Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Happy Birthday Granny
Today is my Granny's Birthday. I wonder how old she is? I probably shouldn't ask. I bet it's more than I can count too. :) We took a morning walk over to see her, and along the way mommy stopped at Miss Barbara's house so I could see Trouble, her dog. I love dogs. And I meant to tell you yesterday in my blog that I managed to say DOG at Aunt Sharon's house Saturday. I surprised myself saying it. Tonight we went out to eat with Harold, Granny, Aunt Sue, Jeri, Will, Jamie, and Cailyn for Granny's Birthday. We went to Iron Horse in Villa Rica. I had crackers, baked potatoes and chicken. YUMMY! We had a great time but I'm ready for bed. Daddy has to work tomorrow and it's supposed to be his day off. I hope mommy wants to go swimming because I sure do! Anyway hope everyone has a good night. Blog ya later.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Swimming, Dogs, Birthday Party and oh so much more
*Sorry there are no pictures I just realized Daddy re-booted the computer therefore all the pictures are gone :(*
Friday was pretty fun. Aunt Shellie and Devin came swimming with us. I liked watching Devin splash around and play. Daddy had promised mommy a night out, and what better timing than on a Friday night. So after we went swimming we went home and they got ready. They took me to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's. Mommy hates leaving me but I think she enjoyed her night out. They went to where else? La Hacienda, then they did a little shopping. Mommy got a new dress, new canisters for the kitchen, and a whole new outfit including shoes for church. They didn't pick me up until 10 pm. That is the latest I've ever stayed any where before. Boy I was tired when they picked me up. Even though mommy had a great time I think she is a little upset it got me off schedule. Saturday morning we called Granny and Harold to see if they wanted to go to breakfast, and they did. We took them to Golden Corral! I had blueberry pancakes, a few hash browns, jello, and oh so yummy ice cream for dessert! Saturday night was Granny's surprise party so we were busy getting ready for that the rest of the day. We went to Aunt Sharon's around 4:30 and got ready. Boy was Granny surprised! She has NEVER had a surprise party before! We got her good! We had salad, steaks, potatoes, rolls, rice casserole, sweet tea, and birthday cake! We had a great time! We finished off the night by swimming way to late! It was a great day. Sunday was not so busy. We had planned on going to church since mommy had a new outfit and daddy got new pants, but we overslept (blame it on the pool). So we just hung around the house. Mommy made me blueberry pancakes at home, then she made a sausage casserole for Harold and Granny. Sunday night we went to Cracker Barrel with Granny. I got to eat Chicken and Dumplings and boy were they good. We went to Walmart after dinner. I got some new toys. I got a set of little people, a granny and a Harold (well mommy said it was a grandaddy), and I got some bath toys! Teething set in pretty bad last night. I couldn't rest because my mouth hurt so bad. Mommy decided that we would skip story time this morning. I didn't really care because I knew Abby wouldn't there she. She's kind of my best friend. I like playing with the other kids too though. I will get to see her tomorrow though. We are both going to the library with our moms. We are going to the puppet show. On that note I better get off to bed. Nighty night.
Friday was pretty fun. Aunt Shellie and Devin came swimming with us. I liked watching Devin splash around and play. Daddy had promised mommy a night out, and what better timing than on a Friday night. So after we went swimming we went home and they got ready. They took me to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's. Mommy hates leaving me but I think she enjoyed her night out. They went to where else? La Hacienda, then they did a little shopping. Mommy got a new dress, new canisters for the kitchen, and a whole new outfit including shoes for church. They didn't pick me up until 10 pm. That is the latest I've ever stayed any where before. Boy I was tired when they picked me up. Even though mommy had a great time I think she is a little upset it got me off schedule. Saturday morning we called Granny and Harold to see if they wanted to go to breakfast, and they did. We took them to Golden Corral! I had blueberry pancakes, a few hash browns, jello, and oh so yummy ice cream for dessert! Saturday night was Granny's surprise party so we were busy getting ready for that the rest of the day. We went to Aunt Sharon's around 4:30 and got ready. Boy was Granny surprised! She has NEVER had a surprise party before! We got her good! We had salad, steaks, potatoes, rolls, rice casserole, sweet tea, and birthday cake! We had a great time! We finished off the night by swimming way to late! It was a great day. Sunday was not so busy. We had planned on going to church since mommy had a new outfit and daddy got new pants, but we overslept (blame it on the pool). So we just hung around the house. Mommy made me blueberry pancakes at home, then she made a sausage casserole for Harold and Granny. Sunday night we went to Cracker Barrel with Granny. I got to eat Chicken and Dumplings and boy were they good. We went to Walmart after dinner. I got some new toys. I got a set of little people, a granny and a Harold (well mommy said it was a grandaddy), and I got some bath toys! Teething set in pretty bad last night. I couldn't rest because my mouth hurt so bad. Mommy decided that we would skip story time this morning. I didn't really care because I knew Abby wouldn't there she. She's kind of my best friend. I like playing with the other kids too though. I will get to see her tomorrow though. We are both going to the library with our moms. We are going to the puppet show. On that note I better get off to bed. Nighty night.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Mommy and Me Day
Well I kept mommy on her toes last night. I didn't sleep well. I think I finally sleep two solid hours this morning from about 5-7. She decided that we would make the most of the day and stay busy. (I think she was trying to make me tired) We went for a long walk this morning then I made her happy and took a nap. When I woke up we ran a few errands then we went to Wal-mart to buy groceries. I can say "hey" so everyone I see I say "hey". It makes for interesting trips anywhere now. I love people watching. We stopped by Taco Bell on the way home. Mommy got me some potatoes, boy are those things good. Daddy was excited when we got home...he loves Taco Bell. Since tonight was something special at the library mommy wanted to get her bath before we went so daddy played with me on the bed while she took her bath. Me and daddy were playing flash cards and the next thing I know I was asleep. Daddy napped with me. He's always ready to nap :) Ton
ight me and mommy did go to the library. It was reptile wrangler night. This man brought big animals to the library. He even carried them in the library in pillowcases. Which reminds me to check the ones on the bed tonight. Ewww. There were lots of people there. We saw Devin, Aunt Shellie, Ms. Holly and Darbee and even a few other people mommy knew. And we saw a baby from story time. Must mean we are popular. We didn't stay too long because the reptile man brought a lot of snakes. And mommy is such a girly girl she doesn't like snakes. Here is a picture that Ms. Lynn took for us. Thank goodness she did because it was very crowded and mommy is short so she couldn't get a really good picture.

Oh mommy has started her own blog...why I don't know. I think she's a little jealous of mine. Anyway you can read hers here http://littlemamaof1.blogspot.com
Well that's all for tonight. It's daddy's short week which means no blogging for a few days. We have a very busy weekend ahead. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Blog ya Monday.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Play Date
I had my first real play date today with Abby. We've been seeing each other at Baby Time for awhile now our moms finally decided for us to get together outside the library. We met them at the park around 11 am. Mom and I got there first despite the fact we didn't wake up til 10 this morning and we were running behind. Mom and I swang together then we slide down the slide. Very soon Abby and her mom were there. We got to swing, then we went to the water fountains and got our feet wet! Abby's mom suggested we go get something to eat...I like her way of thinking. We ended up going to Golden's on the Square! I love their mashed potatoes and mac and cheese! We had a great time. I think mommy had more fun than me. With my "Aunt" Brandi's not living around here (one in Hampton-the other in Japan) mommy doesn't have any friends that we see regularly. Mommy enjoyed having someone to talk to other than me and daddy. And if you know my mommy she loves to plan and look into the future. I know how she thinks...she's probably already planning on seeing mine and Abby's kids playing in the front yard and her and Abby's mommy sitting on the front porch with ice tea and watching the grandkids play. Yep that's my mommy, but I love her. I love having a play mate and I can't wait til we meet each other again! Thanks Abby for a great day!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Is it Nap Time Yet?
Yesterday was the end of Vacation Bible School...mommy managed to make it every night and good thing she did she was in charge of the nursery. Mommy was a little bummed we didn't get a certificate. I might have been bummed to but I don't know what it is...so whatever. Harold and Granny came to church too...they cooked hot dogs for everyone! It was SO HOT outside! We stayed til my nap time then mommy and I came home. Mommy let daddy sleep a little later than usual since it was Father's Day. When he and I woke up...we played the rest of the day. I've been a little bit of a daddy's boy lately. He is so much fun! We lay on the bed and I jabber and he acts like he knows what I'm saying. When daddy went to work we went to Granny and Harold's and went swimming. Harold even swam with us. We had a great time. Today has been awful busy too! Mommy and I went to Baby Time at the library. Yep, Abby was there. I was so excited but I tried not to show it. We played and played while our mommy's chatted. We had a great time as usual. Mommy and Abby's mommy talked about us going to the park later this week! Yay! I love the park. When we left Baby Time we went to Granny and Harold's. And you can call off the search party...Aunt Sharon and Uncle D are back! Phew. I think they need to tell me before they leave and don't show up for a week. Shame on them. But I will forgive them this time. They brought me back a shirt that says HOT and it has flames! Awesome! I can't wait to wear it. And for those that don't know or have forgotten. Harold has called me HOT since the day mommy found out I was a boy. He says my name should have been Herman Otis Tweedell then my initials would have been HOT. Monday afternoon I got to stay with Granny while Daddy took Mommy out for awhile. He took her shopping then out to a late lunch. When they got back we went swimming and then daddy cooked hot dogs for everyone. Aunt Sue, Jeri, Will, Jamie, and Cailyn came outside and ate with us. Then daddy built a big fire and we roasted marshmallows! YUMMY! Tuesday morning we went to the library for the Music Man...I can't remember his name. We had a great time. When we left there we did a little shopping then we went to Wendy's for lunch. Mommy got me french fries but wouldn't you know I fell asleep before we sat down. Tuesday night we went swimming then we came home and mommy cooked dinner while I napped. We had a great dinner. Mommy made spaghetti, corn on the cob, mashed potatoes, squash, salad, and rolls. Boy was it good! Then daddy said that meal so good the only way it could get any better was to finish it off with ice cream. He took us to Dairy Queen, and I got my own ice cream! It's been a crazy, hectic, busy few days but I've loved every minute of it. Life is good!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Happy Father's Day
I've already blogged about my daddy so now I thought I would mention a few other men in my life that make it very special. I've got two grand-dads that love me very much. I don't get to see my Grandpa Tweedell as much as I see Harold but I love it when he comes to visit. Harold plays with me every time I go to their house. He puts me on the bed with him and we watch Jerry Springer (but don't tell mom) He tells me about trucks, wal-mart, and ice cream everyday. My grandpaw Tweedell is like my own personal paparazzi. He always brings his camera and he takes LOTS of pictures. He says I'm the cutest baby ever! My uncle D is the coolest uncle ever! He can make me laugh and I enjoy eating lunch with him every weekday. Of course his food always looks better than mine (and I'm pretty sure if mom would leave the room he would share his with me). Uncle D is always buying me a new shirt or a new book. But the buying me stuff isn't what makes him special. Uncle D is trying to teach me to 'bump' (and in case you don't know what that is...he balls his fist up and we hit them together) Guess that is a guy thing. And last but not least there is Robert. He's my big cousin and he's so cool! He can drive! He goes swimming with me and he can always make me laugh. And sometimes I make him laugh.
Mommy says I'm lucky to have so many men around me that love me. I have lots of people I can look up to. I'm sure I will continue to look up to these men the rest of my life. Hope everyone enjoys their Father's Day!
Mommy says I'm lucky to have so many men around me that love me. I have lots of people I can look up to. I'm sure I will continue to look up to these men the rest of my life. Hope everyone enjoys their Father's Day!
Friday, June 18, 2010
What Makes My Daddy Super?

What makes my dad super?
What makes him so great?
Well let's see. Daddy was the first one to know mommy was pregnant. Yep she went back to sleep and daddy got to tell her about me first! Daddy took care of me and mommy while I was in her belly. He made sure we were fed good and got plenty of rest. Daddy went with mommy to EVERY doctor appointment, he asked questions, he held mommy's hand, and he was there for her everyday. Mommy and Daddy found they were expecting on his birthday (Jan. 31) and by March he had my room painted and ready for me. I think he was a little excited. Daddy read books to me while I was still in mommy's belly, and he talked to me a lot.
Daddy was right there when I was born. He walked with me to the nursery. He was right there when they bathed me. He fed me my very first bottle. He held me and smiled like no one has ever smiled before. He not only took care of me for the first three months he took care of mommy too, and that's a real job. For the first two or three weeks of my life mommy had a hard time sleeping and the medicine for her blood pressure made her feel funny, what did daddy do? He stayed up all night long so he would be sure to hear me. He would pick me up and take me to mommy. He changed diapers, rocked me, walked me around, and told me about everything we would do one day.
Daddy let me watch cartoons when I was only a few weeks old. He gave me my first juice bottle. He makes me laugh like no one else can. He lets me pull his glasses off his face (which I love to do). He loves to build things with my blocks only so I can tear them down. He loves to give me snacks and cookies. He shows me things on the Internet like music videos and funny stuff. He pushes the buggy backwards at Wal-mart so I can see where I'm going, not where I've been. He shows me all the coolest toys at Wal-mart.
My daddy has a badge and I think that makes him pretty super. No he's not in the army, the marines, or the air force but he protects our community by making sure the bad guys stay behind bars. His job is stressful but does he let that show? Nope, he loves it. He serves our community and I don't think he gets enough credit. I love his badge and I love his uniform. When he puts it on I get all excited. I like to pull on his photo ID badge and look at the badge on his shirt.
So those are just a few of things that make my dad super. He's the coolest dad I've ever met and I'm so glad he's mine!
I love you daddy! You are my hero!
How Dad Asked Mommy....
To marry him. So today's installment of Show Us Your Life Friday...is about proposals. I've heard this story a hundred times so I'll tell it to you. Mommy and daddy dated for almost 6 and half years before daddy proposed. Daddy loves to research everything he does from choosing a tv to buying mommy's ring. While he was researching mommy was wondering why he was spending so much time on the Internet. Well you know how girls are...mommy kept on nagging daddy. Daddy finally told mommy that he was looking for her engagement ring. Mommy felt really bad for nagging daddy, but she was really excited too. Well daddy called a few places to check if they could make this ring and make it in the right size. After calling a few people daddy was only disappointed. Then Harold called Mr. Morgan from Morgans Jewelers and mommy went and picked up the designer books. Daddy took those books to work that night and on his lunch break he picked out the perfect ring! That weekend mommy and daddy went to the jewelry store and ordered her ring. Secretly mommy was a little disappointed that the surprise was missing. But she knew she was getting the ring of her dreams so that made up for it. Well they spent the rest of the afternoon shopping and planning. That afternoon they went back to Daddy's house. Mommy was on the computer when daddy asked her to come over to the hall. Mommy didn't think anything about it and walked over. Daddy was on his knee and asked mommy to marry him. Well what does my mom say? Whatever. She had already known he was ordering the ring. Well while they were shopping daddy bought mommy a smaller engagement ring! (yep, he's a romantic guy). Well when mommy realized daddy had a ring..she was surprised and shocked. Then she said yes. And then she turned into bridezilla. No just kidding. They set the date of 8/8/8 and that was the beginning of their fairy tale. Well that's the story that I know. At least what they will tell me. Boy oh boy I hope next weeks Show Us Your Life is something exciting!
Thursday, June 17, 2010

They are missing again! My Aunt Sharon and Uncle D have not been seen since Saturday. I didn't even realize they were missing until yesterday (sorry the blog is a little late!). The last thing I heard was that they were in U-falla. Now that place sounds like a trip....da da dum. Ok couldn't resist the joke. I'm not sure if they left on their own free will or what. Mommy talked to Aunt Sharon the other day but she didn't even ask them when they were coming home to see me or where they were. We went to their house the other day but they weren't there. Where could they be? And how could they leave and not take me? Don't they miss me? I sure miss them. Ok so here is the plan if you see them leave me a comment. Or better yet kidnap them and bring them back home! Aunt Sharon and Uncle D if you read this...I miss you and I can't wait til you come back home!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Day Two
It was day two of vacation bible school. We got to read a few bible stories then we packed a picnic. I did mention that this years theme is Saddle Ridge Ranch right? After we had our snack at church, mommy took Will to do arts and crafts then we came home. Yes we are leaving Vacation Bible School an hour early every night but mommy says it's ok because 2 and half hours is a very long time for me to sit still. Early today we did make it to the library. They had a puppet show. I was not impressed by the puppets. In fact I found Miss Lynn way more interesting than the puppets. Daddy is off the next two days! So you know what that means...no blogging. We are going to try to rest a little. Mommy says we have lots of errands to run tomorrow then VBS. I'm hoping daddy will at least make mommy slow down long enough so we can go swimming! Fingers crossed! Ok think I'm going to bed now. Long day ahead of us tomorrow!
Monday, June 14, 2010
I Need A Vacation...
away from Mommy and Daddy! We have been so busy lately I don't remember the last long nap I had. Friday when daddy got home he took a nap. Looking back if I had known how much we were going to do I would have taken a nap with him. When daddy woke up we started running errands then we took a long car ride to go visit Ayden. Ayden's birthday is next Sunday and since daddy has to work we went to visit him early. We took him an Elmo doll to play with. I secretly wished it was mine. My daddy picks out the coolest gifts for kids. I got to play with Ayden. What do boys play with? We played ball and I played with his mickey mouse rattle. AWESOME! Mommy and daddy didn't plan this trip too well because it was near my nap time once we got there so we didn't stay too long. When we got back in town mommy and daddy decided to go buy groceries. After all that we went to Granny and Harold's to go swimming! I love to swim but boy does it make me sleepy! I slept so good Friday night! Saturday morning mommy and I walked to Granny and Harold's. Daddy came over shortly after we did. He cooked hot dogs on the grill. Then Aunt Brandi, Uncle B, and the girls came and had lunch with us. Mommy made these really cool cupcakes (but once again mommy has left the camera in the car...I'll post pictures tomorrow!) We swam ALL DAY...well I did all but the 45 minutes I napped inside with Granny and Harold. Aunt Brandi and Uncle B stayed all day and we loved every minute of it. When they left Harold and Granny invited us out to dinner. I didn't know Saturday was going to be such a big day! I ended up getting my first car! After dinner we went to Wal-mart and mommy and daddy bought me a car! It's green and it's very sporty! It's even got a cup-holder for my water bottle! I love it well all but the fact it's a one-seater and I can't cruise around an pick up any chicks. Well that might be awkward anyway since Mom's always around. Sunday morning when daddy woke up we took my new car out for a spin and put a few miles on it. I think I should have gotten an upgraded model with an air conditioner because boy it sure was hot! We hung around the house most of Sunday. Paw Paw and Maw Maw Tweedell came by. We gave Paw Paw his Father's Day gift because daddy has to work on Father's Day. We did go back to Granny and Harold's to swim some more Sunday night. Now for today...it's been busy too. We went to Walmart this morning with Granny. Then tonight was our first night of Vacation Bible School. I wasn't sure what to expect but I had a great time. We did a little book, then mommy read to us. We sang songs, played with some nature stuff, then it was snack time! I had a cookie and some juice! Yummy! Then we came home. Vacation bible school wasn't over but there is much a baby can do. Plus it was kind of close to my bed time. Well I think I'm gonna call it a night. We are going to the library in the morning for a puppet show! That should be interesting! Well good night all!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Fiddlin' Dan

Mommy and I had a great day. We went for a morning walk. We went to Granny's and played. We came home and played with daddy. I got to listen to daddy's work radio. We played a lot in my room today because everybody out our way lost power and my room is really bright! When daddy left we had dinner then it was off to the library for Fiddlin' Dan. Mommy tried to take a picture but for some reason the pictures were really dark. I had planned on putting a picture of him playing the fiddle but since it was really dark I decided to add a picture of me sleeping in my big boy bed (thanks for taking the picture mom). Tonight at the library Fiddlin' Dan was trying to introduce me to a baby name Lily. I smiled at her but she's no Abby :( We had a great time and he sang lots of songs. He also asked for lots of kids to help him play instruments. I kept putting my arms in the air like the rest of the kids but he never chose me. Maybe next time. I got three more books at the library tonight. Mommy said she wasn't going to read them to me today, she is going to save them for tomorrow. We are going on a car ride to see Ayden. Mommy thinks she can entertain me with books. I'm excited to go play with a baby around my age. Mommy and Daddy are excited too! Ok I better go and get some sleep I have a feeling I'm going to be very busy tomorrow!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Three Jam Packed Days
WOW...that's all I can say about the past few days. Monday me and mommy went to Story time alone. We went to the early morning one hoping to see my friend Abby, but no luck. I had a great time. The theme was pigs and I love pigs! And guess who I saw when we were leaving? Abby. Yep she overslept. But we had already made plans to meet up at the library in two weeks. No it's not a date our moms will be there :( After story time we came home and woke daddy up. We hung around the house for a little while then mommy had a lot of errands to run so she took me to Granny and Harold's and I got to stay with them for a little while. I haven't wanted mommy to leave me lately but it wasn't that bad. While mommy and daddy had a little time away from me they were still thinking about me, because when they came home they had me a surprise! A big boy bed! Yep I've got me a toddler bed. It's so cool! I took a picture but I can't find the camera right now. I'll post pictures tomorrow! We even went swimming Monday night too! Monday was great but Tuesday was even better! Tuesday morning we woke up and rushed to go to the library...yep two days in a row. We saw a magician there and he was AWESOME! He made a real bunny come out of a book bag! Mommy and Daddy bought me a DVD of the magic show, a book that shows me how to do the tricks, and a magic rope! We spent the rest of the afternoon in the pool! I had a great time! I love the water. Mommy and Daddy had Taco Bell for dinner and they even let me have some potatoes! Yummy! Today we stayed pretty busy running around town with Granny. Next week is vacation bible school and we've been gathering supplies and snacks! I can't wait. I'm gonna be in the nursery with mommy! Well that about sums up the past few days. We've got an extra busy weekend coming up too! Friday we are going to visit daddy's Aunt Regina, Uncle Eddie, and Ayden! Then Saturday mommy and daddy are having a pool party with my Aunt Brandi B., Brandon, and the girls! I'm super excited to show off my pool floats and my swimsuit! OK I promise pictures tomorrow and I'm sure another exciting post! Night night!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Two Really Boring Days

Well daddy had to work all weekend long so that makes for some really boring days. Saturday we didn't do anything. Saturday night I got to stay with Granny and Harold for about 30 minutes so mommy could run get her something to eat. She brought me back a baked potato! I love those! This morning I thought we were going to church, mommy had our clothes laid out and I was excited to get to leave the house. We woke up pretty early...well early enough to get ready for church, but we didn't. I heard mommy tell daddy later that she didn't want to leave me in the nursery. I'm pretty clingy to mommy right now and I do cry a lot when she leaves me. Maybe she did the right thing but us not going. We ended up spending most of the day at Granny and Harold's. While daddy was home today we watched the rest of Toy Story. I love that movie. Granny bought me a big blanket the other night with Woody and Buzz on it! So we snuggled in the bed with my new blanket and watched it. Tonight we stayed home and played. I enjoyed a few cookies while mommy ate dinner and now it's my bedtime. We have story time in the morning and mommy has something planned for me and daddy Tuesday. Can't wait to see what she has in mind. Daddy's home for two days so that means no blogging. Hope everyone has a great Monday!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Show Us Your Life...
Yes it's that time of the week again. It's Show Us Your Life Friday! Today's topic is Random Acts of Kindness. I wasn't sure what this meant so I asked my mom. She filled me in on some random acts that have taken place since I've been born so here so goes what I've been told...
- When I was born the ladies' at the hospital gave me a green crocheted hat (mommy has it put up for me)
- The Monday after I got home from the hospital Miss Sara Dewberry brought mommy and daddy a cake (and she held me) OK so maybe that wasn't a random act of kindness maybe more of a bribe to hold me, but it was very unexpected and very sweet!
- One night Granny and Harold stopped by to see us at our house when I was very little and they brought 5 cases of diapers! Mommy and Daddy were very happy!
- My Aunt Sharon and Uncle D buy me little stuff all the time unexpected, and it's very much appreciated! When they started doing this it was always on the 1st (the day of the month I was born) then it became just whenever so I think that falls under Random.
- My Aunt Jeanine came to see me once and brought me diapers, clothes, and a Ham (by the way I think mommy and daddy ate that I didn't get any) That was totally random and very kind.
- Aunt Kellie stopped by last week and gave me a clock. That was pretty random too.
Mommy and Daddy say they are very blessed to have so many people in their lives that do so much for them. We try to give back as much as we can. We may not be able to buy lots of things for people but we can help people in other ways. Mommy and I are going to bake cookies and take them to people we know very soon. Mommy loves to cook and it's a nice way to say we are thinking about you. So what are some things that you've done that are random acts of kindness? Or better yet what has someone done for you that's been random and kind?
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
A Magic Show!
Yesterday when I got up mommy and I headed for the library. I thought she was crazy because it was Tuesday and Baby Story Time is on Mondays. When we got there she returned my last book (Pete's A Pizza -A Must Read) then we got two new books. Then we met up with one of mommy's friends from High School and her daughter Darbee. We sat on the floor at the library and I knew something was coming. We watched a Magic Show. I wasn't impressed, although I'm only 8 months old. I got pretty bored pretty fast. The kids around me kept me more entertained than the show itself. Oh well. It made mommy happy to get out of the house. We spent the rest of the day at home. I didn't feel too well so mommy kept me inside and held me a LOT! We did go to Granny and Harold's later on to eat some watermelon, but since I'm not feeling well I didn't want any. I have been keeping mommy up at night. Wednesday was pretty boring. Although apparently mommy and daddy are having car problems, because Wednesday morning mommy woke me up and we got in the car first thing. Mommy was still wearing her nightgown and some bright pink pants (wish I had a camera!). When we got to the end of the road we saw daddy walking. Mommy and daddy's car wouldn't crank and daddy had to walk home. Good thing we only live three miles from daddy's work. Mommy was mad at daddy for not calling sooner and waking us up. Daddy said he didn't want to disturb us. We didn't do anything Wednesday night. Thursday mommy, daddy, and I went swimming and went to the library for an Aztec Indian Dance. That was awesome! That man did lots of dances and hollering! Thursday night Mommy and Daddy had to get their car hauled from the prison and now daddy is back to driving his old car. Car problems sure do make mommy ill. I sure wasn't tired last night so mommy, daddy, and I went to wal-mart pretty late to buy groceries. I'm becoming quiet the night owl. Daddy loves it. He can't wait til I watch movies with him ALL night. Mommy? Not so excited. She likes to sleep apparently.
Today has been busy. We came to Granny and Harold's. Then this woman came over her. She looked like my Aunt Sharon...but kind of like my dad. Well I say that because she has NO HAIR! When I saw my Aunt Sharon the other day she had long long long hair that I could pull! But not today. She's got NO HAIR! Don't get me wrong, it's pretty but I'm not used to it yet. I'm sure it's her though because she played with me and hugged on me.
We've spend the day going and going. I'm tired so I think I"m going to call it a night. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Today has been busy. We came to Granny and Harold's. Then this woman came over her. She looked like my Aunt Sharon...but kind of like my dad. Well I say that because she has NO HAIR! When I saw my Aunt Sharon the other day she had long long long hair that I could pull! But not today. She's got NO HAIR! Don't get me wrong, it's pretty but I'm not used to it yet. I'm sure it's her though because she played with me and hugged on me.
We've spend the day going and going. I'm tired so I think I"m going to call it a night. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
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