Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Magic Show!

Yesterday when I got up mommy and I headed for the library. I thought she was crazy because it was Tuesday and Baby Story Time is on Mondays. When we got there she returned my last book (Pete's A Pizza -A Must Read) then we got two new books. Then we met up with one of mommy's friends from High School and her daughter Darbee. We sat on the floor at the library and I knew something was coming. We watched a Magic Show. I wasn't impressed, although I'm only 8 months old. I got pretty bored pretty fast. The kids around me kept me more entertained than the show itself. Oh well. It made mommy happy to get out of the house. We spent the rest of the day at home. I didn't feel too well so mommy kept me inside and held me a LOT! We did go to Granny and Harold's later on to eat some watermelon, but since I'm not feeling well I didn't want any. I have been keeping mommy up at night. Wednesday was pretty boring. Although apparently mommy and daddy are having car problems, because Wednesday morning mommy woke me up and we got in the car first thing. Mommy was still wearing her nightgown and some bright pink pants (wish I had a camera!). When we got to the end of the road we saw daddy walking. Mommy and daddy's car wouldn't crank and daddy had to walk home. Good thing we only live three miles from daddy's work. Mommy was mad at daddy for not calling sooner and waking us up. Daddy said he didn't want to disturb us. We didn't do anything Wednesday night. Thursday mommy, daddy, and I went swimming and went to the library for an Aztec Indian Dance. That was awesome! That man did lots of dances and hollering! Thursday night Mommy and Daddy had to get their car hauled from the prison and now daddy is back to driving his old car. Car problems sure do make mommy ill. I sure wasn't tired last night so mommy, daddy, and I went to wal-mart pretty late to buy groceries. I'm becoming quiet the night owl. Daddy loves it. He can't wait til I watch movies with him ALL night. Mommy? Not so excited. She likes to sleep apparently.
Today has been busy. We came to Granny and Harold's. Then this woman came over her. She looked like my Aunt Sharon...but kind of like my dad. Well I say that because she has NO HAIR! When I saw my Aunt Sharon the other day she had long long long hair that I could pull! But not today. She's got NO HAIR! Don't get me wrong, it's pretty but I'm not used to it yet. I'm sure it's her though because she played with me and hugged on me.
We've spend the day going and going. I'm tired so I think I"m going to call it a night. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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