Friday, June 4, 2010

Show Us Your Life...

Yes it's that time of the week again. It's Show Us Your Life Friday! Today's topic is Random Acts of Kindness. I wasn't sure what this meant so I asked my mom. She filled me in on some random acts that have taken place since I've been born so here so goes what I've been told...

  • When I was born the ladies' at the hospital gave me a green crocheted hat (mommy has it put up for me)
  • The Monday after I got home from the hospital Miss Sara Dewberry brought mommy and daddy a cake (and she held me) OK so maybe that wasn't a random act of kindness maybe more of a bribe to hold me, but it was very unexpected and very sweet!
  • One night Granny and Harold stopped by to see us at our house when I was very little and they brought 5 cases of diapers! Mommy and Daddy were very happy!
  • My Aunt Sharon and Uncle D buy me little stuff all the time unexpected, and it's very much appreciated! When they started doing this it was always on the 1st (the day of the month I was born) then it became just whenever so I think that falls under Random.
  • My Aunt Jeanine came to see me once and brought me diapers, clothes, and a Ham (by the way I think mommy and daddy ate that I didn't get any) That was totally random and very kind.
  • Aunt Kellie stopped by last week and gave me a clock. That was pretty random too.

Mommy and Daddy say they are very blessed to have so many people in their lives that do so much for them. We try to give back as much as we can. We may not be able to buy lots of things for people but we can help people in other ways. Mommy and I are going to bake cookies and take them to people we know very soon. Mommy loves to cook and it's a nice way to say we are thinking about you. So what are some things that you've done that are random acts of kindness? Or better yet what has someone done for you that's been random and kind?

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