOVE FOOD! Daddy is so excited and he loves to watch me eat. Mommy is a little worried that I won't eat the baby food anymore...we will see about that. Daddy says if I loved that blueberry jam just wait til mommy makes a blueberry pie. Don't know what that is but it sounds yummy. Mommy has made lots of pictures of me eating but I forgot the camera in daddy's car so it's at work with him. So that pretty much sums up our past few days. Oh and mommy has realized that she only has 4 months to plan my 1st birthday party. She has been researching everything from party favors to invitations. Girls...geez. All we know for sure right now (other than mommy is crazy) is that my party will be on Saturday October 2, 2010 and it's gonna be at Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's.
Ok that's all for tonight. Gotta get some sleep. We are looking forward to our weekend with daddy and hopefully we will get to do some swimming!

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