Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tomorrow is the big day

Geez..I've gotta start keeping up with my blog more often. Let's see Saturday I took my first trip to Wal-mart. Mom and dad got separate buggies and they bought groceries. Well dad pushed me in one buggy and mom shopped. I don't really see what the big deal is about wal-mart. I slept the whole time, seemed kinda boring to me, but it made mommy smile :) Mom saw lots of people she knew and she loves showing me off. Saturday afternoon we went to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's to listen to his band practice. Well mom and dad went to the basement to hear them play and I stayed upstairs with Aunt Sharon. She put me on the floor and the drums vibrated the floor...and I fell asleep :) Sunday Granny came over and played with me while mom decorated her Christmas tree. Then we went to Ross and Walmart with Granny while she did some more Christmas shopping. Then we came home and mom decorated some more. Then Aunt Sharon and Uncle D stopped by to drop off my hat that I left at their house the night before. Uncle D held me and talked to me. He even made me smile. Monday was pretty much the same ol' same ol'. Me and mom went to Granny's and stayed until the afternoon. Then we came home and hung out with dad. Today has been pretty boring too. I've been sleeping at night like a good little boy, and now mommy and daddy can't sleep. When I laid down this morning to take my early morning nap mom got up to clean and dad was finally able to fall asleep. I napped a few hours which mom greatly appreciated. She's been cleaning the house like a mad woman today...because tomorrow is the big day...Mrs. Lindsey is coming to do my pictures. Mom is excited to see what she comes up with. I might even decide to flash her a smile :)

Well I won't promise I will "blog" every night this week because I know it's gonna be busy the rest of the week. Tomorrow pictures, Thursday is Turkey Day...whatever that is. Thursday night we are spending the night with Granny and Harold so mommy can get up early to go shopping (how silly) and Sunday is my dedication at the church. Wow I need a nap just thinking about all that :) Anyway until tomorrow night night.

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