Yep my sneaky parents tricked me. They woke me up the other morning and we left out for Dr. Whipple's office. Everything was fine at first. My nurse weighed me (28 lbs. and 3.5 oz.) then she measured me (32 inches) then Dr. Whipple came in check my ears, nose, and eyes and I was good to go. He said I was a big strong healthy boy (Duh!). I was ready to go...until I saw that nurse come back in...I knew what she was doing. Yep I got three shots. The first one didn't hurt but those last two...
OOOOOWWWWWEEEEEE. I didn't cry long, because mommy and daddy brought along suckers. I wasn't sick all day like I usually am either. Mommy was so proud of me, but then later than night I wasn't feeling good at all and I didn't sleep any. I spent the rest of the week paying mommy back for making me get those shots. I didn't go to bed before 2 am any this week. Mommy says that makes for long nights. I do feel better now and I actually went to bed on time last night and sleep pretty good. Friday night Miss Holly, Mr. Stacy, and Darbee came over. We had pizza, hot wings, and some super yummy dessert that Miss Holly made. They even brought me a gift. They brought me a puzzle and a hot wheel (I think someone reads my blog...either that or they just know me all too well). I loved the car and the puzzle. They brought mommy and daddy something to keep all of our sweet treats in! We had a great time. Daddy took Mr. Stacy downstairs to the movie room and they had guy talk, which hopefully I can go with him soon so I don't have to listen to the girl talk upstairs :) I enjoyed playing with Darbee. We played ball, drums, and we played with Devin's old kitchen mommy brought upstairs for us. We all had a great time and can't wait for them to come back over!!! Today is a lazy day...because tonight we are supposed to get SNOW!!! Even though I'm not crazy about the white stuff I think everyone else is. Mommy and I went to
Walmart this morning and got some snacks in case we can't leave tomorrow. I guess we won't be going to baby time in the morning. :( Oh well guess we can stay home and play. So I hope if you get snow that you enjoy it...think I'll go take a nap :)
And I'll leave you with the only picture mommy took the night The Davis's came over...she caught me....
(no I didn't hit Darbee with my pumpkin ball....but I did think about it)
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