Saturday, October 30, 2010
And it gets crazier...
Ok so in the last blog I told you how mommy and daddy dressed me up like a dog and made me ask strangers for candy right? Well then yesterday I took me a nice long nap trying to regroup from that experience. Well when I got up mommy changed my clothes and we headed off to a new place. I sat in a train and then some woman covered me up with a big blanket looking thing and she gave me a cookie and I should have known then I was being bribed. She wet my hair and then started at me with scissors. Did I care? Nope, I was watching Curious George, eating my cookies, and making funny faces for the camera. I had a great time and I can't wait to go back to that place. Apparently your first hair cut is some sort of a big deal. I got a certificate, a bag of hair, and a token which I traded for a silly band. So I was pretty excited after my hair cut and thought well it went from being a weird day to a pretty good one. We celebrated my first hair cut with pizza from Joe Friday's pizza (which mommy says we will never go there again). Then we headed to Miss Holly and Darbee's church for their fall festival. Well mommy tried to make me wear that silly dog outfit again, but I won this time. Well I call it a draw. She let me go in not wearing it but then when we went outside for the hay ride I had to wear it. What did I learn from the fall festival? I didn't understand the hay ride. Why did she dress me like dog, then put me on the back of a trailer filled with hay? Is that supposed to be someone's idea of fun? Anyway, I picked up ducks like I did at the fair, and Miss Holly gave me cookies for that. Then we did the cake walk. We got a cake, but mommy called it a pitty cake. See we didn't actually win one. We walked at least 10 times and didn't win anything. On the very last cake walk the man behind us won and he gave us his cake because we didn't. That was very sweet of pun intended. :) So other than the whole dog and hay ride thing I loved the fall festival. Which is good because we are going to another one tonight at our church. Mommy has made two dirt cakes and hopefully we will come home with some kind of cake, and hopefully we win it. I'll try to post pictures tomorrow of all of our adventures this weekend. Tomorrow is Halloween so hopefully we will just stay home and hand out candy if we have any trick or treaters. So Happy Halloween everyone!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Ok so isn't the general rule not to talk to strangers? Ok so someone needs to tell my parents this. First off they wake me up this morning. I know they must be crazy right? Then they dress me up like a dog, yes a dog. Then they hand me a bucket that is bright orange and tell me to ask strangers for candy, yes COMPLETE STRANGERS! Well I wanted no part in holding that bucket. Thank goodness for Bayleigh she has glad to hold my bucket. Apparently her parents do this to her every year. We were on our court square and everyone was handing out candy. Mommy kept asking me to say "trick or treat" but she must have been crazy because I wasn't talking at all. But my parents weren't the only crazy ones, apparently all the parents have gone crazy and dressed their kids up. I saw Buzz lightyear, dinosaurs, princesses, witches, ghosts, scary masks, and lots of fairies. After we walked around the square (more than once) we went to eat at McDonald's. Bayleigh and Darbee were there too. Thank goodness I wasn't the only one eating there in a costume. So anyway I'm really unsure about this whole dress up thing. Mommy says we are going to a Fall Festival tonight with Miss Holly, Darbee, and Mr. Stacy so I will report back later if I encounter any more strange things. Hope you are all having a great weekend and if your mom is dressing you up I hope you are having fun!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Birthday Party, Books, and Blogs
Today's blog is brought to you by the Letter B! Ha ha ha. So last Saturday we went to Miss Darbee's birthday party. And I will say for a Princess girl party it was pretty fun. Other than everything being pink it was pretty cool. They had a jump house and I actually got in it! She had a cozy coupe car too and I loved it. Think I might ask Santa for one of those. Anyway she had two birthday cakes! They were really cool. She had a castle, but she didn't have any horses around it or any knights gaurding it. And she had a carriage, but no horses driving it either. Weird. Must be a girl thing. I got an awesome goodie bag! I got to see the Bay's girls too. I had a great time and so did mommy. We had pizza, chips, cake, ice cream, and coke. So to sum it girl party ever!
This week has been pretty boring. Not much to blog about. Me and mommy have been reading tons of books. She said she is going to teach me my ABC's soon! I'm excited because I love to learn new things. Mommy bought me a new book the other day all about Christmas. Christmas looks like so much fun and I can't wait to meet Santa.
I know tomorrow is something special because mommy said we are going to meet Miss Holly and Darbee in the morning. And if we are getting early it has to be something great! I think it might have something to do with Halloween! Anyway that's all for now. Mommy says we are going to be very busy this weekend so not sure if I'll have time to blog so that's all for now, hopefully I can blog ya later.
This week has been pretty boring. Not much to blog about. Me and mommy have been reading tons of books. She said she is going to teach me my ABC's soon! I'm excited because I love to learn new things. Mommy bought me a new book the other day all about Christmas. Christmas looks like so much fun and I can't wait to meet Santa.
I know tomorrow is something special because mommy said we are going to meet Miss Holly and Darbee in the morning. And if we are getting early it has to be something great! I think it might have something to do with Halloween! Anyway that's all for now. Mommy says we are going to be very busy this weekend so not sure if I'll have time to blog so that's all for now, hopefully I can blog ya later.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Christmas Shopping In October?
Mommy must be crazy because the other day she had daddy drive us all over town to do Christmas shopping! I don't know a lot about the calendar yet but daddy says we still have two months so what's the rush? Anyway she got a few gifts out of the way. Christmas must be a big deal around here. Mommy said that if daddy wouldn't have a cow she would put the tree up now. I'm ready to see what a tree looks like in the house. Who has ever heard of putting a tree in the house. I'm sure we had one last year but I don't remember back that far. Other than a little Christmas shopping we didn't do much on daddy's two days off. We mostly hung around the house and napped. Ahhh that's mine and daddy's favorite thing to do! Although I think daddy enjoys it a little more than I do. Daddy has to work all weekend long, yuck. Tomorrow morning mommy and I have to get up and get ready for Miss Darbee's party. She is turning 3 tomorrow, and even though it's a girly party I'm excited to get to play with kids. Well I guess I need to get some sleep tonight, I've gotta get up in the morning and help mommy make her birthday card. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Not Much To Say
After a very busy weekend we've been taking it easy. Yesterday we did nothing, absolutely nothing. We went on a little walk to Granny and Harold's but that was it. Today was the same, minus the walk. Daddy says he wants to relax on his two days off, but you know mommy, she probably has other ideas. Mommy and I worked in my toy room today. I was going to put up some pictures of my room but blogger isn't working right tonight, so no pictures. Anyway we've got a lot to do in my toy room, but we are working on it. Daddy says we shouldn't change the color, but you know mommy, she really wants too. Doesn't matter to me. As long as I scoot around I'm happy. Well that's all. I told you we haven't been doing anything. Hopefully we will find something fun to do while daddy is home for his "weekend".
Monday, October 18, 2010
Our Weekend With Lind-Say

Ok so if you read the last post you know that my "aunt" Lindsay was coming to visit. She isn't really my aunt, but she acted like one. Mommy met her on the Internet a few years ago, and since then they talk everyday. Well she came for a visit. She arrived Thursday night just after I went to bed, so I went to bed not even knowing she was coming. I woke up Friday morning and heard someone call my name as me and mommy were coming out of the bedroom. And guess who it was? Aunt Lindsay! I was so surprised. I gave her a weird look because I'm not used to people being in my house when I first wake up. I warmed up to her really quickly. She brought me a birthday gift since she couldn't come to my party. She brought me a shirt and a really cool book! I loved my shirt so much I wore it all day Friday. Mommy made us some muffins while we played. After breakfast we went to the park and I had a great time. We played until we were all wore out. Then mommy took us shopping. Boy can those two girls shop. Aunt Lindsay wanted a burger so we went to Five Guy's Burgers and Fries for lunch. That was fun. I love me some french fries! And I was nice...I shared a few with Aunt Lindsay. Friday afternoon mommy and daddy took me to Granny's so they could take Aunt Lindsay out. They went to eat and did a little shopping. Boy I'm glad I didn't go. Those girls could shop forever! After dinner they picked me up and and we went to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's to chat for a while. So by the end of Friday I've officially fallen in love with Aunt Lindsay and I couldn't wait for the next day. Saturday morning we got up and mommy made breakfast while me and Aunt L played. She read books to me and played with my Halloween goodies. Granny and Harold stopped by to visit too. After they left we left too. We went to Chick-fa-la for lunch, then we did some more shopping. We picked up a few things at Wal-mart, including pumpkins, and a few things for dinner. Then on the way home we picked up pizzas. We came home and I took a short nap then we headed to Aunt Sharon's and Uncle D's to listen to the band play. We had a great time. I danced the night away. And I also learned I'm not supposed to say "dang it" apparently it's just a mommy and daddy word...OOPS! I fell asleep on the way home and didn't get to stay up late with Aunt L. Sunday morning I woke up super early and I was ready to play. But Aunt L wasn't up yet, so I went back to sleep. The next thing I know I'm being woken up by mommy getting me out of the car. We were at Golden Corral for breakfast with Aunt L, Granny, and Harold. After breakfast we went to Wal-mart with Aunt L so she could get her oil changed, then just as quickly as she was done, she left and it made me sad. It's been a busy weekend but I loved every minute of it. Aunt Lindsay was so much fun. She played the starring game with me, and sometimes I would win. She read me books, played in the floor with, watched me dance, helped me put my cling ons back on the dishwasher, and she held me a lot and she smothered me with kisses! I call her Lind-SAY! While she was here she stayed in my toy room downstairs, which is now called Aunt Lindsay's room. And every morning I would point to the door and Holler LIND-SAY! I miss her being here and so does mommy. I haven't cried but mommy has. Mommy gave me a picture of us and I carry it around and I'm counting down the days til she comes back or we can go see her. Aunt Lindsay we love you and we had a great time!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Quick Update
So I've been MIA lately. Sorry. I've been sick. I've had a stuffed up head, runny nose at times, I'm teething, and I can't stop sweating. Gross right? So mommy has been busy trying to keep me medicated so I can start feeling better. I went to visit Doctor Whipple again today. I got a good report. He's pretty nice for a guy that pokes me and tries to stick a stick down my throat every time I see him. I've got drainage...whatever that is. My appetite is starting to come back. Mommy says she's glad even though it means I'll be eating them out of house and home again. We've got a super busy weekend ahead. Tonight is a surprise birthday party for Miss Inez (Granny's avon lady), then later tonight my "aunt" Lindz is coming to visit!! She is staying with us until Saturday morning. Saturday morning we leave out to visit Aunt Jeanine and Angie! Busy busy busy. Hope mommy and daddy can keep up with me! Ok that's all for now. I've gotta rest so I can get better. Hope everyone has a great weekend, I'm sure I'll have lots of pictures to share Sunday night!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
That's how I've felt lately. I thought those shots weren't all that bad and I felt fine that day. Wednesday night I couldn't sleep unless mommy was holding me. I've been chugged up and just feel plain ol' yucky. Mommy called and the doctor and the doctor said no more monkeys jumping on the bed...oh wait that's a song. The doctor called in a medicine for me. Usually I like medicine and I will take mommy or daddy the bottle when I don't feel good but this medicine is yuck-O! So I haven't done much the past few days, just kinda laid around and wanted to be held a lot. I've gotta get better because next weekend we are taking a road trip to see Aunt Jeanine. I've never been to her house before and I'm super excited! So sorry for the short blog but I'm going back to bed. Hope I feel better tomorrow so I can blog more :) Night night.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Being 1 Hurts...
Well lets see all in 24 hours time I have been scratched by mommy's finger nail, busted my lip on the side of my tub, banged my head numerous times (which happens everyday) and then to top it off I went to the doctor this morning and I knew something was up. I tried to crawl out the door and make a run for it but mommy stopped me. Well I was right to try to leave because the nurse pricked my finger, then gave me three shots! Owwww-weeeee! The finger part didn't hurt in fact I laughed. But those shots, well they were a doozie! Daddy was so proud of me because while my finger was bleeding I refused a band aid. Band aids are for sissys. I tore three of them off before the nurse finally gave up. Mommy and Daddy said I did really good so they took me to Target and bought me 5 new hot wheels! And they said they weren't going to buy me anything else before Christmas...yeah right. So here are my new stats straight from the Doctor...I weigh 26 pounds and 9.5 oz. and I'm 30 3/4 inches tall. I'm still above average, but didn't we already know that? I'm wearing a 24 month clothing and I am still in a size 5 diaper. Mommy says she can't wait til I walk so I can be potty trained. That just sounds like fun huh? Ok I think I'll take a nap so I can rest from those shots. I'll probably take tonight off from blogging. So blog ya tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Sleep...Who Needs It?
Apparently mommy does. She didn't like the wake up call at 2 this morning. But like a trooper she got up and we played hard until 5:30 am when I couldn't hold my eyes open any more. We took a nap and then began our day when most people were eating lunch. We didn't do too much today, ran to bank, made a quick stop at Taco Bell then back home. I had cheesy potatoes! Yummy. But afterwards daddy noticed red marks all over my mommy and daddy said no more sour cream or spicy cheese for a while. The marks did go away so it must of be something I ate. I took a nap with daddy this afternoon and I think he enjoys when I do that. After my nap we went to Granny and Harold's. They took me and mommy out to Golden Corral for dinner. Tonight I played in my room while Mommy talked to my Aunt Brandi that lives way over in Japan. I know it must be far far away since I've never met her. Tomorrow I get to go see Doctor Whipple. I am excited to get out of the house for a little while but I think I heard mommy mention shots and those don't sound fun. Daddy is going with us so maybe he can protect me! Ok I think my appointment is early in the morning and I'm not a morning baby so I better get some sleep now. Night night. Wish me luck at the doctor tomorrow!
Monday, October 4, 2010
I'm 1!

This is me and my mom after my party

This is my dump truck dirt cake

The guests hopefully enjoying their food and having a good time

So I went to bed last Thursday night and everything was normal. When I woke up Friday morning (Oct. 1) mommy was singing Happy Birthday to me. She is always doing funny things. We waited on daddy to get home and we had pancakes for breakfast. Mommy tried to make my pancakes in the shape of balloons as a clue as to what was to come but they were just circle shaped. When breakfast was over mommy went in my room and shut the door, so dad and I followed her. When I went in my room boy was I surprised! I had 140+ balloons all over my room! It was like balloon-apalooza! I love balloons so it was a great way to start my very first birthday! I dove in and started playing. I played until I got tired and took a nap. We ended up going to Miss Holly and Darbee's later on that morning to work on a project for my birthday. I had a great time playing with Darbee, she even let me play on her horse! We took turns riding. That afternoon we ran around and did a few errands and picked up last minute things for the party. Mommy and daddy took me out to Golden Corral for my birthday dinner. We had to stop by and pick up even more balloons for my birthday. On the way home Mommy had a really bad headache so daddy and I took her home and dropped her off. Daddy took me to Lowe's all by himself. He has never taken me anywhere alone before. We had a great time but it wore me out. I fell asleep before we got back.
Saturday morning was CRAZY! We were all up and going by 8 am. By 9 am we were headed to Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's house for my party! We set up for the party and waited for guests to arrive! I had 50 people at my party! It was huge! Miss Holly, Darbee, The Bay's, my baby-time buddies, even family that doesn't live around here where all there. I got tons of gifts and lots of love. I enjoyed all of the attention. We had hot dogs, baked beans, slaw, potato salad, chips, dip, drinks, sausage balls, dirt cake, and I had corn on the cob and mashed potatoes (my favorites). I think everyone had a good time. Mommy made really cool goody bags with bubbles, stickers, silly bandz, and put them in tool belts that where in hard hats. Everyone looked so cool wearing their tool belts. I got my very first remote control car, lots of clothes, socks, balls, a basketball set, lots of Little People stuff, a ride on Airplane, a duck spout cover, shoes, and lots of trucks and cars. I think I had the best 1st birthday ever! And to top it off after the party we went to Stevie B's for dinner with the Davis's and the Bay's. And after that we went to the fair. We got to pet lots of animals, listen to Uncle D's band play and ride stuff. That was my favorite part, the riding stuff. I got to ride the merry go round 3 times, and the train once. I picked up ducks and won two prizes. Mommy bought me a blow up monkey and daddy won me a hammer! I had a great time but by 10 pm I was out like a light. I had one amazing birthday and I want to say thanks to everyone who made it special. Ok I'm tired. Being 1 is alot of work. So off to bed I go!
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