Friday, June 18, 2010

What Makes My Daddy Super?

What makes my dad super?

What makes him so great?

Well let's see. Daddy was the first one to know mommy was pregnant. Yep she went back to sleep and daddy got to tell her about me first! Daddy took care of me and mommy while I was in her belly. He made sure we were fed good and got plenty of rest. Daddy went with mommy to EVERY doctor appointment, he asked questions, he held mommy's hand, and he was there for her everyday. Mommy and Daddy found they were expecting on his birthday (Jan. 31) and by March he had my room painted and ready for me. I think he was a little excited. Daddy read books to me while I was still in mommy's belly, and he talked to me a lot.

Daddy was right there when I was born. He walked with me to the nursery. He was right there when they bathed me. He fed me my very first bottle. He held me and smiled like no one has ever smiled before. He not only took care of me for the first three months he took care of mommy too, and that's a real job. For the first two or three weeks of my life mommy had a hard time sleeping and the medicine for her blood pressure made her feel funny, what did daddy do? He stayed up all night long so he would be sure to hear me. He would pick me up and take me to mommy. He changed diapers, rocked me, walked me around, and told me about everything we would do one day.

Daddy let me watch cartoons when I was only a few weeks old. He gave me my first juice bottle. He makes me laugh like no one else can. He lets me pull his glasses off his face (which I love to do). He loves to build things with my blocks only so I can tear them down. He loves to give me snacks and cookies. He shows me things on the Internet like music videos and funny stuff. He pushes the buggy backwards at Wal-mart so I can see where I'm going, not where I've been. He shows me all the coolest toys at Wal-mart.

My daddy has a badge and I think that makes him pretty super. No he's not in the army, the marines, or the air force but he protects our community by making sure the bad guys stay behind bars. His job is stressful but does he let that show? Nope, he loves it. He serves our community and I don't think he gets enough credit. I love his badge and I love his uniform. When he puts it on I get all excited. I like to pull on his photo ID badge and look at the badge on his shirt.

So those are just a few of things that make my dad super. He's the coolest dad I've ever met and I'm so glad he's mine!

I love you daddy! You are my hero!

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