Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Weekend is Over :(

Booooo....our time with daddy was way to short. He said I need to be tough because after this week we will just have a short week then it's back to "normal". Mommy is getting really excited about me and her taking a road trip...not sure why she is excited but whatever. Mommy knows I don't like long car rides. The longest she and I have been alone in a car is from here to the doctor's office which isn't even 7 miles from our house, but we will see. So our weekend was fun-filled. Friday we picked daddy up and mommy decided we would taco bell for dinner. Daddy was happy, but maybe that was just because he was with us. After dinner I got to stay with Granny and Harold for an hour so mommy and daddy could run to Wal-mart, and then Friday night we all got some great sleep! Saturday morning we all up and went out to search for mommy the perfect graduation dress. Well I have found out shopping isn't fun and there is no perfect dress. Mommy is way to picky. Three hours later no dress not even one she might like. We ended up coming home empty handed. And guess what? She has decided to wear a dress that was already hanging in her closet. Girls...I don't understand them. I did get something this weekend. I got a new stroller. Mommy put it together then we went for a walk. It was really nice having daddy walk with us. Mommy pushed me for a while then daddy took over. Daddy walks faster than mommy which is fun! Saturday night mommy and daddy cooked a huge dinner! They thought they would wait until I went to bed to eat but I had other plans. I didn't nap any yesterday and I didn't think I needed any sleep last night either. After dinner I got my bath then we headed to the bedroom to play. I finally went to sleep around 11. But I didn't stay down long. Around 4 this morning I woke up and I didn't feel good at all. So mommy and daddy took turns walking me around. I did go back to sleep around 7. When I woke up this morning at 10 mommy was busy preparing lunch and daddy was watching a movie. He let me watch it with him while mommy finished up lunch. She made a big pot of chicken and dumplings. It looked gross. Daddy ate it but I don't think he liked it. And later on mommy admitted she didn't like it much for new recipes. After lunch we played and played and played. I took a 20 minute nap and so did daddy. Then mommy put me on the bed with daddy and she read all 5 books to me at one time so daddy could be there for each story that she was gonna read this week. Then we went and picked up daddy's uniforms. When we got daddy's uniforms we left there and I thought we were going back home but we didn't. We went to Dairy Queen and got ice cream. Mommy even let me take a lick off hers! Boy was that stuff good. Then it was time to take daddy back to the prison camp. :( I hate that place. I had fallen asleep in the car but daddy woke me up to say bye. Of course I cried. It's sad when you love your daddy so much and he leaves. I know he will be back Friday but that's a long time from now. So now it's just me and mom. I've had my bath and I'm ready for bed...or am I? I guess I will go now so I can play with mommy she looks lonely. Hope everyone had a great weekend! We are officially counting down to graduation! 11 days to go!

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