Thursday, October 29, 2009

4 Weeks Old!

I'm 4 weeks old now! Can you believe it? Mommy can't. Daddy says it seems longer! I've grown so much. I have my 1st month check-up next Tuesday. Mommy is excited to see how much weight I've gained, and she's got lots of questions (of course). I like Dr. Whipple he's very nice to me. Although I've heard them talking about shots and I'm not too sure about those, thank goodness at this next visit I won't get any of those.
Last night I didn't go to bed until 3 am, but I did let mommy and daddy sleep a solid 4 hours before I got up. My Aunt Jeanine talked to me on that phone thing again today. She said I needed to sleep at least 6 hours for mommy tonight. (Yeah right) Who is she kidding? Mommy took me to Granny's today hoping that I would stay awake, no luck there. I slept the whole time. But as soon as we got home I was wide awake. I had to stay awake to see what mommy and daddy were having for dinner. Daddy cooked again so I had to see what smelled so good. Are you wondering yet what they had? I thought so...they had homemade curly fries, hamburger steaks, and rolls. After dinner they kept talking about giving me a bath. I was all for it until I realized they were gonna put me in water. I didn't like it one bit. Don't get me wrong I love not wearing a diaper but I could do without the water and the washing me off part. It was my first bath but I'm sure not my last.
Well I guess I need to go and eat so I can try to sleep a little. Maybe if I don't sleep those six hours like Aunt Jeanine said she will come up here sooner. :) Night Night

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