Monday, April 12, 2010


Ok I've done this before and since nothing much happened today, just the usual story time because it's Monday, then dinner with Granny, Harold, Robert, Sue, Jeri, Will, Jamie, and Cailyn, I thought I would do this again. So here goes my life right now in numbers.

  • 21 pounds and 2 oz is what I weigh
  • 27 inches is how tall I am
  • 2 is for the number of teeth I have (yep got a new one today)
  • 2-3 is how many jars of food I am eating now and those are stage 2
  • 8 is the number of days daddy has left of boot camp
  • 3 is the number of wheels my new stroller has and I love it
  • 2 is the number of naps I usually take in a day (if mommy is lucky)
  • 3 months that's how long I get to wait before my next Dr's appointment
  • 6 months is how long I get to wait before I have to get shots again :)
  • 1 day until Uncle D's birthday

Well I guess that's all for tonight. I'm getting pretty tired. Plus we are going to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's tomorrow night for his birthday so I've gotta go work on his birthday gift. Good night all!

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