Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Father's Day

I've already blogged about my daddy so now I thought I would mention a few other men in my life that make it very special. I've got two grand-dads that love me very much. I don't get to see my Grandpa Tweedell as much as I see Harold but I love it when he comes to visit. Harold plays with me every time I go to their house. He puts me on the bed with him and we watch Jerry Springer (but don't tell mom) He tells me about trucks, wal-mart, and ice cream everyday. My grandpaw Tweedell is like my own personal paparazzi. He always brings his camera and he takes LOTS of pictures. He says I'm the cutest baby ever! My uncle D is the coolest uncle ever! He can make me laugh and I enjoy eating lunch with him every weekday. Of course his food always looks better than mine (and I'm pretty sure if mom would leave the room he would share his with me). Uncle D is always buying me a new shirt or a new book. But the buying me stuff isn't what makes him special. Uncle D is trying to teach me to 'bump' (and in case you don't know what that is...he balls his fist up and we hit them together) Guess that is a guy thing. And last but not least there is Robert. He's my big cousin and he's so cool! He can drive! He goes swimming with me and he can always make me laugh. And sometimes I make him laugh.

Mommy says I'm lucky to have so many men around me that love me. I have lots of people I can look up to. I'm sure I will continue to look up to these men the rest of my life. Hope everyone enjoys their Father's Day!

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