Monday, June 21, 2010

Is it Nap Time Yet?

Yesterday was the end of Vacation Bible School...mommy managed to make it every night and good thing she did she was in charge of the nursery. Mommy was a little bummed we didn't get a certificate. I might have been bummed to but I don't know what it whatever. Harold and Granny came to church too...they cooked hot dogs for everyone! It was SO HOT outside! We stayed til my nap time then mommy and I came home. Mommy let daddy sleep a little later than usual since it was Father's Day. When he and I woke up...we played the rest of the day. I've been a little bit of a daddy's boy lately. He is so much fun! We lay on the bed and I jabber and he acts like he knows what I'm saying. When daddy went to work we went to Granny and Harold's and went swimming. Harold even swam with us. We had a great time. Today has been awful busy too! Mommy and I went to Baby Time at the library. Yep, Abby was there. I was so excited but I tried not to show it. We played and played while our mommy's chatted. We had a great time as usual. Mommy and Abby's mommy talked about us going to the park later this week! Yay! I love the park. When we left Baby Time we went to Granny and Harold's. And you can call off the search party...Aunt Sharon and Uncle D are back! Phew. I think they need to tell me before they leave and don't show up for a week. Shame on them. But I will forgive them this time. They brought me back a shirt that says HOT and it has flames! Awesome! I can't wait to wear it. And for those that don't know or have forgotten. Harold has called me HOT since the day mommy found out I was a boy. He says my name should have been Herman Otis Tweedell then my initials would have been HOT. Monday afternoon I got to stay with Granny while Daddy took Mommy out for awhile. He took her shopping then out to a late lunch. When they got back we went swimming and then daddy cooked hot dogs for everyone. Aunt Sue, Jeri, Will, Jamie, and Cailyn came outside and ate with us. Then daddy built a big fire and we roasted marshmallows! YUMMY! Tuesday morning we went to the library for the Music Man...I can't remember his name. We had a great time. When we left there we did a little shopping then we went to Wendy's for lunch. Mommy got me french fries but wouldn't you know I fell asleep before we sat down. Tuesday night we went swimming then we came home and mommy cooked dinner while I napped. We had a great dinner. Mommy made spaghetti, corn on the cob, mashed potatoes, squash, salad, and rolls. Boy was it good! Then daddy said that meal so good the only way it could get any better was to finish it off with ice cream. He took us to Dairy Queen, and I got my own ice cream! It's been a crazy, hectic, busy few days but I've loved every minute of it. Life is good!

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