Sunday, April 4, 2010

Daddy came and Daddy went

Friday was a busy day. Mommy woke up happy and we went to bed even happier. Let's see Thursday night I started feeling bad. I couldn't breathe out of my nose. So after a trip to Granny and Harold's at 1 am, we came back home and mommy held me so I could sleep. No big deal because I had a doctors appointment Friday morning so mommy wasn't worried. Friday morning I woke up and we got ready and headed out for the day. Mommy kept reminding me that today daddy was gonna come home (guess he found a trap door out of the phone *if you are confused read the last blog*). So we get to Dr. Whipple's office and we go back to see him. Mommy got out her list of questions which was only one page this time (thank goodness) after I was weighed and measured (I weigh 21 lbs. 2 oz. and I'm 27 inches long) Dr. Whipple told mommy I would be getting my shots. What???? No one told us this. I thought I was going back in two weeks for that. Well I was wrong and so was mommy. That nurse came back in and gave me three shots! Ewwwww Weeeee they hurt. I cried and was very mad. So on top of a stuffy nose and itchy eyes now my legs hurt. Mommy took me to Granny's and fed me. That didn't' help I was still fussy. How could mommy let them give me shots on the day my daddy was coming home? I finally decided to take a nap so mommy could go buy groceries. Later that afternoon mommy was pulling me around the yard in my wagon and I heard the school bus coming and guess what? Robert got off the bus at my house. I was so excited he came to play. Mommy got a lot done while Robert was here. She started dinner and cleaned up a little. Then daddy called and said he was back in town. Mommy threw me in the car and we took off to the prison camp! Yep he was really there. My daddy had come home! Boy was I happy to see him! I smiled and smiled. Even though I felt rotten having my daddy here made a huge difference! Friday night I was really sick so daddy took me riding (I think he and mommy just enjoyed being in the car together and plus I think they might have got some Taco Bell while we were out). I did get some sleep Friday night and thank goodness because we were gonna be busy the rest of the weekend.

Saturday morning when I woke up I felt much better. We went to Church for my very first Easter Egg Hunt. I wasn't sure about all this but mom said it would be fun. Mommy tried to get me to pick up something on the ground but I decided I didn't want too. Mommy picked up the egg for me and you would have thought it had gold in it they way she acted. It was pretty windy outside so we didn't stay long. The rest of the day we just relaxed and did a few errands and mostly enjoyed our time with daddy. Mommy did take me to Granny and Harold's so she and daddy could have a little time to themselves. When she came to pick me up so had a box for me. She opened it and there was bunny inside. She pressed this bunny's foot and he started singing and flapping his ears. That is the funniest bunny I've ever seen! I love it! Apparently my Aunt Jeanine sent it to me! Is she great or what? I can't wait til I see her again. I'm gonna hug her and give her a big ole' kiss! Last night the Easter Bunny came to see me too! He brought me a basket full of goodies. I got an Easter Potato Head, lots of food, a monkey, and a new sippy cup. When we went to Granny and Harold's for lunch I got two more baskets over there. Granny and Harold gave me one with lots of eggs filled with money for my piggy bank, a bathing suit, food, and a tiger. And Aunt Sharon, Uncle D, and Robert gave me one with a frog, food, and a new sippy cup! I really racked up today. And since I'm on stage 2 foods now I had a great Easter Lunch. I had Turkey and Sweet Potatoes and Hawaiian Delight. Even though I got lots of goodies today it was still a very sad day. My daddy got that suitcase back out and started packing it again. I watched him closely because I was afraid he was gonna leave again. I was right. Daddy loaded the car and we started towards the prison. I cried from the time we got in the car until we got back home. People have told mommy that I didn't understand what is going on, but I do understand. I understand that once my daddy gets out at that place it's a very long time before I see him again. :(
So that pretty much wraps up our weekend. It was filled with smiles, love, and laughter and lots of tears here at the end. But we are already counting down til next weekend so maybe that way the week will fly by. Hope you enjoy the pictures. Happy Easter!

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