Monday, November 16, 2009

I'm Smiling

No seriously I'm smiling. I started this today. Me and Mom were at Granny's and I did. Mom kind of blew it off because she assumed it was gas but tonight she was trying to wake me up to feed me and I thought why not make her day and smile at her. She grabbed the camera and I thought what the heck I'll do it again. I can't keep from smiling now. Well I do have a pretty good life, wake up eat, sleep, play, eat, sleep. It's pretty great if you ask me.
So today started like any other day...I woke up ate tried to go back to sleep but my tummy started rumbling and I had to let it out. Mommy changed my diaper a million times today. I guess it's that stupid formula working it's way out. Anyway daddy got up and helped mommy put me in the carrier. She can wear the carrier and clean while I'm close to her. I love to ride in it and sleep. I can tell when mommy stops walking though, so I wake up and make her walk more :) She doesn't mind really, at least she can clean while I nap.
We had company today. Mommy's friend from high school, Brandi Bays, came to see me today. She brought her little girls, but they didn't seem to interested in me. They didn't stay long but we are very glad they came to visit.
Anyway I can't write much tonight mom is wanting to go take her bath and I can't be on the computer if no one is around so that's all for tonight.

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