Saturday, January 29, 2011
I'm Here
Monday, January 24, 2011
Nenabug and Nick
Whatca' Up Too?
Most days I wake up around 10 am even though lately I've been getting up around 4 am but it's only because I'm hungry for some cereal. And I usually only get away with that when Daddy is home. We usually have breakfast, buttered biscuits and either yogurt and fruit or eggs. Some mornings mommy mixes it up with muffins, but I prefer biscuits. Then we play and read books or go to Granny's. If daddy is working we come back around 1 and get lunch started. When lunch is ready we wake daddy up and have lunch with him. After lunch I get to play with daddy until 3 then it's nap time. Mommy gets me a blanket then rocks me in my room. She starts singing a song and if I don't like it I sit up and she knows to change the song. Once I find a song I like I just lay back and drift off to sleep. I usually sleep about an hour then when I get up it's full on play time. We read books, play cars, run around the house until daddy gets up. He leaves for work around 5:25 so we head off to Granny and Harold's soon as he's gone because who wants to sit around the house all day? We come back home in just enough time to eat, get my bath, play, and then around 10 pm it's bed time. That pretty much sums up a usual day around here is what I'm doing just in general...
I still wear a 24 months or 2T.
I wear a size 5 diaper and I have a pack of undies that mom likes to put on me. (I went a few hours the other day and didn't wet once!)
I love all my toys but I love balls and books the best.
I can pick out just about any object out of my books. (Mommy thinks I'm a genius, but doesn't every mom?)
I have a very good imagination, yes even at this age. I love to cook and make mommy and daddy eat.
I am cutting two teeth at the moment.
I still love being outdoors but I just can't stay outside too long right now because it's so cold.
I love westerns. But not the color ones only black and whites.
I love going to the guy room downstairs with daddy and I get quiet upset if he goes down there without me.
Well that's about all for tonight I guess. It's past my bedtime and I've got one more blog I want to do so nighty night.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Flu Flu Go Away...I Want my Mommy Back to Play
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Guess What?

Saturday, January 15, 2011
What do you want for dinner? Ha!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Bath Time: Mommy vs. Daddy
Bath Time
Thought I would let daddy know how much I miss him when he works. See when daddy is home he ALWAYS gives me my bath. Mommy gets a little break and I get some good ol' quality time with daddy. Guy time is what he calls it. Daddy does bath time different from mommy. Here is how it goes with mommy.
Mom: "Corbin it's bath time, let's take of your clothes, NO you can't run around naked, come back here it's bath time. NO Corbin don't splash me. Corbin I have to wash your hair please don't cry. Ok Corbin it's time to get out. We've gotta brush your teeth, put on your pajama's and get ready for bed." *Now this is what I don't get- mommy gets me out and there is still water in the tub, I'll explain later*
Now that's a typical night with mommy. She is get in and get out and get it over with. Here is how it is with daddy!
*To prepare daddy takes his shirt off to avoid having to change after bath time *
Dad: "Corbin you ready for a bath!?! Come on buddy! Let's get all these clothes off! Come on I've got the bubbles started! SPLASH CORBIN SPLASH! That's my boy! Come on we've gotta wash off because mommy says so. You want to wash your hair? No? That's ok, mom can do it later. SPLASH CORBIN!!!! Ok can you make bubbles in the water? *Corbin poots* That's my boy! Ok I'm going to open the drain Corbin, when all the water goes down the drain it's time to get out. *Daddy opens drain, and I continue splashing!* Alright all the water is gone, let's dry off. *Daddy puts diaper on then has to spend 10 minutes explaining to mommy why I don't have pajamas on, because either it's too hot in the house for clothes or simply I don't like clothes :)
Do you see why I miss daddy? My dad is so much fun, and not just at bath time, all the time! It's daddy's long weekend at work so I will have to wait til Monday night before I can get another fun bath time.
Not much went on today, we did have a play date with Ian this morning. And speaking of bath time they had me a Christmas present. I got some new bath toys and mommy did let me play with them tonight. Maybe mommy will read my blog and see how bath time should be :) Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Snow Day #2
Monday, January 10, 2011
Snow Day!!!

This is me and my mommy after lunch...I think I'm beginning to look a little bit like her

I love my mommy!

Even though we have a huge ice storm here daddy has to go to work, they even called today to see if they needed to come pick him up! I guess daddy's job is very important. I have to admit I didn't want daddy to go to work today but I know he will be home in the morning.

I had to make lunch for mommy. We had fruits and veggies. And I burnt my phone LOL.

We tried to make chocolate modeling clay...I kneaded it really good but it didn't turn out right.

Well that's all folks. Hope that we can at least leave the house tomorrow. I wonder if Granny and Harold have ice over there? Maybe I can find out tomorrow! Enjoy the snow/ice :)
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Shots, A Play Date, and A Snow Day?

Monday, January 3, 2011
Date Night
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year!
I think I should try to start running. I've tried but I usually fall down. Running looks fun..I know I saw Toby and Travis do a lot of it.
I should probably try to sleep more but I know my toys party while I'm sleeping because every night I leave my toys scattered everywhere and most of the time when I get up the next morning they aren't in the floor anymore...explain that one????
I think I'll try to talk more. I seem to get more if I ask for it.
Well I think that's about it for me. Hope everyone had a great new years day :)
Two Aunt Brandi's??

It's Christmas...

Me in my tent playing with all the balls Santa brought

*Note to self next year be specific...I told Santa I wanted a dog...I meant a real one.

These gifts for me?

My weeble treehouse from Aunt Sharon, Uncle D, and Robert

Me and my car have matching faces

Me and daddy-crashed from after the Tweedell side of the family left

Me, Aunt Shellie, and Devin...we are with the band LOL

Me and Mommy before the Church Play

Me and my trucks from MeMaw Tweedell