Friday, November 27, 2009

Pictures, Turkey Day, and Black Friday

Have you ever seen a baby so cute? Wednesday Mrs. Lindsey came and took my picture. Mommy was so excited to see her again. It's been at least 6 years since they have seen each other. I really like Mrs. Lindsey...she got down in the floor and played with me, and she asked mommy if we could go outside and boy do I love going outside. She took a ton of pictures and she had me sitting in my rocking chair from Aunt Jeanine. Then she brought me back inside and took my clothes off and made more pictures. I managed to flash a few smiles at her. She sent mom one picture and our disc should be in the mail soon with the rest of them. Mommy and Daddy can't wait to get it. Mommy enjoyed getting to catch up with her best friend from high school and we all are very grateful she took amazing pictures of me.
So yesterday was Thanksgiving. Me and mommy got up early and enjoyed the beautiful day. It was windy but it looked pretty outside. Mommy cooked a green bean casserole, then she woke daddy up and he made some yummy mac-n-cheese. Mommy made a gallon of tea and then we were off to Granny and Harold's. Uncle D, Aunt Sharon, and Robert were there too! Uncle D held me til I fell asleep. I slept most of the time we were there. Once mommy and daddy got done eating we went to Aunt Shellie and Devin's house. Mommy and Daddy ate a little more once they got there. Aunt Shellie made all the food, and mommy said she was thankful for not having to cook :) My big cousin Devin read me a book while we were there and then he went through all the sale papers and made a list of toys he wanted. I can't wait til I can make lists. When we left Aunt Shellie's we went back to Granny and Harold's. We waited on Granny to get back from the nursing home before we ate dinner. I met some new people tonight too. Mommy's cousins William, Nique, Lexi, Austin, Malcolm, Misty, Mallie, Mackenzie, and Mary Grace stopped at Granny's to see us. Lexi has learned to whistle and I smiled cause she whistled at me. Once we ate dinner I went to sleep and mommy went with daddy to get some gas. I stayed with Granny. Mommy dropped daddy back off at home and then she came back to Granny's. She fed me and then she went to Toys' R Us for there midnight sale. The lines were so long she didn't buy anything. I'm glad she didn't stay long because I was starving by the time she got back home. She fed me and we went to bed. I think I finally quit fighting sleep around 2. I slept til 5 am. Mommy got up and fed me then she woke Granny up and Granny went back to bed with me while mommy went and picked daddy up. For some reason they were going shopping before the sun even came up. Around 8 am. mommy and daddy came back to Granny's and picked me up. Daddy says he missed me and I missed him too. They took me to Target to pick up a few last things. Then we went back to Granny's so they could eat lunch. We finally made it back home and I was pooped. Me and daddy were gonna watch Christmas movies but we both fell asleep. Mommy got all the gifts wrapped that they bought today. I took a very long nap. When I woke up my Grandpa Tweedell called. They wanted to come see me and bring me a gift. Grandma Becky bought me a HUGE nutcracker. She knew mommy and daddy collected them and she wanted me to have one of my own. Mommy and Daddy had already bought me my first one, but this is my first big one. It's way bigger than me. I really like it. Now it's night time and I've slept most the day. I'm kinda tired now. I guess I am gonna go snuggle in the bed with mommy and daddy and try to watch those Christmas movies. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Night night

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