OUCH...Shots hurt :( I had my two month shots today. I knew something was up this morning because mom and dad both got up early. Daddy made breakfast. I think it was cinnamon biscuits, and boy did it smell good. Come to think of it I can't believe they could eat knowing that I was gonna get shots. No one told me it was gonna hurt. I tried not to cry but hey I'm only a baby. I couldn't hold back the tears. The first thing they gave me was some kind of sweet liquid...I thought hey this is gonna be a breeze. Then the nurse laid me down and took my pants off...I thought WOO HOO I am gonna get to lay here naked. Then BAM-she stuck me. I poked my lip out to show that I didn't like that one bit. I didn't cry long because once we were done I got to go outside. I was very tired so I decided to sleep the pain away. I don't feel good today :( Mommy and Daddy are trying to butter me up now. They have held me and give me extra kisses. (I know they feel bad, hey I even got a toy out of this whole deal; yep I've got them wrapped around my little fingers, but shhhh don't tell them)
Ok to catch up because I haven't blogged since the 27th and today is the 9th. Nov. 28, we just hung out around the house. Mommy wrapped a few gifts and me and daddy just hung out. That night we went to Ross so mommy could find her a new dress for my dedication Sunday morning. Mommy is very hard to please apparently because daddy kept holding up dresses and mommy made funny faces at them. She finally found a dress that made her smile and it made daddy smile too but I think that was just because we were done shopping. On the way home mommy and daddy decided to stop at IHOP for dinner since I was napping. Well the very idea of them trying to eat a meal. I woke up as soon as they brought their food out. Mommy got hers to go because I wouldn't let her eat. We finally went to bed around 12 that night. Sunday morning we all woke up early and got ready for church. I got to wear my comfy outfit Mr. Ray and Mrs. Peggy Sue gave me. Granny and Harold bought me a blanket just for church. It was super soft so I loved it. When we got to church everyone was excited to meet me. Mom and dad waited for Granny and Harold to arrive. Aunt Sharon, Uncle D, and Robert came too. I must be a big deal :) We sat at the back of the church and I loved it. I was really quiet the whole time. I liked the singing. Then daddy and mommy got to take me in front the church and the preacher (Mr. Chuck) asked them a bunch of questions and they had to say We Do...then they gave me a bible and a piece of paper. And mommy and daddy got a plant to take home. After church we went to Cracker Barrel with Granny, Harold, Mr. Chuck, Mrs. Flo, and Chuck's mom. Of course it was kinda boring for me since they won't let me eat so I decided to just sleep. December must be a special month because mom and dad keep counting down to something. They keep talking about some man coming to bring me gifts...I say come on big man. I'll take the whole bag! December the 2nd I had a doctor's appointment. Just a regular 2 month check-up. I weigh 13 lbs. and 12 oz. and I'm 23 1/2 inches long. Dr. Whipple said I looked great and I'm doing good. At our next appointment he will start talking about me EATING!!!! I'm excited about that :) Then I think he might have mentioned something about those shots, but I'm pretty sure he didn't tell me they were gonna hurt. Friday night (December 4th) mom and dad took me to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's to listen to the band practice; well they got to listen to then band while Aunt Sharon played dress-up with me. I thought dress up was for girls but apparently Aunt Sharon doesn't know that. She put some kinda antlers on my head, then a big red hat, then she even tried to stuff me in a stocking. When we left there mom and dad took me to Granny and Harold's so they could spend time together. They went and ate Mexican food then went to Wal-mart. That is like the perfect date in their eyes...daddy loves Mexican and mommy loves Wal-mart (and I do too) When they got home we all went downstairs and watched a movie. Well I slept through the whole movie. Sunday mommy and me stayed at Granny and Harold's house. We just played and took naps my favorite kind of day. Sunday night Mr. Steve, Mrs. Patsy, and Austin came over for dinner. Daddy cooked some pasta bake and mom made a few desserts. I love it when people visit! We had a great time, they both love to hold me and I love being held. Monday night we watched a movie downstairs about that big man that is apparently coming sometime this month. I love watching movies with my daddy. I can't wait til I can go downstairs and eat popcorn and lots of candy (daddy says we have to keep it a secret; mom might think it will spoil my dinner if I eat all those sweets) Last night mom made dinner then we watched another Christmas special on tv. I really liked it, I like it so much I slept through the whole thing. Now that leads us to today. Phew catching up is hard to do. Ok so I'm gonna go nap some more and hopefully I'll start to feel better soon.
Oh and by the way the picture is from my dedication...aren't my parents a cute pair?
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