Friday, April 16, 2010

Quick Blog

Didn't think I would have time to blog today but Daddy got stuck at the campus a little longer than he thought he would. Someone got sick and they thought everyone was going to have to be quarantined. Thank goodness they didn't keep daddy. They did tell him if he felt sick to get to the hospital soon. Mommy had planned on making homemade pizzas but since he's running late she's thinking about taking Daddy out to eat. It has been an ok day I guess. Mommy and I did our morning walk to Granny and Harold's, then we walked home. Then mommy took me back to Granny and Harold's so she could go run a few errands. When she came back to get me half of her hair was gone! Boy is daddy gonna be surprised! Then mommy got this huge ball looking thing out at Granny's and she cut it open. And you know what? It was red inside it. Then she got my food bag out and put a piece of it in there and boy oh boy was that stuff good. Mommy called it watermelon, but I just call it yummy. I cried when it was all gone. Mommy said I didn't need to much of it or might get sick. But I sure can't wait til I can get some more of that. So now we are just waiting for daddy to call and say he's ready to be picked up. I think I'll go and try to sneak in a little nap while I wait. Blog ya Monday :)

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