So yep it's super cold here. That means bundling up every time we go out which in turn means we don't go out much. I don't like jackets, hats, gloves without fingers (otherwise known as mittens because I think those are made for kittens) and to top it off I don't like shoes. Cold weather and I don't agree, well the cold weather is ok...if I could talk mom into letting me go outside without being bundled up. So I started this blog days ago and now it's getting close to Christmas. Apparently a lot goes into Christmas, cooking, cleaning, wrapping gifts, and lots of headaches (I know this because mommy has had a lot lately). With all this preparing for Christmas it has left me no time to blog. Plus I've gotten this walking thing down pat so who has time to sit in front of a computer to blog, I'd rather be walking, no make that running, around. Not much exciting has happened since I last blogged. Just the usual. Finished up Christmas shopping with mom and dad and been walking around and talking more! Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I'm so excited. When daddy gets home in the morning he and mommy and I are going to exchange gifts. Then around 2 daddy's side of the family is coming over for a late lunch. Daddy is making fried turkey and even though I don't like meat I'm sure they will put it on my plate. Mommy is excited about cooking and then eating, and then watching me open my gifts. Tomorrow night at 6 we get to go to Granny and Harold's to exchange gifts with them! Harold showed me the Toys R Us paper the other day to see what I wanted, I picked out a horse that rocks back and forth so fingers crossed that I get that!
Wow I just went back and checked my blog I've left out an awful lot. Ok let's see Thursday last week we went to Corral for the Nativity Scene. It was nice. I got to pet a donkey (Grace), a horse (CeCe) and a sheep, which felt yucky! It was rainy but luckily it wasn't too cold. Last Saturday we went to MeMaw Tweedell's for Christmas with all of them. I hadn't met some of them and I was kind of unsure about all the new people but we had a great time. I got to play with my big cousins. MeMaw bought me two metal Tonka trucks, which excited me and daddy both. Daddy says those are the best kind, the metal ones. Last Sunday we attended Arnco Baptist's Church for their Christmas Program. Did you know that our parents want us to be quiet while things like that are going on? Well I didn't. I had to make a little noise, I heard them singing and thought I would chime in too. Apparently I wasn't supposed to. After the play Santa made an appearance. Not impressed with this Santa man but I hope it doesn't effect him coming to see me. I don't care if he comes to the house and leaves me toys, just make it fast and do it while I'm sleeping. I did get a fruit bag from the church. YUMMY. My favorites, apples and oranges. So now I think I've covered everything we've done Christmas wise. Daddy is getting ready for work now and mommy is relaxing before the cooking marathon begins tomorrow. Mommy and Daddy are hoping for a white Christmas and even though I've never seen snow it's sounds cold and I know what that means...gotta bundle up :( I'm probably going to take a few more days off from blogging so I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas and I hope you all get to spend lots of time with family and friends. Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sunday and A Sick Day
Yesterday it was cold and mommy didn't really want us to leave the house but we did. We went to Granny and Harold's to eat some yummy leftover food from the BBQ. We stayed because JJ was having his birthday party in Granny and Harold's building later on. Devin and Aunt Shellie stopped by and Devin got to open his gifts from Granny and Harold. He liked everything he got, and he even offered to let him help him open his gifts. I love playing in the building! It's open and there is a lot stuff I can get into. After we watched JJ open his birthday gifts we came home and by then it was nap time. When daddy and I woke up from our naps mommy had started dinner. We were supposed to go back to Granny and Harold's but it was so cold outside that mommy decided to cook here. We had an awesome dinner. Ham, rice, potato casserole, green beans and biscuits. Yum-O! Daddy gave me my bath and I splashed him so much he had to change shirts. I went to bed on time last night and mommy and daddy were excited that they got to spend a little time together but it didn't last long. I've got another head cold now and it struck last night. I couldn't breathe and when you can't breathe you can't sleep. I woke up around 11 and I didn't go back to sleep until after 3 this morning. Talk about a long night! This morning mommy and I slept way to late but I guess that's what you are supposed to do when you are sick. Mommy said she has never seen two people get sick with head colds like me and daddy have this year. We only left the house once today and that was to pay a bill and run to the bank. I didn't even see Granny and Harold today. I didn't want daddy to go to work but he had too. Me and mommy didn't do anything at all tonight but read books and play with cars. She gave me a bath but it wasn't the same as daddy. I chose eggs and biscuits for dinner but once mommy cooked I didn't eat. It's my bedtime so I'm headed to bed and hope that I feel better tomorrow. Being sick stinks :(
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Let the Holidays Begin

So mommy says I need to get used to staying busy at least for the next few weeks. It's getting closer to Christmas so that means we have a lot to do. Yesterday was super busy, play date, nap time, groceries, Christmas shopping, pizza dinner, and lots of riding in the car. Today was just as busy. We had breakfast then we went to meet Santa. At first I thought OK I see him we can go now but NO mommy was pretty sure she wanted me to sit on his way! I don't know this man. He apparently didn't know me because he wanted to know what I wanted for Christmas. Hello...if he knew me he would know I want balls and books. That's what I like. Anyway first picture was a flop. I was screaming bloody murder. So they waited and tried again. The next few pictures were better but I sure wasn't going to break out my best smile for this. So now I've met Santa...hope he understands I don't care to much for people with facial hair. Sorry Santa, don't take it personal. Next we went to Target so I could pick up a few new hot wheels. Got some pretty awesome cars today. Then we went to Ashely Park so I could ride in a horse and buggy. We had to wait in line for an hour but it was well worth the wait. It was fun riding around! When came home napped then headed to Granny and Harold's for the BBQ. We had a great time. There was plenty of kids for me to play with. Mommy and Daddy got to spend some time with great friends and we had lots of yummy food! Now we are home and it's way past my bedtime. I've been fighting sleep for a while now. I should probably just give up and go to bed. Mommy says it is supposed to be really cold tonight and that she just wants to snuggle and sleep late. I know we will just stay home tomorrow...well maybe we will go to Granny's for lunch but other than that we are just going to stay home and stay warm. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Playdate with Ian

Sorry I didn't blog about this yesterday but I was super tired from my play date and all the running around we did. My play date with Ian was yesterday morning and wouldn't you know mommy had to wake me up to go. The one morning I decided to sleep in...geez. Anyway I guess mommy felt dad because she had me some tea cakes waiting for me in the car. We didn't travel too far to get to Ian's house. When we got there I was ready to play. I had a great time. Ian has some awesome toys. And his mommy had lots of stuff I could get into. We had a great time but didn't want to stay too long and out stay our welcome. Miss Rebecca had Cheerios and I would have been content to stay all day! And plus they had a cat...which I loved!!! Ian, buddy, I had a great time, you have awesome toys and you are a great friend. Can't wait til Monday's baby time so we can plan our next get together!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Go? No Thanks
I'm so tired of going. First off I don't like car seats, never have never will. Second I do not like that half the places we go I can't get down on the floor there. Either mommy says it's too dirty or someone will step on me. And I've learned first hand that walking is dangerous. I watched mommy and daddy for over a year and took notes but everytime I try I end up with either a busted lip or a bruised head. Anyway back to our adventures today. We went to Granny's this morning for a little while. Got to spend my lunch with Aunt Sharon and Uncle D. Then we came home woke daddy up and he and I had lunch. Today I tried to get some rest but naps just aren't for me. When I woke up from my nap I got to go stay with Granny for a few minutes while mommy ran to the bank. We came back home (see why I hate the car, go go go) woke daddy up he got ready for work then we went back to Granny and Harold's. I thought phew I'm glad today is almost over...WRONG! We got in Harold's van and left again. We went to BJ's and did a little shopping. I think I saw Harold put something in the buggy for me but I didn't get it tonight. If I get it before Christmas I will be sure to let you know...I don't want to ruin the surprise! So we left there and Harold bought us dinner at Golden Corral. Well once we left there Granny needed to run in Hallmark and mommy wanted to run in Old Navy to get me some more socks; yet another thing I don't like. So anyway I'm super tired from going going going. And you know what??? Mommy says we are going to be super busy tomorrow! OH NO! I know that I have play date in the morning with Ian. I'm so looking forward to that I hope that he lives close by because you know I hate riding. But I guess it doesn't matter how far it is, it will be worth it to play with him! We are working on a surprise for Aunt Sharon, Uncle D, Harold, and Granny so we have to finish that up tomorrow, and get ready for the BBQ at Granny and Harold's Saturday. So I better get some rest. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
What A DAY!
Today has been everything but normal. I woke up way to early. Went back to bed, slept till my usually time. Got up had breakfast. Daddy wanted up early so he could spend more time with me and mommy. Good thing because Harold called and wanted to take me to get my hair cut. So mommy fixed lunch then we went to Harold and Granny's. We left out and headed to Carrollton. We spent all stinking day at some insurance place. Then when we left there we went to the barber shop but there wasn't anyone there. :( No hair cut for me. Then I fell asleep when I woke up we were headed to the huddle house. My advice today...never order biscuits from the huddle house. BLAH. So then we headed back to Granny's and I was so tired and kinda whiney. I was so tired I couldn't walk or crawl. I bumped my head pretty hard on the chair and cried forever. Now we are home and I'm way to sleepy to play, I'm surpried I even blogged tonight. Ok hope y'all had a better day than me I'm going to bed. Only one more night and daddy will be home with us all weekend LONG!
Totally Awesome Tuesday
So today was filled with some of my favorite things. First off me and mommy got to sleep in while daddy cleaned the kitchen. When I woke up mommy had biscuits made. Ahhhh what a way to start my day. Then we played cars. Vrroooommmm! Since we slept in by time we made it Granny's Aunt Sharon was already there for lunch. Mommy and Daddy left me there for a little while so they could run a few errands. I would much rather stay with Granny than to ride in the car. While mommy and daddy were out they picked up lunch. But I was so tired that lunch was the last thing on my mind. I have to admit I liked my schedule. I know yesterday I made fun of it but honestly I think I'm in a much better mood. So today I thought I would get a jump start on that 3 pm. naptime. I was asleep before 2:30. Me and daddy had a very nice nap. When I woke up we played some more. Mommy thinks she has solved the problem with me trying to jump off my bed. She has brought over my extra mattress from Granny's. So now I have my big boy bed with an extra mattress right in the floor beside my bed. Has it stopped me from diving head first on to the floor? Yes, now I head dive right into the next mattress. :) Later we rode to Granny's and went to the nursing home with her. I got to see Cookie, the dog at the nursing home. We went to Cracker Barrel once we left the nursing home. I had shrimp, green beans, potatoes, and biscuits (and some of Granny's dumplings). And of course what's a trip out without going to Wal-mart. I got a new car to add to my Hot Wheels collection! When we came back home daddy made some awesome soft serve ice cream. Mommy said it tasted just like Frosty from Wendy's. When daddy is off work he makes sure he is the one that gives me my bath and I was looking forward to it tonight. So I got all clean then I got to wear my new jammies Granny bought me. I love them. They are awesome. They even have a ball on them! Ok so it's close to 10 pm that's my bed time so I'm heading to bed, but not because that's my schedule, it's only because I'm tired tonight :)
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Schedule what Schedule?
So the past few nights mommy has been bragging that I've been on a really good schedule. Well I will teach her to brag. This morning instead of sleeping in until 10 I woke up at 8:30 ready to go. She was hoping daddy would play with me so she could get some extra rest but he was already asleep :( We had breakfast then she got us both ready for baby time. We had a great time and I played on a new toy today. We had lots of fun playing with Bella and Ian. Ian even pulled up for the first time today. Even though we have fun at baby time now, it's just not the same without Abby. She was my first best bud. After baby time we went to Granny's and picked her up so we could go visit Maw Maw at the nursing home. We had a good time. Maw Maw gave me Christmas socks with bears on them. Even though I don't like bears they are pretty cool. I fell asleep on the way home two hours before I'm "supposed" to take a nap. I only slept an hour. Ha ha mommy. Put that on your schedule. :) When I woke up I had lunch then time to play with Jamie and girl (Cailyn) before we had to come home and wake daddy up. Daddy was ready to get out of the house when we got home. He wanted to finish up Christmas shopping and mommy was just ready to eat something. We decided on Stevie B's. Well I fell asleep on the way there. That hour nap just didn't do me any good. I slept for a little while then daddy woke me up so I would eat some pizza and I'm glad he did, pizza is one of my favorite foods. After dinner we finished up shopping for mommy. I picked her out a gift I think she is going to love. We got her a....ha ha ha mommy good try I'm not telling. Daddy says it's a secret. Tonight at home we have played and played. Daddy gave me a bath which he does every night he's home. I like my bath time with daddy-he lets me splash every where and make lots of bubbles. So that about sums up our day. So I'm off that silly schedule mommy made. I might go to bed on time just to make her happy :) Hope every one had a great Monday!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Dear Santa
So Christmas is coming up soon. I've heard that most kids write letters to Santa to let him know what they want for Christmas. So since I might be going to see Santa this weekend I figured I better get a list together because I sure don't want to be left off any one's list. So here is my Christmas List.
Dear Santa,
Christmas is coming soon so I wanted to be sure that you had my list in enough time. Mommy says that you watch me all year long to make sure I'm being good. So I don't guess that you need me to tell you that I have been great all year. So since I've been so good all year here is my wish list. I would like some sing-a-ma-jigs (maybe 2 or 3 so they can sing along), some hot wheels because I love playing those with my daddy, maybe some books (you will have to ask mommy which ones I don't have), maybe a stuffed animal, and maybe something that plays music because I love to dance.
Ok that is my list. I don't know what the age limit is for Santa but mommy and daddy have been pretty good all year too so if you can maybe bring them something I bet they would like it. But if you can't I'm sure they will understand.
Mommy has a big platter that we are going to leave out with some cookies and milk for you and some carrots for the reindeer. Daddy says you like oreos? They are my favorite too. Well that and mommy's tea cakes. Yummy. Ok well you have my list now. Can't wait to see what you leave me under our tree. Merry Christmas!
Love, Corbin
Dear Santa,
Christmas is coming soon so I wanted to be sure that you had my list in enough time. Mommy says that you watch me all year long to make sure I'm being good. So I don't guess that you need me to tell you that I have been great all year. So since I've been so good all year here is my wish list. I would like some sing-a-ma-jigs (maybe 2 or 3 so they can sing along), some hot wheels because I love playing those with my daddy, maybe some books (you will have to ask mommy which ones I don't have), maybe a stuffed animal, and maybe something that plays music because I love to dance.
Ok that is my list. I don't know what the age limit is for Santa but mommy and daddy have been pretty good all year too so if you can maybe bring them something I bet they would like it. But if you can't I'm sure they will understand.
Mommy has a big platter that we are going to leave out with some cookies and milk for you and some carrots for the reindeer. Daddy says you like oreos? They are my favorite too. Well that and mommy's tea cakes. Yummy. Ok well you have my list now. Can't wait to see what you leave me under our tree. Merry Christmas!
Love, Corbin
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Jewelry Box 1 Corbin 0
Today was a busy day. I had another sleepless night last night. I woke up around 3 and waited up for daddy. We had breakfast then it was back to bed. Mommy and daddy laid in the bed and watched a little show on the Newnan station all about the prison. I tried to stay up and watch with them but I fell asleep. We woke up and had missed a call from Aunt Shellie. We called Granny and guess what? Aunt Shellie and Devin were over there. We went and visited with them until time to come home and fix lunch for daddy. After lunch me and daddy laid down for our afternoon nap. Mommy actually woke me up from my nap today. We headed to Bebe's house for the Christmas get together. We had a great time. Good food, family, and good times. I tried some new drink tonight. Bebe made it and boy was it good. We stayed a few hours and had a great time. When we got back to Granny's I was full force. I love to play in Granny's room but the door is usually shut. Tonight she went to use the phone so I took the opportunity to get in that room. I made my way over to her stand up jewelry box. I started pulling out the drawers then apparently I pulled the wrong one. Granny hollered, Robert screamed and mommy came running. I pulled the entire jewelry box on top of me. Luckily the side door stopped the heavy part from hitting me. All the drawers pretty much covered me. Jewelry was everywhere. I busted my lip and had a few red marks. I cried a lot but really the screaming scared me the most. Mommy gave me a Popsicle and held me. She tried to stay calm but as she was holding me close I could feel her heart beating really really fast. I think I scared everyone there. So I'm sure it won't be my last bust lip because after all I'm a boy. So that pretty much sums up our day. I'm super tired tonight. Tomorrow is the parade in Newnan but it just falls right at my nap time and mommy says sleep is more important than a parade. What a bummer! So I'm off to bed, hope everyone has a great Saturday night!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Funday Friday
Me and mommy had a great day today. We woke up after a night of not much sleep. We had breakfast just me and mommy. She made me some eggs and biscuits. Then I had a banana too :) Perfect breakfast if you ask me. Then we played and played. We played cars, ball, and read a few books. We made it Granny and Harold's just in time to see Aunt Sharon and Uncle D. I had lunch with them then we came back home to wake daddy up. Mommy and Daddy ate lunch and of course I ate with them too. I am a human garbage disposal (that's what mommy says). I took a short nap then when I woke up me and mommy played some more. We played with my baby, my music toys, and just about everything else in my room. When daddy got up he got ready for work then he followed me and mommy to the store. Girls...they hate pumping gas apparently and mommy will ride on empty for days hoping that daddy will see it and fill the tank back up. After we got gas we said bye to daddy then we went to the bank. Afterwards we went back to Granny and Harold's. They were getting ready to go to Walmart so of course we tagged along. We had a great time. We went to Kohl's too. Daddy got a gift card in mail to Kohl's so mommy bought me a shirt, a football, and a stuffed animal! I racked up tonight, because Granny and Harold bought me cookies too. On the way home Harold stopped and bought me a corn dog. YUMMY. Perfect ending to a perfect day. Mommy is excited because we are going to BeBe's house tomorrow night to spend time with family for Christmas. I can't wait. I have new shoes and a new outfit to wear. So I hope everyone else is having a good weekend so far!
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