Thursday, September 30, 2010
It's Almost Time!
Tomorrow is my birthday!!!!! Can you believe it! I'm so excited. Mommy and Daddy have been telling me all about this big party we are having and I can't wait to see my nenabug, Miss Holly and Darbee, Aunt Brandi and the girls, all my family, and lots of friends. Mommy says I have to go to bed early tonight because we are having a busy day tomorrow. She said she has a surprise for breakfast. I hope it's biscuits they are my favorite! Mommy says I can open a gift tomorrow too. So sorry for the short blog but I'm going to bed. I've got a busy day, I'm going to get my very first hair cut! Blog ya tomorrow!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Busy Days and Long Nights
We've had a couple of really busy days. Monday when daddy got home I was already awake, so he took me and mommy out for breakfast then we did a little shopping at Wal-mart. We got lots of food for my birthday party (which is only a few days away!) Then mommy and I spent the rest of the morning with Granny and Harold. When dad got up he played with me while mommy cooked dinner. She made a huge dinner...we had meatloaf, homemade smashed potatoes, mixed veggies, corn nuggets, and yeast rolls. It was oh so yummy! After dinner we went to Aunt Sharon's to take a load of birthday stuff down there. I didn't sleep too well Monday night. Tuesday morning we were up and off again. We went back to Wal-mart to pick up hopefully the last of the birthday supplies. Mommy and daddy stopped by Party City and ordered my balloons for my party, then mommy took us to lunch at Golden Corral. We had a great time together. We did lots of running around but it was very fun. My tummy has hurt for the past few days but we had a great time out. Tuesday night we went and hung signs at Aunt Sharon and Uncle D's for my birthday party. Granny took us to Waffle House for dinner. I had two yolks scrambled, toast, grits, and a chocolate chip waffle. Oh boy do I love Waffle House! Last night we just played and played. Daddy put some weird stuff on mommy's hair and changed the color so I was amazed by that. I kept trying to get into the bathroom to see what they were doing, it seemed really weird to me. She looks a little different but she still acts like my mommy. Today we didn't do too much. We made a trip to the bank then this afternoon mommy and I went to Target all by our self. Last night mommy and daddy were playing with me on the bed and they realized I had a new tooth. It's not in the front it's all the way in the back. Must be why it hurt so bad coming in. Mommy is worried about how they are coming in but daddy says everything is ok. Mommy got me lots of stuff for my mouth today and I'm feeling a lot better. Daddy has to work tomorrow so mommy and I are going to finish up all the little stuff for the birthday party and then Friday is my birthday!!!! I'm going to get my hair cut, and mommy is going to make all my favorite foods! Ok that's all for tonight, I'm going to bed so mommy can rest for a few minutes before I wake up :)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Rainy Sunday
It's been raining all day! I love it. I thought it was crazy when mommy tried to cover me up today. She put a rain coat on me...doesn't she know that takes all the fun out of getting wet!?? We went with Granny and Harold this morning when they went to get groceries then we came home napped, played with daddy, then went back to Granny and Harold's for the evening. Mommy napped at Granny's because she has a headache :( Mommy says we have a very busy week coming up so I guess I'm going to need my rest. We are skipping baby time tomorrow because Ian's not going. Mommy said we might get up and go to Wal-mart early to beat the crowds! Yippie...I love Wal-mart! Ok I guess I'm going to head for the bed so I can be ready early in the morning, hope mommy doesn't change her mind. Night night.
What a Par-tay!
Well what can I say about yesterday? Well I was so tired from yesterday I'm having to blog about it today. Mommy and I woke up early, cleaned out her car, loaded it up and away we went. We started off at Granny's then we went to Maw Maw's house. Who knew she had a house? It was news to me. Ever since I was born she has been in the nursing home so I assumed that was her home, but no she has a house too! And it's filled with lots of pictures that you get in trouble if you try to touch. She even had a basket full of toys for the kids! I had a great time exploring over there. We had lunch with lots of family. My cousin Karen was here again this weekend, and I heard mommy mention to her that my birthday is next weekend and she said she might come back! I hope she does because I'm taking me some hot wheels to my birthday and I know she will play with me! Ok so after the lunch at Maw Maw's we loaded up the girls birthday cakes and then....wait what happened next? Oh I remember I fell asleep. Anyway when I woke up we were still in the car but Darbee was riding beside me! I remembered then that we were going to the party! I guess mommy picked up Miss Holly and Darbee while I was napping. We had a great time at the Bay's Birthday party! I've put up a few pictures because they had HORSES! And I rode one! And so did Darbee! We had horse cakes (thanks to my mommy), pizza, crackers, ice cream, and lots more! We got to watch the girls open their gifts (which by the way looks super fun!). I can't wait til next weekend for my birthday party because birthday parties are so much fun! I had a great time and I know my mommy did too, because her and Miss Holly laughed a lot! I think Darbee and I are going to be good friends just the way mommy and Miss Holly are! Darbee acts shy but I'm sure she will like me one day. We do listen to the same kind of music...she digs the itsy bitsy spider too. Yep I think it's going to be a beautiful friendship.
After the party we managed to see daddy for a few minutes before he headed off to work. Then we went shopping with Granny, Harold, and Robert in Fayetteville. I acted so good that Harold and Granny took us to Huddle House for dinner. (I think Granny felt bad today because I pulled to her rocker and said "gigi...biscuit" but we were getting ready to leave so no biscuits for me) We finally made it home around 11 and I was way to tired to blog! I went straight to bed and slept so good! I don't know what's in store for today but I'm sure we will have fun! Thanks Darbee for riding with me to girls' birthday party I had a great time! And I'm super excited for my birthday party next weekend even though I know we won't have horses I'm sure we will have a great time though!
And now for some pictures...

Me waving
I'm such a natural :)
Let's GO!
Enough pictures already...I want to ride!
My 1st Horse Ride
Mommy's Favorite

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
I'm done. Mommy and Granny have took me shopping two days in a row now! Thank goodness Daddy is home tomorrow. Hopefully we can do some guy stuff that doesn't involve shopping. Maybe we can wash mommy's car, work in the yard, and watch cartoons. You know typical guy stuff! Ok shopping wasn't all that bad, I did get some birthday gifts, snacks, and diapers/wipes. Mommy says she is going to clean the house tomorrow while I play with daddy. Yippie for baby-daddy time. Dad and I play hot wheels and he lets me crawl all over him. He's pretty fun for a dad. I'm sure mom will check in on us to make sure we are completely destroying my room. The rest of the week is going to be busy. Saturday we've got the Bay's girls birthday party, lunch at maw-maw's and mommy has mentioned going to hear Uncle D's band play but I'm beginning to wonder if we can do it all. Ok I think that's all for tonight. I'm actually sleepy. I guess I should be it's 11:30. Hope you all have a great week. I will try to blog tomorrow but since Daddy's home I may not have time.
I'm so confused. Sunday we went to visit Maw Maw at the nursing home. Mommy said there would be lots of people there so I was excited. My cousins had come to visit Maw Maw and I had only met them once before. So anyway there was this girl there; Holly Ann; well I wanted to play with her. Mom and brought me some hot wheels cars to play with so I thought I would share them with her. She seemed interested in the cars. So I threw them at here. She wasn't so interested anymore. She started ducking so I wouldn't hit her. I'm so confused. I'm trying to be nice and share and I didn't pull her hair, I just wanted to play. So on the way home I thought I might need to come up with another idea. So this morning at baby time I decided to try out my newest idea. I decided I would just ignore the girls (which is hard to do because baby time is ran by girls). Well it worked! I acted like I was fine playing by myself and next thing I knew all the girls were playing with me. So I think I've finally figured girls out. Easy as pie :) I am so glad I figured this out so soon because this weekend we are taking a car ride to the visit the Bay's for the twins birthday party and Darbee is going with us, so now I know how to make her play with me; I'll ignore her.
We've only got 10 days til my birthday and I'm super excited! I'm very eager to tell everyone I'm turning 1! I hold out one finger and everyone claps! Mommy has been busy making lists (her favorite thing to do) and making sure all the goodie bags are ready to go. This is going to be the best 1st birthday ever!
Ok I think I'm going to call it a night. Mommy wore me out tonight, I've crawled a million miles today, practiced walking, and did lots of pointing out my animals. I'm tired. We don't have anything planned for tomorrow thank goodness because the next two weekends are going to be hectic! Hope everyone had a great Monday!
We've only got 10 days til my birthday and I'm super excited! I'm very eager to tell everyone I'm turning 1! I hold out one finger and everyone claps! Mommy has been busy making lists (her favorite thing to do) and making sure all the goodie bags are ready to go. This is going to be the best 1st birthday ever!
Ok I think I'm going to call it a night. Mommy wore me out tonight, I've crawled a million miles today, practiced walking, and did lots of pointing out my animals. I'm tired. We don't have anything planned for tomorrow thank goodness because the next two weekends are going to be hectic! Hope everyone had a great Monday!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Two Exhausting Days
Phew...think I'll take a break from the past two days. We've been super busy. Mommy dropped me off with Granny for two hours Friday. She got the entire upstairs cleaned (way to go mommy!) She picked me up and we came back home to wait on the air guy. Well 5 o'clock came and went and we heard nothing. Daddy finally called him and he said he was super busy but he would be by Saturday morning to put the new part on. So daddy treated us out to dinner since it's super hot when mommy cooks. We ate at Stevie B's (my favorite!) Last night I decided to be super nice to mommy so I went to bed around 11 and slept til 4 this morning! Crazy I know! I heard her tell daddy she woke up a few times to make sure I was still breathing since I never sleep more than two hours at a time! When we got up this morning we began waiting on the AC guy. He was running behind again. So we decided to go meet up with The Mannings. I met Ian at baby time and even though he's younger than me; he's pretty cool. I've got lots I can teach him! Our mommys shopped for clothes, our daddys showed us really cool toys. We went to eat lunch together too! We had a great time. Mommy says she is thankful for new friends. The air guy finally came once we got back you must think I'm blogging tonight from a nice cool home right? Wrong! We've got to have another part :( Hopefully Monday we will know more about when it can be fixed. Daddy's friend from work invited him and mommy over to watch a football game and even though mommy didn't want to go without me she did. I got to spend two hours with Granny again today. Mommy says she missed me and I was all she thought about while she was gone. We went shopping once they got back. We picked up the last of the things for the goodie bags, we tried on costumes, and mommy treated us out to dinner. (I think mommy secretly likes not having any air because she makes the excuse it's too hot to cook, so we have to eat out) All in all I guess it's been a good day. I'm starting to get cranky so mommy is probably about to make me go to bed. So night night!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
What is my name?
I'm so confused. No one calls me Corbin. I'm either Corbino-if it's Aunt Brandi or Robert talking to me. Scooter- if daddy is talking to me. Cuban-if the twins are talking about me. HOT-if Harold is talking to me. Angel-if Granny is talking to (which I'm not going to complain about that because I've renamed her Gigi). And with my Aunt Sharon I'm called anything but Corbin, doodlebug, Corbino, her baby from another mother :) I'm starting to think mommy and daddy wasted their time picking out a name for me. Mommy called me Corbin Crabby pants tonight because well I've been really cranky today. I don't know why. Maybe it's the teeth that just won't come in, maybe it's because mommy has been giving me real milk (she even tried to sneak in some chocolate this morning but I'm just not liking it) The only time I was really happy today was this morning when we went to visit Miss Holly and Darbee. Well I was happy until I made Darbee cry. Who knew girls didn't like to get their hair pulled. I thought it was perfect way to say "hey play with me". (Note to self find better way to attract the girls) Mommy must not have been happy with me because she went to show me another toy and she bopped me in the face with it. She said it was an accident but I'm not so sure...ok I'm pretty sure she didn't mean too. Anyway when we left there I became very cranky. Mommy threatened to take me back to Miss Holly's (yeah like that was punishment) I was happy there. Darbee has all kinds of cool toys, well as cool as they can be being pink and all. We didn't do much the rest of the day. Mommy has been trying to clean the house today because the man is supposed to fix our air tomorrow! Yippie! But mommy says that trying to clean with house with me in it, is like brushing her teeth while eating cookies, it's pointless. Well I guess that's all for tonight. I think I'll try to go to bed, maybe I will wake up with a mouth full of teeth and not have to worry about teething anymore! Yeah right. Night night.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
And the countdown begins
I've only got 15 days to go before I turn 1!!!! Mommy is in full force party planning mode. I think she lives for throwing parties. Mommy has taught me to hold up one finger when she asks me how old I am. I know I'm so smart right? Mommy keeps telling me lots of people are going to be at my party and I'm so excited. My Aunt Jeanine is coming! I haven't seen her in months! I've got so much to show everyone. I'm crawling and pulling up on everything in sight. I think mommy said we were having hot dogs and stuff. I'm not a huge fan of hot dogs, maybe mommy will just have me some corn on the cobs there. Mommy and I spent the other afternoon decorating for Halloween! We put up ghosts on our door and lots of pumpkins around our house. I saw mommy and daddy looking at costumes for me the other day but they didn't buy anything. Mommy wants me to be either a dog or a monkey. What do I want to be? I don't know. I think I'll decide later. Well I think I'm going to head to bed. We are going to visit Miss Darbee in the morning to drop off some clothes with her, and hopefully I will get to visit with my buddy Ian Friday while our moms shop at the local consignment sell. Hope everyone has a great night :)
Friday, September 10, 2010
20 days to go!
In 20 days I'll be 1 year old! Wow...I bet being one is going to be awesome! Things are already pretty great for me so I know it will only get better. We had a very busy weekend last weekend with Keith's Corner and doing some yard saling. I got some new Little People toys, daddy got a huge banner for our game room, and mommy lucked up and got a new rocking chair. We had a great time. Monday mommy, Harold, and I went and visited some of Harold's friends. It was a nice change from people that I usually see. Both of the people that we visited had dogs which I love! I ended up taking a nap on the way home. The rest of the week has been pretty much the same. We still don't have air :( So we try to find something to do away from home during the hottest parts of the day. Yesterday mommy and daddy took me to Waffle House for the first time (well I ate there for the first time yesterday) I had two egg yolks, scrambled, ham, hash browns, and a chocolate chip waffle. Yummy is all I can say. We picked up my birthday pictures then did a little shopping at Big Lots. Daddy is buying me lots of Hot Wheels cars lately. He says we have to start my collection sometime. I've got some awesome cars so far. Despite us not having any air we are staying here now. Mommy misses staying with Granny and Harold some nights and I do too, but home is home. My sleeping has gotten worse...I can't help it, I'm just not sleepy any more. Although I should give mom a break. I went to bed last night good and slept really well until 5 this morning, luckily daddy decided to give mommy a break and he took me in my room and played with me til I got sleepy again. Thank goodness for daddy. It's daddy's long week at work so he will be working all weekend. fun for us. Mommy and I are going to take Robert and JJ out to dinner tonight at a Chinese restaurant so that should be fun. I've never eaten Chinese food before! I know I will have fun with my buddies! Well that's all for now. Gotta go so I can explore somemore of the house. Who knew mommy and daddy had so many breakable things in our house? (Oh and sorry for no can thank daddy he still hasn't downloaded the pictures of the memory card so mommy can take more)
Friday, September 3, 2010
Did You Know?
- I'm 11 months old
- I wear a size 5 diaper
- I wear 24 month or 2t clothes
- my favorite foods at the moment are corn on the cob, pizza, tomatoes, biscuits, Popsicles, mashed potatoes...basically anything I can hold I will eat
- I am an expert crawler now, I can go from room to room and if that room has a trash can I WILL find it...and fast
- my hair is getting thicker and longer and mommy is talking about having it cut, that should be interesting
- mommy and daddy bought me a pair of shoes but they are tight and I don't like them
- I weigh roughly 26 pounds and I'm tall for my age (I thought about asking mommy how tall I was so I could include it but she didn't understand me)
- I love my green car in fact I fell asleep in it twice today
- I love to go out to eat, it's my favorite thing (and it's mommy's too)
- in 28 days I'll be 1 year old. (mommy is already started crying)
- I'm having a huge party for my birthday!
- we've been staying with Granny and Harold for over a week now because our air is still out
Just thought I would fill you in on what's going on in my life right now. That pretty much sums it up. I love to crawl and pull up on anything I can and I sure keep mommy busy these days. And I'm having a hard time finding time to blog because when you can crawl...who wants to sit still?
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