It's been a few days since I've posted anything. We've been staying pretty busy lately so I'll probably break the past week up in to two blogs...so let's start. Last Sunday was Mama's Day. Daddy called it Mother's Day but I won't call my mom mother so it's mama's day. So on Mama's day daddy surprised mama with our gift to her. We bought mama a breakfast tray and a card. The breakfast tray had pictures of all of us in it. Of course she loved it. When mama got up daddy had already gone to bed because he had worked all night. Mom made breakfast for Granny and we went over there to give her the gift mommy had made, but before we went over there mommy put my hand on a piece of paper and drew around it, then she made flowers out of it. Mommy has the craziest ideas but other people seem to like them. So anyway we went to Granny and Harold's and had breakfast over there. We stayed with them until it was time to go see Maw maw at the nursing home. There were a lot of people there that I had never met. I met my mom's cousins that I've only heard about. I was the center of attention, which I love! I also got to eat a little bit of watermelon...yummy! By the time we got done visiting people I was worn out so I napped on our way home. When we got home mama made lunch for her and dad then we played til time for daddy to go to work. We spent the rest of the day with Granny and Harold. Daddy felt bad that we didn't do more for mommy since she does so much for us. So Monday we spent the day doing things mommy loves to do. We went to story time, yep even daddy went, then we took mommy out for lunch. Mommy loves to go go go, and so do I. It's hard for us to sit still. Luckily daddy was able to keep up with us. We had a great day. Mommy says she is already working on ideas for daddy's day. I just can't wait til it's baby day. Hey if mommy's get a day and so do dad's kids must have a day for them too right?
Oh and check out mom's shirt in the picture. Hers says Moms Rock and mine says My mom rocks. Daddy bought mommy another shirt too, it's says MOMS...they are better than dads. Not sure that's too true but it's funny :)
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