Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Up All Night...Sleep All Day

I did it! I actually did it! I managed to stay up all night...well at least til 4 am. Mommy and Daddy were ready for bed and I decided it would be the perfect time to wake up. So Mommy fed me and laid me down, but I wasn't ready to call it a night. I whined, ate some more, and whined some more. I wasn't happy. I think I ate too much and got a belly ache. Daddy would hold me and rock me, then mommy would. Even though my belly was hurting it was nice getting so much attention. Since I was up all night I was ready to sleep once the sun came up. I woke up for "breakfast" then Daddy took me in the living room so mommy could get some sleep. Daddy played with me all day long! He has sang to me (and boy can he make up some silly songs!), and told me about all kinds of things we are gonna do together! Granny came by this afternoon to see me. She rocked me to sleep then she left. Mommy and Daddy took me on another car ride tonight. They went and got something to eat and I don't mind...I like to ride in the car. Just think only 16 years and I can drive! Woo hoo. Well that's all for today. Tomorrow I might get to stay with Granny for a little while so mommy can go have her hair cut. I love my mommy and daddy but it's nice to get to stay with my Granny and Harold :)

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