Thursday, October 22, 2009

Our Day Out

Man, I'm pooped today. I actually slept last night, in fact mommy had to wake me up at 4 am to feed me. She and I woke up this morning and decided to let daddy sleep in cause he's always letting us sleep in. Me and mommy hung out on the couch and talked. Then mommy took me in my room to change my diaper. She set me on my new changing station and she took my diaper off and just then the cold air made me wet again. Man I peed all over everything! My mirror, my baby monitor, the dresser but then my tummy started rumbling and I couldn't hold it in. Mommy is a good sport cause she just laughed and hollered for daddy (so much for him getting to sleep in) Daddy came in and held me while mommy cleaned up the mess. After they got me all cleaned up and dressed again, we went to take Mrs. Harris her cake mommy had made her. Her husband died a few days ago so mommy made them a cake and boy did it smell yummy even though it was pink (must have been cause she's a girl) Everyone at her house came outside to see me. Then we went to Granny's and stayed there until time for them to go to the funeral. When we left there mommy wanted to go see more people since we don't get out of the house much. We went by Mrs. Carrie Lee's house but she was sick and wouldn't let us come in. She didn't want to make me sick. So mommy had the bright idea to drive to Carrollton so she and daddy could eat at Sonic, then we would visit her great aunt Betty and great uncle Thomas. I love to ride in the car so it was fun for me. When we got to BeBe's (Betty) she held me the whole time which was great because I love being held. There were two little girls there too and they kept bringing me toys to play bad I'm to little to play with them cause they sounded like they were having lots of fun! We spent an hour or so with them, then it was time to head home. Mommy wanted to go shopping for a Halloween costume because ever since she talked to Aunt Brandi the other night she's been wanting to dress up too! Mommy and Daddy don't let me go in stores yet because of all the germs so I got to stay with Harold and Granny! I love going over there. I have my own bed and everyone loves to hold me and Harold is always telling me about a go-kart. I can't figure out why mommy and daddy are so happy when they come back...I know they don't have fun when I'm not with them, maybe they are just always happy because they see me when they get back. Daddy got a pirate costume but mommy didn't get anything. She said something about going back tomorrow to get one. Hope I get to stay with Granny and Harold again. Mommy has a Dr. appointment early in the morning so I better get some sleep because I think I've gotta go with her. Night night!

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