Sunday, June 6, 2010

Two Really Boring Days

Well daddy had to work all weekend long so that makes for some really boring days. Saturday we didn't do anything. Saturday night I got to stay with Granny and Harold for about 30 minutes so mommy could run get her something to eat. She brought me back a baked potato! I love those! This morning I thought we were going to church, mommy had our clothes laid out and I was excited to get to leave the house. We woke up pretty early...well early enough to get ready for church, but we didn't. I heard mommy tell daddy later that she didn't want to leave me in the nursery. I'm pretty clingy to mommy right now and I do cry a lot when she leaves me. Maybe she did the right thing but us not going. We ended up spending most of the day at Granny and Harold's. While daddy was home today we watched the rest of Toy Story. I love that movie. Granny bought me a big blanket the other night with Woody and Buzz on it! So we snuggled in the bed with my new blanket and watched it. Tonight we stayed home and played. I enjoyed a few cookies while mommy ate dinner and now it's my bedtime. We have story time in the morning and mommy has something planned for me and daddy Tuesday. Can't wait to see what she has in mind. Daddy's home for two days so that means no blogging. Hope everyone has a great Monday!

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