Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's Christmas...

Me in my tent playing with all the balls Santa brought

Me Checking out this dog named Roscoe
*Note to self next year be specific...I told Santa I wanted a dog...I meant a real one.

These gifts for me?

My weeble treehouse from Aunt Sharon, Uncle D, and Robert

Me and my car have matching faces

Me and daddy-crashed from after the Tweedell side of the family left

Me, Aunt Shellie, and Devin...we are with the band LOL

Me and Mommy before the Church Play

Me and my trucks from MeMaw Tweedell

Me and Mommy at Corral petting the horses

Well it was Christmas. Sorry I've been missing from the blog. I've been really busy playing with ALL my new toys! I really racked up this Christmas. I'm going to include some pictures with this blog!!! So here is how our Christmas went. Christmas Eve daddy came home and exchanged gifts with mommy. He gave her lots of gifts. She got some Golden Girl DVD's, lots of new stuff for the kitchen, and socks. Mommy gave him a DSi and lots of candy! Daddy took a nap and when he got up it was Show time! Daddy made a turkey and mommy made lots of yummy foods. Then before you knew it everybody was showing up. We had Christmas with my daddy's side of the family first. I had a great time playing with Devin. Aunt Shellie and Devin bought me a ton of toys. I got a tent, lots of books, a book bag, crayons, and the coolest drum set ever! Grandpaw and Maw Maw Tweedell gave me a bunch of books and clothes. Grandmaw Tweedell gave me books too! The knew just what I wanted :) When they left daddy wasn't feeling good so I took a nap with him. Mommy ended up trying to wake me up to go to Granny's. It didn't work. I slept right on through. Daddy did get up...and thank goodness, mommy said she couldn't tote us both to the car. We had dinner with mommy's side of the family then it was time to open more gifts! I got a ton of gifts. I got a Cozy coupe car, a train that I can ride, a school bus, a rocking horse, and lots and lots of gifts. Aunt Sharon and Uncle D bought me a webbles tree house. Once we got done there we came home and got ready for Santa. We were going to make cookies but we were so tired that we just went to bed. I guess santa was full from all those other cookies at the other kids houses' because he wasn't mad. He left me a lot of stuff. I was worried that because I didn't sit in his lap that he wouldn't bring me anything but I guess he understood. I got lots of sing a ma jigs, cars, car holder, tonka stuff, a guitar, and lots of balls! After I opened my gifts Granny and Harold came over to see what all I got. After that we went to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's for breakfast. We had a great time even though daddy was starting to get sick. We came home and me and daddy took a nap. I got up but daddy didn't. He was so sick. We had lots of company Christmas Day. Aunt Sue, Jeri, Will, and Jamie came by. Then Gran Gran and Paw Paw Bradley came over. They brought me a little people school bus. When every one left mommy went and got daddy some medicine. He did wake up and have dinner with us. Mommy fixed a ham for us and we had a nice quiet dinner. I think I had the best Christmas yet!!! I can't wait for next year...but what could I possibly ask for? Better start thinking now :)

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