Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Another Day at Home...well kind of

Howdy. Sorry I didn't write anything yesterday. Mommy has apparently started getting migraine headaches since I've been home. I don't think it's because of me...I'm so little what could I possibly do to make anyone have a headache? Anyway me and Daddy hung out last night so mommy could rest. She is feeling much better today thank goodness. I tried to be good last night and sleep as much as I could so mommy could rest too. We didn't really do anything yesterday but my Granny and Harold did come to see me last night and brought me a really cool quilt Granny made just in time for Halloween. I sure have enjoyed laying on it today. Mommy even had a special shirt for me to wear today. It's orange and it says "This IS my Costume!" How funny is that, well kinda funny because it's not actually my costume, like I've said before I gonna be a ghost! Anyway it was a really pretty day so we took a car ride. Daddy took us to the store to fill mommy's car up with gas. It was nice to get out of the house for a while. Then instead of coming back home Daddy dropped me and Mommy off at Granny's to spend the afternoon. I had so much fun laying in my bed. Then Robert and Mommy put me on the floor on my quilt and I rolled from my tummy to my back. Isn't that amazing? When Aunt Sharon come and got Robert, Granny, Mommy, and me went to visit Maw-maw at the nursing home. We don't stay very long because Mommy is worried I will get sick if we stay out too long, but it's nice getting to see different faces. Granny dropped me and Mommy back off at home then she fed me and got ready because Daddy wanted to take her out to dinner. Mommy must be feeling better because she wore some blue pants today that weren't very comfortable to lay on. Daddy kept saying something about her blue jeans...personally I like her other pants she wears. Must be a big deal that she put those jeans on because she kept saying look I'm wearing jeans...weird. Anyway I got to stay with Granny and Harold while mommy and daddy went to Olive Garden. I can't wait til I can go with them, don't get me wrong I love staying with Granny and Harold but I really wanna see what Mommy and Daddy do when they leave the house without me. Anyway we are back home for the night. Mommy is about to get her bath while me and Daddy spend some quality guy time together. Can you believe tomorrow I will be 4 weeks old?

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