Saturday, January 22, 2011

Flu Flu Go Away...I Want my Mommy Back to Play

We had a very busy week planned..."planned" is the word. Monday morning we made our way to the park to see Abby. It was super cold but we had a great time. We even had lunch with Ms. Jen, Mr. Matt, Abby, and Mary June. While we were there Harold called and said Granny was sick, BOOOOO! So after lunch we went by to check on her. And boy was she sick. She didn't even get out of the bed. We spent the rest of the afternoon at home until time to take Ms. Sara a gift. I've never been to her house so I was excited and plus she doesn't live that far away from us so that's a plus. I loved playing at her house. Me and Nathan had a great time. We crawled under his bed, played ball, and I watch him fish in his toy box. I think I could learn a lot from him. We didn't stay too long because we had to get home and wake daddy up. I'm really glad that they live so close and hopefully we can get together again soon to play. Tuesday we didn't do much, just hung around the house. Wednesday went by pretty uneventful until that night. Mommy started feeling bad...OH NO! Then Thursday mommy was very sick. We stayed at Granny's all day and we even spent the night. We were supposed to have a play date with Miss Darbee but because mommy wasn't feeling better we had to cancel that. And to top off the bad week we were supposed to go to a baby shower and have my two Aunt Brandi's over tonight. This week has been a bummer. Now daddy says he doesn't feel good. Oh my...what do they expect out of me...I can't take care of myself, one of them better get better soon! So that pretty much sums up our week. BORING!!!

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