Monday, January 24, 2011

Nenabug and Nick

Today's post is brought to you by the letter N :) Saturday morning despite getting NO sleep we got up early and went to meet Nenabug and Nick for breakfast. She drove a LONG way just to come see me and to eat breakfast. Mommy kept telling me that I was going to meet someone new. I was super excited because she said he was a kid too. So I got to meet my big cousin Nick and he is AWESOME!!! We had a great time at breakfast. He shared all of his food with me. We played with my farm animals, we read books, and I just enjoyed watching him. After breakfast we went shopping with Nenabug and Nick. Well mommy tried to shop but I was too keeping her too busy running after me. After our little shopping trip at Belk Nenabug and Nick had to head back home. Bummer. That was the quickest visit ever. Nenabug brought me a pair of pajamas and a jar of m&m's. YUMMY! Even though we didn't get to spend enough time with them we did have fun. Mommy cried when they left and I understand why...Nenabug is her favorite aunt and she misses her. Mommy said we were going to visit them very soon so I didn't cry. I can't wait to visit them so I can run around and play with Nick some more. We love you nenabug and Nick and we are coming to visit soon so get ready! (I've tried to upload the pictures from our breakfast trip but blogger isn't working with me tonight so I'll try again tomorrow!)

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