Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mommy and Me Day

Well I kept mommy on her toes last night. I didn't sleep well. I think I finally sleep two solid hours this morning from about 5-7. She decided that we would make the most of the day and stay busy. (I think she was trying to make me tired) We went for a long walk this morning then I made her happy and took a nap. When I woke up we ran a few errands then we went to Wal-mart to buy groceries. I can say "hey" so everyone I see I say "hey". It makes for interesting trips anywhere now. I love people watching. We stopped by Taco Bell on the way home. Mommy got me some potatoes, boy are those things good. Daddy was excited when we got home...he loves Taco Bell. Since tonight was something special at the library mommy wanted to get her bath before we went so daddy played with me on the bed while she took her bath. Me and daddy were playing flash cards and the next thing I know I was asleep. Daddy napped with me. He's always ready to nap :) Tonight me and mommy did go to the library. It was reptile wrangler night. This man brought big animals to the library. He even carried them in the library in pillowcases. Which reminds me to check the ones on the bed tonight. Ewww. There were lots of people there. We saw Devin, Aunt Shellie, Ms. Holly and Darbee and even a few other people mommy knew. And we saw a baby from story time. Must mean we are popular. We didn't stay too long because the reptile man brought a lot of snakes. And mommy is such a girly girl she doesn't like snakes. Here is a picture that Ms. Lynn took for us. Thank goodness she did because it was very crowded and mommy is short so she couldn't get a really good picture.

Oh mommy has started her own blog...why I don't know. I think she's a little jealous of mine. Anyway you can read hers here
Well that's all for tonight. It's daddy's short week which means no blogging for a few days. We have a very busy weekend ahead. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Blog ya Monday.

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