Ahh...Mommy, Daddy, and I slept him in today because I didn't sleep to well last night. I had an upset tummy. Today hasn't been much better. My tummy is just rumbling and rumbling. Maybe it will be better tomorrow. Other than my tummy troubles it's been a pretty good day. Aunt Sharon called today and said she was coming to visit, and Mommy got so excited. She started running around and cleaning up. When Aunt Sharon I got here I was awake and she was amazed...usually I'm sleeping. She got to hold me and play with me. Then I decided to spit-up everywhere. It came out my mouth and my nose. I think I scared Aunt Sharon. Mommy had just dressed me but since I spit-up all over it she put on my skeleton outfit Aunt Sharon bought me. Daddy went and got lunch while Aunt Sharon was visiting. She didn't get to stay very long cause Uncle D is playing tonight at Hollonville and she had to get ready. After she left Mommy and Daddy ate lunch, then Mommy baked a Red Velvet Cake. Granny stopped by to see me and help mommy with the icing. She didn't get to stay long today because she still had to make dinner for Harold and Robert. When she left mommy and daddy decided to give me my Halloween gift early. I got a card and a book with a puppet. Mommy read my book to me and it seems pretty cool. I can't wait til I can focus my eyes on stuff cause it come with a cool hand puppet too!
Tonight Daddy called his cousin B.J. to see if he wanted to come spend the night. He did so him and daddy went and got dinner while mommy and I stayed home. So tonight Daddy and B.J. are gonna watch movies while me and mommy have a little time to ourselves! I've been awake alot today so I bet I'll be tired tonight. Well it's almost my dinner time so night night!
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