Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day!!!

Snow Day 2011
It's been a super long day and I'm quiet tired so here is our day in pictures (with a few notes)

This is me and my mommy after lunch...I think I'm beginning to look a little bit like her

I love my mommy!

Even though we have a huge ice storm here daddy has to go to work, they even called today to see if they needed to come pick him up! I guess daddy's job is very important. I have to admit I didn't want daddy to go to work today but I know he will be home in the morning.

Since we had to spend the whole day at home-mommy made a fun little song with these snowflakes and sun. She is so crafty sometimes :)

I had to make lunch for mommy. We had fruits and veggies. And I burnt my phone LOL.

We tried to make chocolate modeling clay...I kneaded it really good but it didn't turn out right.

I spent a lot of time coloring today with my new crayons from Aunt Shellie and Devin!

We tried to build a snowman but it's hard to do when you have ice instead of snow so I decided to eat the carrot myself. Mommy says we have a snowCorbin.

I love being outside even if it wasn't above 30 degrees today.

Well that's all folks. Hope that we can at least leave the house tomorrow. I wonder if Granny and Harold have ice over there? Maybe I can find out tomorrow! Enjoy the snow/ice :)

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