Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well today is the first day of a new year. Wonder what this year will hold in store for us. Last year was great! I went from having to lay in my bed all day to running around our house and making huge messes. Daddy found an amazing job, we made some awesome new friends, had lots of fun over the summer, and did lots of fun things around town. For New Years Eve mom was kind of bummed because daddy had to work. They have been together for ten years now and this is the first one that daddy hasn't been here. But she said that it made it all better having me here. We had lots of fun. We spent most of our night at Granny and Harold's. I got to play with my gifts that we haven't brought home yet. Then we came home and went to bed. Mommy went to bed at the same time I did, we didn't even see the big Peach drop...but I bet it was messy. Mommy said she was glad she didn't have to clean that up. I didn't sleep well last night so I got mommy up at 3 am and we played until daddy came home. Daddy saw that we hadn't had much sleep so he took us to IHOP for breakfast then to Walmart!!!! Perfect morning if you ask me. Mommy says that most people make resolutions for the new year so here are mine...
I think I should try to start running. I've tried but I usually fall down. Running looks fun..I know I saw Toby and Travis do a lot of it.
I should probably try to sleep more but I know my toys party while I'm sleeping because every night I leave my toys scattered everywhere and most of the time when I get up the next morning they aren't in the floor anymore...explain that one????
I think I'll try to talk more. I seem to get more if I ask for it.

Well I think that's about it for me. Hope everyone had a great new years day :)

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