Wednesday, December 30, 2009


No seriously I'm laughing out loud now. Mommy has tried her best to get me on video laughing but I have become fascinated with the camera so every time she cuts it on I just stare at it. Daddy and mommy think I have the cutest laugh ever but aren't they supposed to? I've moved into my 3-6 month clothing which is great. I'm getting to wear new clothes and new socks. I've even sported a pair of shoes this week. Mom tried to clip my nails this week, she was so confident because she did this two weeks ago...incident free. Well today she got a tiny piece of my skin. It didn't hurt but she was very upset. I didn't cry but she almost did. She decided that one boo-boo was enough for the day so I have one hand of trimmed nails and the other not so much. Oh well I'm sure she will feel confident again soon and finish the other hand. Mom made dinner tonight and I actually feel asleep before she got done. I think mom and dad enjoyed having dinner without me fussing or having to be held. Maybe I should do this for them more often. Well it's getting late and I think mom and dad have a movie date tonight. So I better get some sleep so they can spend a little time together. Good night all.

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