Monday, May 31, 2010
Happy Memorial Day
Happy Memorial Day everyone. With really hot and sticky weather here we didn't do much. Mommy, Daddy, and I went to Granny and Harold's for lunch by the pool. Daddy has to work tonight so we didn't get to stay long, nor did we get to swim. BOOOOO! Uncle D bought me a shirt to wear last night, so he brought it to me today. I love it. It's blue and white and has a dog on it. Uncle D said it looks like a little man's shirt. I think I'll call the dog on it Buddy. That is Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's dogs' name. After daddy left for work we went back to Granny and Harold's but it rained so there wasn't much to do. We are back home now and mommy says it's time for bed. She says she has something fun planned for tomorrow. So I'm off to bed. Hope everyone had a wonderful day!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
100th Post...and A HUGE TUB
Can you believe this is my 100th blog? Who knew a baby had so much to say?
So as you know daddy has been home since Friday...yep it's his long weekend. We are so lucky to have so much time with him. Mommy said most parents have to work 5 days every week. Let me fill you in on how our weekend went. Well let's start with Thursday. I was sick for the first real time ever. I had a fever and all. I slept a lot and I was all better by Friday. Thank goodness for Aunt Brandi because at 2:30 in the morning mommy was going crazy because my fever was at 101. and she didn't know what to do. What do you do when your baby sick? Apparently you call someone on the other side of the globe. Thank goodness she's smart. She told mommy what to do and not to worry. Thanks Aunt Brandi for being the sane one :) Friday we went to Sam's and Wal-mart with Granny, Harold, and Robert. We had a great time. I love to shop and look at lots of stuff. I got some new clothes and lots of food. Mommy has started giving me "finger foods". Yesterday (Saturday) we got up and went to Granny and Harold's. Daddy worked in backyard for a long time. We did a little shopping and mommy picked up a few things for my birthday party. Haven't you heard my party is only 4 months away? Then we came home and mommy cooked an awesome dinner while me and daddy napped. I had chicken and wagon wheel pasta, peas, and avocados! Mommy made these little chicken crescent rolls things for her and daddy. Theirs looked good but I'm sure mine was better! Then I wasn't ready to go to bed just yet so we played, played, and played. We even went downstairs to daddy's movie room and watched a movie. Well me and mommy watched, daddy napped :) We watched Toy Story. Boy that movie is funny. How do I know? Because my mommy laughed a lot. When we came back upstairs mommy laid our clothes out for Church this morning and then we went to bed. We woke up this morning at 10:30. We were supposed to be at church at 10:40! Needless to say we didn't make it to church this morning :( But we did make the most of the day. We went to Granny and Harold's and cooked lunch then mommy and daddy did something incredible. They put me in what has to be the biggest bath tub ever!!!! It sure was cold though. Ok I will let you in on my secret. Mommy says that it isn't a bath tub it's a swimming pool. Whatever it is, I'm sure if the water was warmer it would be awesome! Since it was so cold I didn't stay in it long. Granny took me inside and put me to bed. We had a great day outside! Tonight for dinner daddy made mommy some shrimp tacos (her new favorite food) and I had mac and cheese, peas and carrots, and then some yogurt bites! I love food! Ok that's all for now. I've gotta get some rest. Tomorrow is Memorial Day and apparently that means staying outside all day, eating by the pool, and swimming til our skin wrinkles.
So as you know daddy has been home since Friday...yep it's his long weekend. We are so lucky to have so much time with him. Mommy said most parents have to work 5 days every week. Let me fill you in on how our weekend went. Well let's start with Thursday. I was sick for the first real time ever. I had a fever and all. I slept a lot and I was all better by Friday. Thank goodness for Aunt Brandi because at 2:30 in the morning mommy was going crazy because my fever was at 101. and she didn't know what to do. What do you do when your baby sick? Apparently you call someone on the other side of the globe. Thank goodness she's smart. She told mommy what to do and not to worry. Thanks Aunt Brandi for being the sane one :) Friday we went to Sam's and Wal-mart with Granny, Harold, and Robert. We had a great time. I love to shop and look at lots of stuff. I got some new clothes and lots of food. Mommy has started giving me "finger foods". Yesterday (Saturday) we got up and went to Granny and Harold's. Daddy worked in backyard for a long time. We did a little shopping and mommy picked up a few things for my birthday party. Haven't you heard my party is only 4 months away? Then we came home and mommy cooked an awesome dinner while me and daddy napped. I had chicken and wagon wheel pasta, peas, and avocados! Mommy made these little chicken crescent rolls things for her and daddy. Theirs looked good but I'm sure mine was better! Then I wasn't ready to go to bed just yet so we played, played, and played. We even went downstairs to daddy's movie room and watched a movie. Well me and mommy watched, daddy napped :) We watched Toy Story. Boy that movie is funny. How do I know? Because my mommy laughed a lot. When we came back upstairs mommy laid our clothes out for Church this morning and then we went to bed. We woke up this morning at 10:30. We were supposed to be at church at 10:40! Needless to say we didn't make it to church this morning :( But we did make the most of the day. We went to Granny and Harold's and cooked lunch then mommy and daddy did something incredible. They put me in what has to be the biggest bath tub ever!!!! It sure was cold though. Ok I will let you in on my secret. Mommy says that it isn't a bath tub it's a swimming pool. Whatever it is, I'm sure if the water was warmer it would be awesome! Since it was so cold I didn't stay in it long. Granny took me inside and put me to bed. We had a great day outside! Tonight for dinner daddy made mommy some shrimp tacos (her new favorite food) and I had mac and cheese, peas and carrots, and then some yogurt bites! I love food! Ok that's all for now. I've gotta get some rest. Tomorrow is Memorial Day and apparently that means staying outside all day, eating by the pool, and swimming til our skin wrinkles.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Show Us Your Life....
So it's Friday time for another Show Us Your's theme is Show Us What You Love/Makes You Happy. Here goes...
Even thought I've only met these people once or twice in my 8 months, they make me very happy and I love them very much.

I Love FOOD! Any kind. Green beans, potatoes, cookies, lil' crunchers, juice, ice cream (only on special occasions), yogurt, you name it I love it. I take my food very seriously.
My family. Not much to say here just that I have the best mom and dad ever :)
I love my Aunt Shellie and Devin. Aunt Shellie is silly and she makes me laugh every time I see her. And I watch Devin and wonder why I can't run around like he does.
I love my big cousin Robert because he makes me laugh. He's kind of like a big brother to me. :)

I love my Uncle D. And I love his guitar. Boy can he play it! He can play it so well he can put me to sleep. I enjoy getting to see him every weekday at lunch time. When he doesn't come for lunch I feel a little lost. :(
I love my Aunt Sharon. She's always showing me new stuff and dressing me up and taking pictures. She gives me yogurt and she buys me lots of books. She gets down in the floor with me and plays and I have my own stuff at her house just for me! She's the best!

I love my Granny and Harold. I could spend a whole blog here telling you why I love them, but I'll sum it up. Harold tells me all kinds of stuff, like he's going to build me a truck stop, complete with a truck wash, a restaurant, lights, and all the trucks I can play with. He buys me watermelons and blueberry biscuits! He whispers in my ear about going to Wal-mart and getting ice cream. He's the coolest Grandpaw ever even though I'll never call him Grandpaw.

I Love FOOD! Any kind. Green beans, potatoes, cookies, lil' crunchers, juice, ice cream (only on special occasions), yogurt, you name it I love it. I take my food very seriously.

I love my Uncle D. And I love his guitar. Boy can he play it! He can play it so well he can put me to sleep. I enjoy getting to see him every weekday at lunch time. When he doesn't come for lunch I feel a little lost. :(

I love my Granny and Harold. I could spend a whole blog here telling you why I love them, but I'll sum it up. Harold tells me all kinds of stuff, like he's going to build me a truck stop, complete with a truck wash, a restaurant, lights, and all the trucks I can play with. He buys me watermelons and blueberry biscuits! He whispers in my ear about going to Wal-mart and getting ice cream. He's the coolest Grandpaw ever even though I'll never call him Grandpaw.
And my Granny...where do I begin. She plays with me. She holds me, she reads to me. She rocks me to sleep. She's kind of like a second mom. I love her so much. She is always ready to play when I get there and she is always ready to love on me :)
I love lots of other things too. I love all my family. My Grandpaw and Maw Maw Tweedell. My Grandmaw Barbara. And all of the other family that I have! I love to meet new people, I love being in a crowd. I love to be outside, I love my wagon, I love to swing. I love shopping with mommy and daddy. I love when mommy takes a bath and I get guy time with daddy. What do we do during guy time? I'll never tell.
I love lots of things and I'm a very happy little guy. So what do you love?
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Ok so I can hardly type this fast enough. My mom has done the greatest thing EVER! She has given me FOOD! First off quick overview of the "weekend". No story time Monday :( Mommy did let me pick a book to take home from the library though :) Then we ran a few errands. Monday night daddy took mommy out on a date. They dropped me off at Granny and Harold's then they went to La Hacienda for dinner then did a little shopping at Walmart, but only to pick up a few things for Granny and Harold. When they picked me up I was ready to play, even though it was 9'o clock. Ok so on to Tuesday. Daddy vacuumed Granny and Harold's pool because he is determined that we go swimming this weekend. What they call a pool looks like a gigantic bath tub! Mommy let me put my feet in the water but that wasn't good enough. I kept kicking my feet and she got the idea. She put me in the water a little further while she was sitting on the side. Well apparently when you hold a 25 pound baby over for a little while it hurts your back. So mommy did what any other good mommy would do, she put on her bathing suit and got in the freezing cold pool just so I could splash her. I love the water and I didn't want to get out. Boy I sure did sleep good for my nap Tuesday too. Tuesday night we went to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's for dinner. Aunt Sharon made cube steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, and biscuits! Mommy took my high chair and I ate GREEN BEANS and POTATOES! YUMMY. Who needs this baby food? Not me. The other day mommy and daddy gave me a french fry but nothing since then. So I was worried that last night was just a fluke. This morning we went to Granny and Harold's to play and mommy broke out the jar of baby food and boy was I disappointed. I ate a little and then decided that it just wasn't good anymore. Then Harold went and bought them breakfast. He bought a blueberry biscuit and boy did that thing look good. Mommy had given me a bitter biscuit to eat but she felt sorry for me. So she dunked my cookie into the blueberry jam. Man was that good! I ate that stuff up! So to sum it up...I LOVE FOOD! Daddy is so excited and he loves to watch me eat. Mommy is a little worried that I won't eat the baby food anymore...we will see about that. Daddy says if I loved that blueberry jam just wait til mommy makes a blueberry pie. Don't know what that is but it sounds yummy. Mommy has made lots of pictures of me eating but I forgot the camera in daddy's car so it's at work with him. So that pretty much sums up our past few days. Oh and mommy has realized that she only has 4 months to plan my 1st birthday party. She has been researching everything from party favors to invitations. Girls...geez. All we know for sure right now (other than mommy is crazy) is that my party will be on Saturday October 2, 2010 and it's gonna be at Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's.
Ok that's all for tonight. Gotta get some sleep. We are looking forward to our weekend with daddy and hopefully we will get to do some swimming!
Ok that's all for tonight. Gotta get some sleep. We are looking forward to our weekend with daddy and hopefully we will get to do some swimming!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Dad is the word

Daddy's home for a two days! Yippie! No blog for today just thought I would share a photo! This is me and daddy at bath time. Bath time is awesome when daddy is home. I get to play, splash, and make bubbles in the water! Of course everything is better when daddy is home. So until he goes back to work NO BLOGGING! Gotta play with my daddy! :)
Friday, May 21, 2010
Where I Live

Ok so I guess you can tell from the last post mommy hi-jacked my blog. :) Well while she was being nosy on blogger she came across this thing a lot of bloggers do. It's called Show Us Your Life...and each week they ask you something different about your life. Mommy said I should try this. You only have to participate on Fridays...and I'll only do them when I can relate to it. So here goes my 1st Show Us Your Life Post.
This weeks Show Us Your Life wants to know about your hometown. I live in Newnan, Georgia. I was born in Fayetteville, Georgia but I live in Newnan. Mommy's doctor was in Fayetteville which is why I was born there. So what is interesting about Newnan? Well mommy says Newnan's claim to fame is that Alan Jackson is from here. So maybe I will follow in his foot steps and become famous. Newnan has lots of fun things to do. We have a library, which is where we attend story time. We have 2 movie places, a bowling alley, and an indoor putt putt place. We have lots of restaurants. And our court square does lots of fun things throughout the year. Downtown Newnan has parades, market days, and sidewalk sales. Santa Claus comes to Newnan once a year to see all the good boys and girls. He must know when the parade is because mommy says he is the last one in the parade every year.
I am only 7 months old so I'm sure I will learn more about Newnan as I get older. Mommy says it's a nice place to live and she will probably never move away from here. Well that completes my first Show Us Your Life! Maybe next Friday will be something exciting!
Oh and one last thing that has nothing to do with this blog. My big cousin Robert got his learners licenses today! Way to go Robert, can't wait til you can take me riding!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
What Will He Be?
This is Corbin's mommy. Corbin is napping today so I thought I would blog for him. He's learning so much and exploring more and more everyday and he's growing up way to fast. Which makes me wonder what his future holds. I wonder what he will be when he grows up? 

Will be a hunter? He sure is cute in camo.

Will he work on computers?(Isn't this the cutest picture ever?)
Will he be a cowboy and ride horses?

Will he play baseball for the Braves?

Or will be grow up to be a Corrections Officer like his daddy?
His options are endless. He has the whole world at his fingertips and he can do anything he wants. No matter what he grows up to be whether it's flipping burgers at McDonald's or working as a Doctor, we will love him unconditionally. He's one amazing baby I can't wait to see what God has in store for him.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Happy Birthday Robert!

Today my big cousin Robert turned 15 years old. We celebrated with him last night at his house. He had a really cool cake (see the picture!). Aunt Sharon worked really hard on his cookie cake and it looked awesome, and I bet it tasted pretty good too! Mommy said she couldn't believe Robert is 15 already. She remembers when he was born. Robert is really cool. He plays with me lot and then I pull his hair. Guess that's my way of saying thanks now let's play some more. Robert has lots of video games and I can't wait til I can play with him. He's always on the computer playing really crazy games and I'm sure he will teach me how. Now that Robert is 15 he can start driving. Wonder if mommy will let him drive us around? I look up to Robert, well for one I have to because he's taller than me, but for other reasons too. He's pretty cool. He likes to walk me around and play with me. And he is always laughing at things I do. He must think I'm funny. Anyway I hope Robert had a great birthday! Happy Birthday Robert, you are my favorite big cousin!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
My 1st Yard Sale

So for weeks mommy has been pulling stuff out of each room that I've never even seen. She put prices on all this stuff in the hopes that someone would buy it. Well yesterday we got up really early and set all of our stuff out in the grass and people came to our house to look through it. This is all very strange to me. Most of the time we go to stores to buy stuff why did these people come to our house? We sat outside ALL morning long and boy was it hot. Daddy did take me inside so I could nap. Napping in the cool house sure was nice. Mommy and daddy did pretty good at the yard sale and so did I. I sold lots of my clothes and a few other baby things that I can't use anymore. Mommy was excited that she got rid of most of her junk. She and daddy did so good that she let me stay with Aunt Sharon and Uncle D so she and daddy could go out and enjoy a nice quiet dinner. Aunt Sharon and Uncle D bought food for me to stay at their house so mommy doesn't have to pack so much each time I go down there. So all they had to do was pack up my diaper bag and drop me off. I had a great time with them. I showed them how I roll...over :) Uncle D bought me a new book and I had a great time playing with the dog, Buddy! I went to bed as soon as we got home but I didn't stay asleep long. I woke up and was ready to play. I'm teething again and it stinks. I've got 5 teeth now and my 6th one is trying to break through. I finally went to bed at midnight and slept til 4. At 8:30 me and mommy woke up this morning and got breakfast ready. We woke daddy up and ate. Then we started getting ready for church. We haven't been in a while and mommy was nervous about letting me sit with them through out the service. When people start getting loud I show them that I can get louder...well Preacher Chuck didn't know this and when he started shouting to make his point I felt the need to make my point too. I think I embarrassed mommy but daddy just smiled :) Preacher Chuck said I did great. Mommy enjoyed going to church and daddy said we would start going every other Sunday (daddy has to work every other Sunday). Today at lunch I tried celery...and it was ok. Not my favorite food, so far I love green beans and french fries. I haven't tried too much but I know I like those things. Tonight we went to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's to celebrate Robert's birthday! We had a great time. I had dinner and then we played. I missed playing with Buddy but we had a great time. Ok I think it's past my bed time I better head to bed and rest, because tomorrow is story time and I'm looking forward to it! So nighty night.
*The picture is me, mommy, and daddy at Robert's Birthday Dinner tonight :)
Mom is the Word

It's been a few days since I've posted anything. We've been staying pretty busy lately so I'll probably break the past week up in to two let's start. Last Sunday was Mama's Day. Daddy called it Mother's Day but I won't call my mom mother so it's mama's day. So on Mama's day daddy surprised mama with our gift to her. We bought mama a breakfast tray and a card. The breakfast tray had pictures of all of us in it. Of course she loved it. When mama got up daddy had already gone to bed because he had worked all night. Mom made breakfast for Granny and we went over there to give her the gift mommy had made, but before we went over there mommy put my hand on a piece of paper and drew around it, then she made flowers out of it. Mommy has the craziest ideas but other people seem to like them. So anyway we went to Granny and Harold's and had breakfast over there. We stayed with them until it was time to go see Maw maw at the nursing home. There were a lot of people there that I had never met. I met my mom's cousins that I've only heard about. I was the center of attention, which I love! I also got to eat a little bit of watermelon...yummy! By the time we got done visiting people I was worn out so I napped on our way home. When we got home mama made lunch for her and dad then we played til time for daddy to go to work. We spent the rest of the day with Granny and Harold. Daddy felt bad that we didn't do more for mommy since she does so much for us. So Monday we spent the day doing things mommy loves to do. We went to story time, yep even daddy went, then we took mommy out for lunch. Mommy loves to go go go, and so do I. It's hard for us to sit still. Luckily daddy was able to keep up with us. We had a great day. Mommy says she is already working on ideas for daddy's day. I just can't wait til it's baby day. Hey if mommy's get a day and so do dad's kids must have a day for them too right?
Oh and check out mom's shirt in the picture. Hers says Moms Rock and mine says My mom rocks. Daddy bought mommy another shirt too, it's says MOMS...they are better than dads. Not sure that's too true but it's funny :)
Friday, May 7, 2010
7 Month Update
So now that I'm 7 months old and we didn't do anything today worth posting I figured I would fill you in on what I'm doing in general. Let's see...I weigh 25 lbs. not sure how tall I am, mommy asked daddy to measure me but I'm sure he was too busy cutting grass or taking out trash, or any of the other things he does. I wear 12-18 month clothing and a size 4 diaper. I eat at least 3 jars of food a day, plus a snack, either yogurt, a teething biscuit (which I can bite chunks off of now), or fresh fruit. I love watermelon, cantaloupe, apples, and bananas. This week I've been testing my limits. I've taught myself how to spit. Mommy thought it was cute until I spit on her yesterday. (Ok she laughed but she said once I get older that won't be cute anymore!) I have begun splashing in the bath tub. Mommy thinks it's funny. And then tonight I surprised mommy by rolling over. I really don't like to be on my tummy for too long but it's fun to roll over. Mommy brought home a different walker the other day from Granny's and now I love to walk all over the living room. I don't like to take naps. Those are for babies and I'm growing up so I don't need them. Mommy doesn't get upset that I don't take naps as long as I stay happy. But when I get fussy she prays for nap time. I love to be outside and I adore being around people. A trip to Wal-mart will calm me down every time. I love to give kisses and to love on people. My favorite thing to do soon as I wake up is to grab my daddy and give him lots of kisses! I've started giving people Thumbs Up. And when mommy sings where is Thumbkin I know what she is saying and I'll give her the thumbs up. It's amazing the little stuff that will make her smile. Ok I think I've covered all the "new" stuff I can do. Mommy is having a huge yard sale next week so I think I'll go ahead and go to bed for tonight so she can price stuff. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Night night!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Beep Beep!

Phew what a busy day. Mommy and I got up and ate breakfast then Miss Jessica called and I was so excited because when she called it meant we could go visit Baby Hudson. It didn't take long to get to their house which makes me wonder why we haven't already been to see him. Baby Hudson is a lot smaller than me. I have so much I could teach him. All he wanted to do was lay in his mommy's arms and even though that was fun 6 months ago...there is a whole world out there just waiting for me to explore it. I tried to tell him but he wouldn't listen. Miss Jessica said we might get together soon to have dinner one night and even our daddy's would be there. That sounds like fun. Maybe me and Hudson can sneak off in the other room and I can teach him some things. When we got home I was tired so I took a quick nap while mommy ran some errands with Harold. I got to hang out with daddy once I woke up...which is rare, well it's only rare that mommy wasn't home. Me and daddy sweated the whole time. When mommy got home daddy was ready to leave. So we went riding in the car to cool off. We finally ended up at Granny and Harold's. Daddy borrowed the riding lawn mower and he drove home to cut the grass while me and mommy played with Granny and Aunt Sue. It's so nice to be able to go to Granny's everyday. There is always so much going on over there. I love Aunt Sue and Jeri being there all the time because I love having a lot of people around. Aunt Sue can always make me laugh...heck the first time I laughed was because of her. Granny got our my walker she had at her house and guess what? I'm mobile! Yep I can actually use that walker! It's awesome. I'm a little slow but I'm pretty sure that by next week I will be able to keep up with mommy and daddy! Once we finally made it home this afternoon a man came to our house and fixed the air! Thank goodness we are finally in a cool house! So ok I know you've been waiting to here about his so here goes...we went to TOUCH A TRUCK tonight! It was awesome! We saw a dump truck, a bull dozer, a bucket truck, army trucks, a dune buggy, a police car, a police truck, an ambulance, a fire truck, an ice cream truck, a cement truck, a pump truck, and a helicopter! It was so fun! It was kind of loud too. Everyone kept blowing the horns on the trucks! We met up with Aunt Shellie and Devin there. After touch a truck we went to Waffle House for dinner. What did I have? Turkey and Sweet Potatoes and Apples with Pomegranate. Now I bet you are asking yourself did the waffle house update their menu? No, mommy brought my food from home. After dinner mommy, daddy, and I went outside and sat on the ground and watched the helicopter leave the football field. That was so cool! After that we went and bought groceries at Wal-mart. I can't wait for you to see the shirts we bought mommy for mother's day! Ok my fingers are starting to hurt which I think means this blog is over. Night night!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
New Word of the Day HOT

Ok so that's not really our word of the day (it's spiders) but for some reason daddy says our air conditioner isn't working. And therefore the word should be HOT! It's been pretty boring around here lately. We haven't done much. Sunday we just hung around the house, we did manage to go riding then we stopped at Robby and Amber's to visit for a few minutes. I love the attention and I think mom enjoys the break. Monday mommy and I over slept and missed the early story time at the library (thank goodness they have two of them) This is the first time we have went to the 11 o' clock one, and there weren't many people there. There was one little girl and mommy said she looked so much like me that she could be my sister. Sister? No thanks. I'm good. Daddy has to work again tonight but then he is off Wednesday and Thursday and boy am I glad because Thursday night at the Library is Touch A Truck. They are going to have lots and lots of trucks that we can sit in and of course touch! And as you can tell in the picture I love trucks! Dump trucks, bucket trucks, pick-up trucks...any kind of truck. My Harold says he's gonna build me a truck stop! Complete with a parking, lights, all the works. I'm excited! Harold has also taught me to shake his hand, and boy does he think that is funny. Ok I guess that's all for now. I'm gonna go lay under the fan and cool off!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Word of the Day: PARTY
Before I tell you about the word of the day let me just say yesterday was way too busy. We went and bought groceries, then we went to Subway, then when we got home we ate dinner. After dinner we had company. Mr. Steve and Mrs. Patsy brought Cierra and Becca over to see me. Those girls must have been eating ice cream all day because boy were they full of energy. I thought I was wild, but man I got tired just watching them play. I haven't quiet figured Mr. Steve out yet. I study him very closely. It still throws me off when people come to our house because I love to go to other people's house. I'm here all the time so it's nice to go visit. So people coming into my house is a little different but I love the attention!
Ok so last week mommy decided to start something new with me. We have a board on the fridge now that says "The word of the day is..." and each day the word changes. Sometimes it's a color and sometimes it's something like a book. Then all day long she points those things out to me. (I think mommy enjoys "looking" all day for the word of the day so she can point them out first) So this morning when I woke up I was waiting to see what the word of the day was and you know what the board said? PARTY! And she even drew balloons and crazy little things all around it! (I'm starting to think mommy has too much free time on her hands). I was excited because I thought we were going to a party but you know what? We had the party at our house. Mommy threw daddy a graduation party because he worked so hard! We had hot dogs, baked beans, slaw, chips, and cupcakes. Ok maybe I should rephrase that I had mixed veggies and cantaloupe, everyone else had all the yummy stuff! I had fun because there were lots of people to give me lots of attention! But after they left I crashed! Today also happened to be Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's anniversary! So I'll give them a quick shout out! Happy Anniversary Aunt Sharon and Uncle D! (I think I've been staying up too late watching tv with mom). After my nap mommy and daddy took me furniture shopping. Not even real shopping though because when you shop you buy stuff and we went in a bunch of stores and did they buy anything? NO! Mommy said it's called window shopping but HELLO they didn't even buy any of those! Mommy moved all of our furniture around in the living room and now she wants new stuff. Oh brother. Daddy says he will never figure women out, and I'm starting to see his point. Then later tonight mommy found a futon on the Internet for sale. She told daddy about it and the next thing I know I'm being shipped off to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's so mommy and daddy can go buy a futon bed. Yep they took me to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's on their anniversary. Some anniversary is your nephew Happy Anniversary! But I had a great time. I've been learning to wave lately so I just spent my time down their practicing my wave and making them laugh. Plus I got to see my new sippy cup from them. Aunt Sharon bought me a sippy cup for her house and lots of food! Now if I could just talk mommy into letting me spend the night hmmmm. So now we are back home and a futon must be something wonderful because it's all mommy has talked about. She is gonna make me a toy room and she says it's perfect for me to sit on and watch my cartoons! So I guess it's for me and daddy too. Ok I think I'm gonna call it a night and head for bed. Hopefully tomorrow we will just hang out around the house and relax. Two days of going going going has really wore me out! Happy Weekend Everyone!
Ok so last week mommy decided to start something new with me. We have a board on the fridge now that says "The word of the day is..." and each day the word changes. Sometimes it's a color and sometimes it's something like a book. Then all day long she points those things out to me. (I think mommy enjoys "looking" all day for the word of the day so she can point them out first) So this morning when I woke up I was waiting to see what the word of the day was and you know what the board said? PARTY! And she even drew balloons and crazy little things all around it! (I'm starting to think mommy has too much free time on her hands). I was excited because I thought we were going to a party but you know what? We had the party at our house. Mommy threw daddy a graduation party because he worked so hard! We had hot dogs, baked beans, slaw, chips, and cupcakes. Ok maybe I should rephrase that I had mixed veggies and cantaloupe, everyone else had all the yummy stuff! I had fun because there were lots of people to give me lots of attention! But after they left I crashed! Today also happened to be Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's anniversary! So I'll give them a quick shout out! Happy Anniversary Aunt Sharon and Uncle D! (I think I've been staying up too late watching tv with mom). After my nap mommy and daddy took me furniture shopping. Not even real shopping though because when you shop you buy stuff and we went in a bunch of stores and did they buy anything? NO! Mommy said it's called window shopping but HELLO they didn't even buy any of those! Mommy moved all of our furniture around in the living room and now she wants new stuff. Oh brother. Daddy says he will never figure women out, and I'm starting to see his point. Then later tonight mommy found a futon on the Internet for sale. She told daddy about it and the next thing I know I'm being shipped off to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's so mommy and daddy can go buy a futon bed. Yep they took me to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's on their anniversary. Some anniversary is your nephew Happy Anniversary! But I had a great time. I've been learning to wave lately so I just spent my time down their practicing my wave and making them laugh. Plus I got to see my new sippy cup from them. Aunt Sharon bought me a sippy cup for her house and lots of food! Now if I could just talk mommy into letting me spend the night hmmmm. So now we are back home and a futon must be something wonderful because it's all mommy has talked about. She is gonna make me a toy room and she says it's perfect for me to sit on and watch my cartoons! So I guess it's for me and daddy too. Ok I think I'm gonna call it a night and head for bed. Hopefully tomorrow we will just hang out around the house and relax. Two days of going going going has really wore me out! Happy Weekend Everyone!
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