Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Three Jam Packed Days

WOW...that's all I can say about the past few days. Monday me and mommy went to Story time alone. We went to the early morning one hoping to see my friend Abby, but no luck. I had a great time. The theme was pigs and I love pigs! And guess who I saw when we were leaving? Abby. Yep she overslept. But we had already made plans to meet up at the library in two weeks. No it's not a date our moms will be there :( After story time we came home and woke daddy up. We hung around the house for a little while then mommy had a lot of errands to run so she took me to Granny and Harold's and I got to stay with them for a little while. I haven't wanted mommy to leave me lately but it wasn't that bad. While mommy and daddy had a little time away from me they were still thinking about me, because when they came home they had me a surprise! A big boy bed! Yep I've got me a toddler bed. It's so cool! I took a picture but I can't find the camera right now. I'll post pictures tomorrow! We even went swimming Monday night too! Monday was great but Tuesday was even better! Tuesday morning we woke up and rushed to go to the library...yep two days in a row. We saw a magician there and he was AWESOME! He made a real bunny come out of a book bag! Mommy and Daddy bought me a DVD of the magic show, a book that shows me how to do the tricks, and a magic rope! We spent the rest of the afternoon in the pool! I had a great time! I love the water. Mommy and Daddy had Taco Bell for dinner and they even let me have some potatoes! Yummy! Today we stayed pretty busy running around town with Granny. Next week is vacation bible school and we've been gathering supplies and snacks! I can't wait. I'm gonna be in the nursery with mommy! Well that about sums up the past few days. We've got an extra busy weekend coming up too! Friday we are going to visit daddy's Aunt Regina, Uncle Eddie, and Ayden! Then Saturday mommy and daddy are having a pool party with my Aunt Brandi B., Brandon, and the girls! I'm super excited to show off my pool floats and my swimsuit! OK I promise pictures tomorrow and I'm sure another exciting post! Night night!

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