Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Fun Filled Tuesday

So when daddy left Sunday he told me and mommy to stay busy that way time would fly by. Mommy took his advice to heart. Today we went to Granny and Harold's before we went to the park. At the park I got to see my other Aunt Brandi and the twins. Those two girls are full of energy, and I'm jealous I can't run around with them. Mom had a sandwhich then we headed to the swing. I sat with my Aunt Brandi and the girls. Once we finally headed to the Kid's Castle I fell asleep. Mommy didn't stay too long because it was hot again today and there isn't much shade at the park. Since I was asleep mom took the time to clean out the car so I could catch a few extra zzzz's. When I woke up we went inside to play. Mommy put me in the big bath tub with her so she could scrub off the 25 layers of sunscreen she lathered me up with. Aunt Sharon says I still smell like Florida. Hope that is a good thing :) Once we got out of the tub we played until I got sleepy again which didn't take long. Although I did manage to sneak in a snack. I had yogurt for the first time. Wasn't too sure about it but I did eat it. When I woke up from my nap mommy had my bag packed and we headed for Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's for dinner. Aunt Sharon and Uncle D made grilled chicken, a salad, potatoes, and baked beans. Mommy says it was delicious! I'll take her word for it since I didn't get any. I did eat while we were down there though. I had chicken veggie dinner and then some bananas and mangoes. I'm loving stage two foods. We played down there a long time before we came back home. Once we got home mom gave me another bath. Then I ate. Now I think I'll head for bed. Hope everyone had a great Tuesday.

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