Monday, November 2, 2009

I've Been Busy

So I haven't blogged since Thursday. I can catch you up now...Friday we hung out around the house most of the day. Then mommy and daddy decided they needed to go buy groceries, so they dropped me off with Granny and Harold. It took them a little longer than they expected and Granny had to give me a bottle of yucky old formula. I slurped it down but I paid for it later that night. When mommy and daddy got back they took me home and we went downstairs to watch a movie in daddy's movie room. I did really good for a little while. I got to swing while mommy and daddy ate their sandwiches, then I got a little fussy so mommy decided to hold me, well I was only fussy because I don't like formula and my tummy was tore up. I threw up everywhere. Mommy and Daddy had to change my clothes three times and mommy had to change pajamas twice. Every time I ate for the next day or so I would spit-up. I DO NOT LIKE FORMULA. I didn't sleep much Friday night, but by Saturday other than still trying to get that formula out of my system I was feeling much better.

Saturday was Halloween. My mommy put on my skeleton outfit soon as I got up. Daddy found another box of Halloween decorations so he got those out and finished decorating while me and mommy took it easy. Mommy did eventually get up and make cupcakes for the trick-or-treaters. Aunt Sharon came to visit too. She held me and talked to me. Of course I slept the whole time. I love to sleep when people hold me :) She stayed with me and mommy while daddy ran to the drugstore to pick up a few last minute items. After she left mommy put my real Halloween costume on. I liked being a ghost, I stayed nice and warm all night. After I was dressed and laid back in my bed mommy and daddy got dressed. They were both pirates. They weren't scary at all. Aunt Sue, Jeri, and Will stopped by before going to the church for the Fall Festival, and so did Shane and Christine. Everyone talked about how cute I was...please tell me something I don't know :) Then Aunt Shellie, Tyler, and Devin came over. Aunt Shellie held me and talked to me. Devin got some candy and ate a cupcake. They stayed with us for a little while. We didn't have any other trick-or-treaters. Mommy and Daddy were very disappointed. Mommy worked really hard to make little goodies for the kids and no one else ever showed up. Still not really sure about this Halloween thing, but Mommy and Daddy swear next year will be better...and they are already thinking of what we can all dress up as.

Well today is Sunday and I love Sundays. It means spending time with family and hoping for visitors. Mommy and Daddy got up and cleaned the house then me and mommy went to Granny's for a little while. When we got back we hung out with daddy and played. Then Grandpa Larry called and said they wanted to come see me. Mommy got excited because she loves to have company. When Grandpa Larry and Grandma Becky got here they had me a gift. I got three sets of books. I love books! Mommy and Daddy have been reading to me ever since I was in mommy's belly. They visited with us for a little while and as usual Grandpa took tons of pictures. Since the time fell back last night they didn't stay long because it was getting dark. When they left Daddy ran to the grocery store and me and mommy stayed home and played. When daddy got back they started making dinner. They had homemade burgers, baked beans, and two homemade hash brown casseroles! After dinner they gave me a bath...well a shower. My bathtub Granny and Harold bought me came with a hand-held shower too. I actually liked the water being sprayed on me. After my bath, mommy wanted to take one too, so me and daddy gave her a little time to herself to get her bath. While mommy was getting her bath, Daddy introduced me to Christmas music and boy do I like it! We listened to it for a long time. Now I can't wait for Christmas! After mommy got out of the tub, she and daddy read me one of my new books. Now I'm just relaxing and getting ready for bed. I have been sleeping really good lately. Well I'm gonna go get ready for bed. Night night. Oh and only 5 days til I get to meet my Favorite Great Aunt!

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